Save the Goddess System

Chapter 781 I am ordered to be from the sky

Ren Xiao Lei's faces changed, and they should stop in front of Li Feng.

Li Feng can't expose, once exposed, she is going to die with Li Feng, and now she can only gamble Feng Dehai does not hurt himself!

Just waiting for her to come to Li Peak, she was pulled by Li Feng and she was detonated.


A loud noise, the two places where the two standing first were smashed in Feng Dehai.

Small dust!

"Auntie, I originally want to save you from here, it seems that I have overestimated yourself."

Li Feng sighed, took a hundred-change mask, and lifted the "body type change" with "God-level juice".

Ren Xiao Lei's heart is tight, holding Li Feng's hand: "Dark ..."

Li Feng shook his head: "Nothing, although it is very difficult, don't I finally give up, it is never given up."

"I am, I can't help but come, I am in the magic old nest, I will not be easily admitted to the old nest, I will never be easily admitted!"

How is the six half-level strong, he is not afraid of Xiao, Zheng, and Lei Sanyu have never afraid, but it is doubled at the moment. Who said he will lose?

Ren Xiarachen did not expect Li Suma to say such a word, it was shocked on the spot for a while.

Opposite, Feng Dehai et al .: "???"

No ... How to change the voice of Wei Bin, it is still the magic old nest, Made, Wei Bin regards himself as a so-called unity, is it?

On the occasion of Feng Dehai and others, the smoke disappeared and exposed Li Feng's true performance.

In an instant, Feng Dehai and others again!

Lying in the trough! Who is this person, where is Wei Bin, what is this special?

Feng Dehai and others thought that they were eye-catching, but they were just smashed!

I don't know how long it took, Feng Dehai bite his teeth: "Who are you? Where is Wei Bin?"

In Huang Wei, who is confronted with Wan Zi Road, Wang Yuanliang also retired a few steps, turned over to Li Feng in the whole gods.

Wan Zidao has ignored other people, and asked in anger: "Wei Bin is you fake? How do you put Wei Bin?"

There is Wei Bin, he still has a few points of gas with Feng Dehai, once Wei Bin accidentally, he will be in full bottom in the competition of the host!

The death, he is still thinking that Wei Bin is helping himself to pick up Xiao Lei. He also gave Wei Bin to hide the cover. He didn't think that this person is not Wei Bin!

Wei Bin was dead. "Li Feng took out the nine stoves, and smiled and smiled:" I killed it, there is no pain when he is dead, you can rest assured. "

"In addition ... My name is Li Feng, Ren Xiaole is my future mother."

It is now that he is nothing to conceal. If you want to leave it, you will not give yourself retreat, only this can force yourself to excite the potential!

Seeing the moment of Jiukou, Wanzao and others will have a shock, and the face does not dare to confuse the color.

Knife, gun, sword, hammad, ax, hammer, hook, fork, whip, nine long-standing hands, a nine lord, the soldiers are in the people!

Now the nine brills have fallen into Li Feng, and the Wei Bin is already hung!

"What, you are Li Feng ?!" Luo Tianzheng and others have changed.

"Wan Zi Road, this is what you have to be guaranteed, do you have anything to say?" Feng Dehai only felt that God was refreshed.

Previously, Wanzao had to fight with him for Wei Bin. As a result, Wei Bin is not Wei Bin, but a person who killed Wei Bin, this is a funny!

Wan Zidao is angry and regards: "Feng Dehai, what is the wind, Wei Bin is our brother, is he dead, do you not feel sad?"

"Frankly ... I am really not sad, the opposite is a little happy, hahahaha." Feng Dehai laughed.

Wei Bin hangs, Qiu Wei betrayed Luo Tianzheng, Bai Xuelian for a long time, Luo Tianzheng, Liang Yuxin, Wan Zido did not help, and he has Huang Wei, Wang Yuanliang helps, who is Shen Zongzong? Who? !

"Hey! Feng Dehai, you are too arrogant!"

Among the roar, the breath of the Wanzao is coming out, and the vainful shadow appeared behind him.

Seeing, Huang Wei, Wang Yuanliang also released the breath, and he would fight with Wan Zi.

"Give me a hand!"

Luo Tian is in front of him, blocking them in the middle of them, saying that the cold voice said: "Foreign enemies are present, you are still here, not shameful?"

"Feng Dehai, I have no matter what I am with the old three, now the most important thing is to kill the enemy!"

"Old three, you don't know, you can happen to be accommodated!"

Rely, Wanzi is stupid, this time should flicker with Li Feng, let them two to live a life and death, then they are so good.

Wan Zidao first stunned, then understood the deep meaning in Luo Tianzheng, said: "Thank you, the old people reminded!"

The voice falls, he will scatter his own breath.

Opposite, Huang Wei, Wang Yuanliang did not take the breath in the first time, but turned to see Feng Dehai.

Feng Dehai's color change number, and finally smiled: "You two are defined here, see how I destroy the enemy!"

He is a strong in the late god. Li Feng's breath is only the early days of the gods. As long as everyone else does not give him a mess, killing Li Feng is a very simple thing.

Waiting for Li Feng, then fight with Wanzi and others!

After getting Feng Dehai's instruction, Huang Wei, Wang Yuanliang also scattered the real gas, but they would still be able to prevent Wanzi, to prevent the Wanpi Road to make trouble.

"Auntie, you will be retired." Li Peak is lighter.

So far, Feng Dehai is the strongest he encountered. He fights with Feng Dehai. He must have to be able to have a master. Ren Xiaoyu will only make him distracted after him.

"Okay, you will be careful." Ren Xiaozheng nodded and then retired to the distance.

For the retreat of Ren Xiaracle, Luo Tianzheng has no reaction, she is a strong force, I want to run, I can't produce any threat to them.

"Kid, have you prepared to die?"

Feng Dehai waved the double hammer and hit together and issued a loud noise of "".

"Your nonsense is too much." Li Feng smiled and took out the Shenwu sword to wear the gods.

Rage, the runaway is directly opened!

"Boom" "Boom"

Li Feng's breath has skyrocketed and directly came to the middle of the god.

"Well?" Feng Dezhen's eyebelief, smiling: "What is the middle of the gods, I have to kill you is still very simple!"

The voice is falling, Feng Dehai waves the nine hammer to squat, the two arms are appearing, and the two tornadoes will be killed from the left and right sides.

These two shapes like the tornado, the power of electricity, the ground is grounded, and the genus is amazing!

"Don't say anything else, the old four thunder dragon rolls are getting more and more gods." Liang Yuxin flashed a sloppy color, and said.

"Yeah, even if you have faced this trick, there is no better crack method except for avoiding it." Luotian said with a dignified face.

Wan Zi Road is cold: "Li Feng is a person who can kill Wei Bin, and the old four wants to defeat Li Feng, afraid that it is not so simple!"

On the occasion of the three-person analysis of the battle, the two Lei Long rolls have come to Li Peak, and Li Feng is like scared, and there is no response to the ground.

Next moment, the two Lei Long rolls and Li Feng touched together, and fried!

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