Save the Goddess System

Chapter 778 Crazy

If Li Feng did not remember the wrong, Li Feng once said that he has killed Wei Bin. Now Wei Bin is sitting here, is Li Feng lying another reason?

That bottle of childhood is really Li Feng to give Wei Bin in order to save life, or said ... Wei Bin is intentional to say that he has Tong Yan, with this to cause her attention?

Will Wei Bin will be Li Feng's vacation? !

In an instant, he raised many doubts in the small buds, and then she asked: "Where is Tong Yanshui?"

"In my accommodation, if the one can go to take me." Li Feng smiled slightly, then turned to see Feng Dehai: "Let the Lord go to me, I will not eat vinegar?"

Everyone can't help but face each other!

Rely, what is the meaning of the old seven, and take a small bud back to the old four to wear a hat alone?

This is a good thing, they have to support it!

After a short observance, Luo Tianzheng is working in his heart.

Feng Dehai first stunned, then anger: "Old seven, what do you mean, what do you want to take Xia Lei to you, don't you have a storage ring, Tong Yanshuo is so valuable items, you will not put it in the storage Ring? "

Li Feng shrugged: "Not ingenious, I took it out when I came back and took it for a while, forgot to receive the storage ring. I said ... I am old, are you afraid that I do to the Zong Lord? What is it? ...... Are you worried that the master will love me at first sight? "

Feng Dehai took a table, anger: "Old seven, do you want to find it ?!"

Luo Tian is playing smile: "Old four, why are you so excited, the old seven he just wants to give a gift, and there is nothing else."

"Yeah, the old four, even if the main owner goes to his residence, you can go with the main situation at first sight, isn't you confidence in yourself?" Wanzi said too.

"The old four, the distance can produce beauty, you don't want to be entangled in the main owner, that is, it will make the master to have aesthetic fatigue to you." Liang Yuxin said with a person.

"I ..." Feng Dehai was very happy, but it could not find the excuse of the rebutt.

At this time, Ren Xiao Lei said: "Feng Chang is old, I haven't said yet, do you so excited first."

Feng Dehai looked at Renzi and did not work.

"Four elders, in fact, two people together, one is to pay attention to each other, two is to play some kind things." Li Feng played.

"Oh?" "Ren Xiao Lei Xiu Yi picks up," I am very interested in: "For example?"

Other elders are also looking to Li Feng. They really don't know what is Wei Bin. He has just arrogant, with Liu Wei, what kind of temper is played with Ma Bai, is just just.

So they are very curious about Wei Bin to make any magical theory.

Li Feng smiled, and drunk with a cup of tea. He said: "I have seen a couple in the world. They gave a dice point with others, who wins who will drink cups with the woman."

"Oh? Is there such a interesting thing?" The fun of the taste on the face of Xia Zei is getting rich.

If she is only two or three points, Wei Bin is Li Feng, which is a seven-point grasp at this moment.

It is very simple. If Wei Bin is also present, Li Feng should not find him, contact Li Feng, say he killed Wei Bin's things, then Wei Bin is very probably Li Feng.

"Yeah, it is such a interesting thing." Li Feng put down the tea cup, deeply looked at Ren Xiao Lei: "I also heard that two of them went to the hotel after two, and I would like to come according to regular routines, or one of them. People will sleep on the sofa. "

Ren Xiao Lei's pupil is shrinking, the grasp of the heart has risen to 100%.

Rely, unless Wei Bin is also in the room, how can he know that Li Feng sleeps on a sofa? Nima, this Wei Bin is really Li Feng, and it is!

The little guy is very able to do ~

At this moment, Ren Xiaole has been in the middle of the air, and it feels practical!

Feng Dehai et al .: "???"

Who is grateful? Go to the hotel to send a dog egg! Wei Bin talking to how to say such a preface, don't come back!

"Wei Bin, are you on the main landlord?" Feng Dehai took a table, and the anger asked.

Li Feng quickly waved: "Four elders, you must not be , , do you live here, what do I have in the main landlord? I will give me an apprentice."

"No, I didn't listen." Wanzi said the first.

"I haven't, you have you?" Luo Tian is looking to Huang Wei with Wang Yuanliang.

Huang Wei, I wanted to shook his head with Wang Yuan, and I found that Feng Dehai was squatting with himself. It could not be tight with it.

"Old four, you are less than here, the old seven is clearly helping you run love." Liang Yuxin smiled.

Li Feng: "???"

Relying on, the second elders know how to operate love, it, she also likes to watch Chicken Tang Wen?

"I don't." Ren Xiaole shook his head, and said: "I really didn't expect the seven long and old to know so many things, the legendary woman's friend, hey, if there is nothing, let's go now You? I can't wait to get Tong Yan water. "

"It's okay, it's okay, the primary, please." Luo Tianzheng quickly said.

"Old seven, don't hurry to take the defense to Tong Tong Yan?" Wan Zi Road gave Li Feng made a look, whispered.

"Good!" Li Feng smiled and got up and got a gesture for the bud.

Ren Xiao Lei smiled and got up from the high platform.

"I'll go as well!"

Just when two people went to the Chamber of Commendation, Feng Dehai stood up.

At this time, Wan Si has got up with Luotian to stop him: "Hey, old four, do you do it, I still have to talk to you!"

"Yeah, now there are new, there are many details that we need to discuss."

Just when they spoke, Li Feng followed that Klei had taken out the charter.

"If I need me to evaluate you, what do you want to be?" On the road, Ren Xiaole didn't say anything.

Li Fengbei picks up, and the face is weird: "You are really fierce!"

"Okay, it is really you ..." Ren Xiao Lei's face, just raise his hand to take the shoulder of Li Feng.

Li Feng is busy with your eyes: "Cough, Zong Lord, my residence is behind."

This is reacted, and the heart is surprised to follow Li Feng's residence after Li Peak.

"Seven old, you ... this is?"

Ma Bai, who left behind, saw Li Feng back, just asked to meet, and found that the buds behind him were in the scene.

"This is the primary of our gods, and I still have to have seen the main owner?"

Li Feng said proudly.

"Ah?" Ma Baolu is a bit.

No ... Do you have a long time to fight for the defenders? How do you suddenly select the primary, or a strange woman?

But no matter what, the seven elders are so saying, she has to take this disciple, and she will take the little lace. "Shen Zong disciple Ma Baolu, met the main owner."

"Well." Ren Xiao Lei nodded faintly.

"You are waiting, I took a sense of one, and I didn't allow anyone to come in. Have you understood it?"

After that Li Peak took Ren Xiao Li into the East Chamber.

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