Luo Tianzheng and others are very pressing.

No ... Feng Dehai where is it, how can Yizheng love him at first sight? A flower is inserted on cow dung. This is!

Look at Ren Xiao Lei, this long phase, this temperament, which is not a million to pick one? It is said that she is the best beauty.

Look at Feng Dehai, five short body, sharp monkey, and a good person.

The two are poor from the appearance of more than 100,000 miles, and the little love is love for Feng Dehai. Outter is magical!

Li Feng's eyes flashed, secretly said: "Sure enough, it was thrown by Feng Dehai ..."

Under the reading, Li Feng knows that Ren Xiao Lei is thinking about it. "Rely, if the old lady is controlled by Feng Dehai, it will say that he is loved at first sight?

"System, can you check what kind of poisonous drugs in the bud?"

Li Feng directly asks for the system.

At present, he only lifted the poisonous toxao on Xiao Lei. medicine.

Just like this will take a snake, causing other elders to pay attention, and even chasing other elders.

Devil's old nest will be a big place. Once the half-level strong, once the war is war, all members who will get it will know.

"It is analyzing ... The analysis is over ... The goddess is a highly poisonous drug known as a quantity of flowers, and there is a neurotoxin in the body."

"This kind of highly toxic toxicity is strong. Once the episode is only three seconds, it can be poisoned into the holy strong force, and it is necessary to take a lot of flowers to resist this highly toxic."

"If you want to completely relieve the toxin, you need to grow the root of the quantity of flowers into powder, apply it on the philaship of the poisoned person."

The system has a way answered.

Li Feng: "???"

What is it? Involved flowers of poisonous quantity flowers can temporarily resist, want to thoroughly detoxify need to use the root of the flowery?

I rely on, this gives him a feeling of a male affection, poison is growing together, curious ...

"System, there is no quantity of rhizome in the system mall?" Li Feng asked.

"Some, this object belongs to Tianchenbao, sells price of 100,000 system points, is it going to buy it right?"

Li Feng did not hesitate to: "Buy!"


In front of the white light, there is a natural rhizome in the system backpack.

With this unusual flowers, Li Feng can help Ren Xiaole to cancel the toxin, but I think that I have to scrap the roots, I have a little desired, and Li Feng is a bit of a tear.

This special ... is too particular to detoxify?

At this moment, Luo Tian said: "Feng Dehai, what did you do to the host, is it to give her poison?"

Li Fengbei picks up, secretly whispered: "It seems that Luo Tian is still not stupid, but he guessed, interesting."

Feng Dehai smiled slightly, the old god said: "The old age, the meal can not be chaotic, the master has just said, I have never stressed her, we have decided to be a couple at first sight."

"Yeah, you will be old, you don't want to be good."

"There is no evidence, don't tell, it will destroy the feelings between our brothers."

Huang Wei was lighted with Wang Yuan.

"Hey!" Luo Tianzhi glanced at them, and then cold tang: "No matter what you say, I will never believe it, Feng Dehai, I will find what you have done to Zong Lord, you give I am waiting!"

Feng Dehai shrugged, and he said: "I am not afraid of shadow, just how you check it."

The quantity flower is that the Master is left to him. The whole of the demon has only this plant, and Feng Dehai once tried to plant, but he ended in failure.

As the master is over 50 years ago, I know that the people who have a quantity of flowers are gone. How is Lu Tianzheng?

Luo Tian is looking for a cold, and the smile is nod, then go back to his seat to sit down, no longer look at Feng Dehai.

Liang Yuxin said with a flash, and said complex tone: "Since the old four and the main owner is two love, then I am here to congratulate two."

"Thank you for the elders." Feng Dehai arch is a hands and is very prosperous.

Liang Yuxin flashed in the eyes, then he looked at Ren Xiaole: "Zone, I cherish some kind of beauty of the treasure, if it is an interested, I can go to me."

Ren Xiao Lei Xiu Yi picks up, then nodded and laughed: "Okay, the second is older."

Feng Dehai's brow micro-wrinkle: "Two elders, I will arrive with the primary marriage, this time still don't let the host out?"

Liang Yuxin has twisted his head and said: "The old four, the main owner first is the gender of Shen Zong, and then it is your mind. You are just four elders, what qualifications do you have any action?"

"The second is true, the old four, you have some striking." Luo Tianzheng is also here.

"If you want to interfere with the maintenance of the same time, we will not promise." Wan Zidao knocked at the table and said gloomy.

Feng Dehai is slightly changed, and the cold snort has not spoken.

Now he is not stable, temporarily unsuitable with Luo Tianzheng and others. After waiting for the Liang Yuxin or Wan Zi Road, it is not too late.

"Yeah, I'm old, I also think you should not do too much to interfere." Li Feng smiled slightly, and then said to Xiaoyei's hand: "Zone, I went to the world to gain a beauty beauty, name is Tong Yan water."

"After this item, you can make your skin for twenty years old. If you are interested, you are willing to give it to the host."

When you come out, you can't help your face. "You got from the Tong Yan water."

"This is ... Hey, I have encountered a young Junyan named Li Feng outside, and I have given him hands with him. After he has given me a bottle of Tong Yan." Li Feng said nothing.

Feng Dehai is sinking: "Old seven, you can't say this before."

"Hey, I just don't want you to know that I have Tong Yanshui." Li Feng's old face is red, laughing.

"No one has a secret, the old four, you have not been too wide." Wan Zi said coldly, then gave Li Fengdu to a thumbs up.

He is temporarily attracted to the things of Xiaole, since then, since there is such a treasure, it is equivalent to him, the relationship between the old seven is close to the bud, it is equivalent to him with the relationship with him.


Ren Xiao Lei's color change number, and asked: "Who are you?"

"Back to the Lord, the bottom is the Shenzong seven years old ... Wei Bin!" Li Feng Xue Xian said.

"Wei Bin ?!" Ren Xiao Lei's face!

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