Save the Goddess System

Chapter 780, one touch

Lying lying in the trough!

When they entered the door, they saw Changwei ... No, I saw that Xiaole is in dressing, then what did she do with Wei Bin together?

Although Xiaobei is just wearing a coat, this picture is too delusted!

Now look at Feng Dehai, I always feel a piece of green oil oil in his head, it is like a green gap, it is a gray wolf to rush.

At this time, Ren Xiaole has put it on the coat, sitting in the bed.

Nima ... This is big, what should she do, show up with Feng Dehai? Does Li Feng live against the violent Feng Dehai?

The key is not just Feng Dehai. Once Li Feng reveals the horse foot, it is the six elders siege. Li Feng even fierce is not the six elders opponents.

"Hey ... things are not what you think."

Li Feng wants to cry without tears, rely on, Luo Tian is leaving Feng Dehai, how can I come over? "

Although he is clear and white, you can't get it in Feng Dehai, just see the picture of Little Lei's clothes, this special jump into the Yellow River and can't wash!

Waiting for Feng Dehai will have to rush away?

"Wei Bin! I You eight times ancestors!"

If Feng Dehai is angry, he will play with Li Feng.

Wan Zidao and others came back, and they quickly pulled Feng Dehai. Qi Qi said: "It is not necessarily true, let's listen to the old seven, why."

"Old four, don't be so impulsive, maybe there is any hidden love you do this?"

The two of them still listened, but some people watched the lively.

I saw that Luo Tian was ridiculed and said: "Cough, the old four, I said that I am not reliable at first sight? It seems that the primary is in love with the old seven."

"But you don't have it too sad, where there is no grass in the world, and we have a lot of good women inside the Shenzong. You can choose in it casually, we will not have different opinions."

"Luo Tianzheng!" Feng Dehai wanted to crack, hate can't hit Luotian.

Luo Tianzheng browned slightly wrinkled, cold: "I am bigger than you, my full name is you can shout, Feng Dehai."

"Luo Tianzheng, do you think I am afraid of you?" Feng Dehai did not fear with Luo Tianzhi.

Qiu Wei is not there, Luo Tian is a lone, and after him, there is Huang Wei, Wang Yuanliang is a long and old, as long as Liang Yuxin is not inserted with Wanzi, he does not fear Luo Tianzheng.

Is Liang Yuxin who spends Hiroshi? It is very obvious that Luo Tianzheng is their largest competitor. These two people don't have to fight with Luo Tianzheng!

Luo Tian's front color change number, finally sprinkled with a smile: "The old four, don't be so hot, everyone is a brother, what can I say?"

"Hey, old seven, what did you do with the main owner, how to be the main ... cough, clothes don't worn?"

At this time, he still don't touch the face of Feng Dehai, which is from Liang Yu Xin, Wanzi Road, the two old blossoms.

Luo Tianzheng's topic has played the effect, and Feng Dehai's attention is concentrated on Li Feng.

"Didn't do anything, it is the primary, I said that she is tired, just I understand massage massage, then give the Zong Master."

"Hey, why do you use this kind of eye to see me, I really just give the Zong Lord a second, don't believe you ask the Lord."

Li Feng said that there is a face of innocent.

"Yeah, it is to massine ..." Ren Xiao Lei said that there was no idea.

Feng Dehai et al .: "..."

Why is the god? Let you have a dog egg!

Is it like this, it seems that it is stupid? !

When they went to the world, they didn't experience some of the third industries of the world, sauna footedama killed chicken, spa hot spring ISO, can I not know the flow of massage?

Just then, Luotian suddenly smoked his nose and laughed: "There is no strange taste in this room."

When you come out, everyone's face is weird.

The sense of smell of the half-level strong is very keen. Even if some difficult odors can't escape their capture, just like Luo Tian, ​​this room is fresh, there is no strange taste.

This way, Wei Bin has done something between Defei ...

"Hey, no matter what, the main owner has privately defined for life, Wei Bin he ordered my consent, there is something inappropriate with the primary, and it is challenged me."

"If I don't have a good repair today, what is Feng Dehai in Shenzong in the future?"

The voice is falling, and the breath of Feng Dehai broke out completely.


A giant shadow appeared after Feng De nam, and directly broke the roof of the Dongxiang House!

The violent breath flies four times and fly the wall directly.

In just a few seconds, Wei Bin's residence became a ruin!

"Old four, what are you going crazy, hurry to accept the breath!"

Wan Zigao speared wuh.

Rely, Wei Bin is his person, Feng Dehai finds Wei Bin troubles if it does not give him a face, can this be to bear?

"Wan Zidao, you'd better manage my things, so as not to fire!"

After that, Feng Dehai gave Huang Wei, Wang Yuan lit made a eye.

Huang Weizhong, Wang Yuan, nodded, and all the left and right greet the road: "Three elders, this is the private matter between the four elders, we still don't intervene."

"If the three elders must do it, don't blame me for the five elders!"

Wanpi's face is hysterested, and looks to Luo Tianzheng, Liang Yuxin, anger: "The old old, the second elders, do you want to stand by?"

If you are single, Huang Weizhong, Wang Yuanliang is not his opponent, but he doesn't have much to win a couple.

"This is ..." Luo Tian is looking up at the sky, and he said in the left and right: "Tonight is good."

"Yeah, the stars are quite very much." Liang Yuxin also looked up at the sky.

Li Feng: "..."

Wan Zidao: "..."

other people:"……"

No ... Which moon from the day is talking to the stars, just don't think so, isn't it?

"Haha, hahaha." Feng Dehai is laughing at the sky, he knows Luo Tianzi, not to intervene! "

In this way, he can kill Wei Bin, Wanzi, and then break Luo Tianzheng, Liang Yuxin, and at that time he is the real principal of Shenzong!

"Wei Bin! Shun the weapon, I want to fight with you!"

Thoughts in Feng Dehai, the two hand hung was taken in his hand.

Li Feng has a faceless, relying on, bright flour, Wei Bin's Jiuqi is in his hand, but once he releases the breath, it will be out of the flaw.

At that time, it was not a problem with Feng Dehai.

At this time, Ren Xiao Lei stood out and said: "Four years old, have you in my eyes?!"

"What is a woman talking to a woman, you give me a side!"

Feng Dehai smiled and waved the double hammer and went to Li Feng.

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