The woman brought back from Feng Dehai is actually a little daughter who is the master. He also wants to make Kaisi to do a host?

Do you have princes? !

"Why, don't you believe?"

Luo Tianzheng et al, let Feng Dehai are very satisfied, this feels surprised? More amazing is still behind!

"Of course, I don't believe that people who have come back is a saint." Luo Tian smiled.

Other elders are also attached to.

"Since I dare to say, I naturally have evidence."

During the speech, Feng Dehai took out a long-lived lock from his arms and smiled: "Do you see what this is?"

Luo Tian is watching: "Changsheng lock, what else can you."

"Wait ..." This should not be ... "Liang Yin's face is slightly changed, get up to Feng Dehai, picking up the long life lock, after half, she deeply sucks the mouth:" This is really a host Atmosphere, this is really a longevity lock to the sanctuary! "

At this time, Luo Tianzheng, Wan Zi Road and others are surprised, and they will look forward to the front view.

After half, they got out of a breath and silence.

It is said that when the main owner sent the sacred girl, he wore a long life lock to the Holy Daughter, and there was a sense of breath.

Changsheng lock can be forged, but the power of the host is unable to fake! It seems that the woman who is back from Feng Dehai is really a saint!

"Hey, even if she is really a saint? There has not been transmitted to the sacred girl before the death of the master."

Luo Tian is walking back to the original position, and this is cold.

"Yes, the host sent the sacred girl at the time. It is intended to let the sacred girls are far from the disputes of the ancient military borders. Do you want to let the sacred women's responsibility?

Liang Yuxin is also attached to and opening, how many tongues are taunt.

Will Feng Dehai's brain is water, thinking that it will give the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred

no kidding!

If the owner is still, Feng Dehai will still use it, but the master is soared, and what they care about nothing, the fist is hard!

"That is also better than fighting, you have to work hard, do you agree with the elder's opinion, we have passed the definition between the mains?"

The old god of Feng Dehai is here.

Rely, obviously the old force is the highest, Liang Yuxin is fighting with Luo Tian with Wanzi Road?

As long as they don't dare, then this matter has room for discussing!

Sure enough, Feng Dehai said that Liang Yuxin has a little change in the face of Wan Zhi.

"It's better, I am in seven, let's raise a visit directly, how?"

Feng Dehai glanced at everyone and said with a smile.

Liang Yuxin's color change number, and finally showed a smile: "This idea is good."

Ren Xiao Lei is not long with Feng Dehai. After she can become a gender, she can use the means to be a small ray to go to her side.

Instead, let Luo Tian have become a master, and it will not be very good.

Wan Zidao thought of Liang Yuxin, I went to the moment: "I also think this idea is good."

Opposite, Li Feng mouth slightly smoked.

Just now, he used his heart to Liang Yuxin and Wanzi Road. He read his heart. This gives Li Feng a feeling, these two people are too special.

They can think of this, Will Feng Dehai can't think of? Will he close the two chances?

If he is Feng Dehai, he will definitely control the Little Ladu in his own hands, and even directly to the buddy as a couple. At that time, Feng Dehai is the actual sense of the actual sense!

Li Feng felt that Liang Yuxin, Wan Zidao is simple, it is really not a.

Because the place where they live is so big, the experience is less, except for the nine people, can I calculate who?

It is still not connected to the Internet here, it is absolutely too long than the world, and it is afraid that you have to degrade.

Perhaps their own force is very powerful, and there is a lot of tricks.

Opposite, Luo Tian is looking at Liang Yu Xin, Wanzi Road: "Hey, don't think I don't know what you want, it is good, it is a confidant, and there is also a self-conflict between our teachers. "

Even if he disagree, he doesn't agree, it is better to boater, and then find a way to control the buds in his own hands.

Feng Dehai's hippie: "Well, if so, then we will raise your visit."

The voice is falling, including Li Feng, Luo Tian is in, everyone raises the right hand.

"Since everyone agrees to be served by the saints, then from now on, the saint is our chief. I hope that you will be able to listen to the commander's order, otherwise ... will become the god enemy."

Feng Dehai glanced at all people and slowly said.

"Hey." Luotian is a clear voice without talking.

If the command of the bud makes him satisfied with him, he will naturally listen, but if he is not satisfied ... What is the primary?

Feng Dehai is not in the intention of the Roose Tiantian. He is now just a name. The actual owners will be slowly mastered. This is not anxious, and it is no longer.

"Okay, I have finished this news, I will announce the second good news. On the way back, she has agreed to join me as a couple, and the teacher brothers come congratulations, hahaha."

Feng Dehai said that she couldn't help but laugh, the spring breeze was very satisfactory.

Luo Tianzheng is waiting for the face!

Li Feng is almost bounced from the chair!

Lying in the trough, the buds actually have to be a couple with Feng Dehai, is it forced?

"Feng Dehai, is you forced to force the host ?!" Luo Tian is standing up and got angry.

"No, we are your love." Feng Dehai smiled slightly, then smiled: "If you don't believe, I can ask the primary, let her say it with you."

The voice is falling, Feng Dehai shot: "There is a consent!"

The voice falls, wearing a white dress, a bud, walking into the main hall at the royal moon.

"The next Feng Dehai, I have seen the primary!"

Feng Dehai first got up, and Xun Xiang Lei's knee.

Others hesitate, learn Feng Dehai, also touched Xiao Lei single knee.

Only Luo Tianzheng is still standing upright, and his face is gloomy, like water.

Ren Xiaole looked at the sky, cold channel: "Who are you, why don't you kneel?"

Luo Tian's face color is sinking: "I am a big old Luo Tianzheng!"

While talking, the breath on his body is faint.

"I am a host! I have to kneel, do you understand this reason ?!" Ren Xiao Lei said in the past, pretty faces.

"You ..." Luo Tianzhi rose red, anger.

"What are you, why, don't you admit that I am a zone?" Ren Xiao Lei Xiu Yisheng took a pick, and the cold voice said.

Luo Tian is lying on anger: "I ..."

"I am me, I am a master, this is what you just agree. How long does it take for a long time?"

Ren Xiao Lei once again stepped forward, and the cold voice said.

Li Feng's mouth smoked, secretly said: "I am going, do you want to be so fierce? But look like it is like being thrown by Feng Dehai, is there any secret?"

At the same time, Liang Yuxin, Wanzi Road and others turned to Luo Tianzheng, sang: "The old age, no gift to the host!"

Luo Tian's front color change number, and finally bite a single knee: "It belongs to Luo Tianzheng, seeing a host!"

"Well, get up."

Ren Xiao Lei lifted his right hand, then walked to the high platform.

When I was about to go on the high platform, Luo Tianzheng suddenly asked: "There is an unknown thing under the matter, please ask the master to answer!"

Ren Xiao Lei stopped and turned and said: "What?"

Luo Tianzheng said: "Dare to ask if the owner has been stressed by Feng Dehai, he promised to hear him as a couple. Please don't be afraid. If Feng Dehai has a rudeness of the host, I will be with the second elders. The main chaos is anyway! "


Liang Yuxin, Wan Zi Road and others looked at Ren Xiaole.

At the same time, Li Feng used to read the heart to Ren Xiaole.

Under the eyes of everyone, Ren Xiaozheng said: "Of course, I don't have the love of Feng Chang, I am voluntary and he is a doctor."

The audience is quiet!

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