Save the Goddess System

Chapter 779 detoxification

After entering the East Cruise, Li Feng will close the door and a soundproof barrier in the surroundings.

After you finish these, Li Feng is going back to talk to the little bud, you can just look back at the moment, a windy face.

"The son-in-law, I am going to be scared. Fortunately, you are coming, you are really my savior, wood, wood."

Li Feng: "..."

Not ... excited, your wood, what do you know, don't you deliberately account for your baby?

After waiting for the small lace, I still reluctantly let go of Li Feng, curiously ask: "How can you come here, know if I was taken away by Feng Dehai?"

"Hey ..." Li Feng touched his nose and said: "Almost."

"What does it mean?" Ren Xiaozheng frightened the nose of the nose, spoiled to say: "You say that you are here to save me, you say it."

Li Feng: "... I am here to save you."

"There is a little feeling, don't be so unwilling." Ren Xiaozui is like a director who directed the actors, even said with a stroke.

"I am here to save you." Li Feng deeply breathed mouth and squeezed out a smile.

"This is right." Ren Xiao Lei photo took Li Feng's shoulder: "I know that the son-in-law will not leave, the son-in-law is best for me, wood ..."

Li Feng took a step back and escaped the attack of Suizu.

"Well?" Ren Xiao Lei is hysterested, and half a semi-desperate is dissatisfied: "Do you give up me?"

Rely, the old lady is also a big beauty, although it is a mother, it can be maintained very well, who does not say that I am a 18-year-old girl? Didn't see Feng Dehai, Qiu Wei's stream uses you to eat my eyes?

She took the initiative to have a little bit, Li Feng actually escaped? That kind, angry, not good!


Li Feng's mouth smokes, bitter smile: "Auntie, we are in Jiuhe Lao Nest, act or low-key."

Ren Xiaoyu said: "Rely, low-key fart, the old lady is poisoned by Feng Dehai, can not live to tomorrow."

On the way, Feng Dehai forced her ate that there was no flowering, and told her to the poisoning of the natural flowers.

Under the threat of a poisonous poison, Ren Xiao Lei promised to come here to cooperate with Feng Dehai, which is in the future. It will be so unfinished in the future.

Of course ... she didn't care much before.

"Auntie is so pessimism, isn't there anything." Li Feng smiled and said in the grip.

Ren Xiao Lei Xiu Yi pick: "Do you know what poison I am?"

"If I guess what rewards." Li Feng said that he regretted him.

Ren Xiao Lei is not Wei Yingqing, Su Wei, and the play can not play her, because the consequences will be very serious ...

Sure enough, Little Bo is a class, then the eyebrows asked, "What rewards do you want?"

After finishing, Ren Xiao Lei still sweetly sweet.

Li Feng: "..."

Rely, let you have a lot, can't get out?

"Cough, I just made a joke with aunt." Li Feng has been busy with this topic and said directly: "If I have not mistaken, the aunt should be a poison of the quince of flowers."

Ren Xiao Li was originally wanted to follow Li Feng's skin, heard it on the spot when he heard it: "You still see it? How do you see?"

"I understand medical skills." Li Feng shrugged.

"I didn't expect you to have a lot of time." Ren Xiao Lei watched Li Feng for a while, then sighed: "Since you see what is poisonous, you should know how difficult this poison."

"Auntie doesn't want to be tired, I am still talking to the department, you hurry, don't take me."

"Why don't you ask me if I have a way to solve the poison you in the middle?" Li Feng said helplessly.

"Well?" Ren Xiao Lei Xiuyi pick: "Can you solve it?"

"Of course." Li Feng shrugged, pulled out the root of the natural flowers from the arms: "I only need to make this mash, apply it to your singular biography, and the poison of the flowers will be solved."

Ren Xiaole: "???"

"Time is urgent, I can't explain too much. If the aunt has received me, I will smash it now, and the aunt yourself is applied to the odd biography."

Due to Li Feng, Li Feng has to be crushed with the rhizome of the quantity of flowers.

Ren Xiaozheng two hands, a dissatisfaction: "I said ... Do you think that I have an eye behind it, this difficult thing is sure you will help."

Li Feng is stiff, look up: "Is this like this?"

Ok ... He is really presented and not known.

How to do it, is it directly to say "I will help you apply" That's more awkward!

"Event?" Ren Xiao Lei's ridicule looked at Li Feng: "Do you know, right?"

"Hey ..." Li Feng touched his nose and some didn't know how to answer.

"Hey, the charm is like this, always make people think of various ways to come close to me."

Ren Xiao Lei helplessly sighed, and then said: "What are you waiting for, hurry!"

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... Auntie, do you want to change so fast? !

On the occasion of Li Feng, Ren Xiaole has begun to act.

Li Feng sighed and crushed the roots of the unmeasuring flowers in the infuriating, and then wiped the broken end in the singular biography of Ren Bud.

The process does not have to repeat it.

Strange is that when the powder of the floral root is applied to the bud, it is like salt to meet the water, and instantly melts absorbed, and the smelting traces are not seen.

After the application, Li Feng turned around: "Well, you will feel it."

"It seems to be really easy." Ren Xiao Lei feels a little bit, and I have a difference.

After the clothes were quaque, Ren Xiao Zai felt that the whole people were wood, the reaction was more dull than usual.

But now King Ju only feels that you are refreshed!

"It's easy." Li Feng was tone: "Auntie put the clothes first, I went outside to see the situation, oh, this is Tong Yan, when I walk, I remember to take it, so as not to wear."

Room Li Feng put a bottle of children's pain on the ground, then left here.

Just then, a burst from the outside: "Wei Bin, you gave me!"

Then I listened to Ma Baolu and hurriedly said: "The four elders, the seven elders have a hand, no one is allowed to go in."

"Give me away!"

Feng Dehai roared, then it was a sudden sound of "".

Li Feng's face is slightly changed, looking back at Xiaole, finding that she is still wearing clothes, I have to go out to stop Feng Dehai first.

At this time, Feng Dehai is in the door, after him, Luo Tianzheng is waiting for the taste, a look of a look.

"Zong Lord, how have you been so long ..." Feng Deyi said yet, he saw that Xiaolei, who is wearing clothes, and suddenly people will be on the spot.

Later, Luo Tianzheng and others are also forced!

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