Save the Goddess System

Chapter 782 takes an enemy three

"Li Feng!"

Be distant, Ren Xiaole shouted!

Opposite, Luo Tianzheng and others have a face!

No ... just called my life, I can't help you, then Feng Dehai, I will hit him? Do you want to be so obvious?

This is a thunder roll, even if they are hard to resist, Li Feng is just a half-god, and it is seriously injured!

Feng Dehai also had a bit, but immediately, he was laughing: "Haha, see you so arrogant, I thought you were too powerful, I have never thought of you is a silver spot!"

On the occasion of Feng Dehai, a figure suddenly rushed out from the dust!

It is Li Feng!


"He is fine ?!"

"Rely, he didn't get hurt? How could this!"

Luo Tianzheng couldn't help but exclaimed. In their sight, Li Feng did not say seriously injured, even the skin's trauma did not, the hairstyle was unrest!

Is this the legendary PK hairstyle unrest?

Feng Dehai is even more surprised to convene, relying on, that is, his signature skill, Raytar, powerful, even the front is a small peak, can also put the peak.

Is this recruit that Li Feng stunned this trick? This is unscientific!

Where did they knew that when the Relong roll is on Li Feng, Li Feng directly opened an enemy aura.

There is a saying, the truth is the truth, and when Li Feng is invincible, it is the truth. He is invincible in this time!

Even if this time is only a short 10 seconds!

Not only that……

"Time hourglass ... open!"

Li Feng is dark, and an invisible wave is spreading around him.

In this way, the invincible time can be changed to 100 seconds!

"Wake a crazy!"

In the face of Li Feng, who is in his own, Feng Dehai roared, raised his double hammer.

It is only the impact of time hourgaps. His speed is ten times higher than usual, and he has not waited for him to smash it. Li Feng has already rushed to him: "Star!"


A white light group was condensed on the Shenwujian sword, and the jewelry rays, the next moment, the sword stabped in the chest of Feng Dehai.

At the same time, Jiu Haham hammed is in Li Feng!


"It is necessary to lose weight!"

"This old four is afraid to cultivate for a while, but Li Feng has two hammers of the old four, afraid that it is necessary to hang it directly."

Luotian is thinking about the ghosts.

"Boom" "Boom"

Two loud noise, Feng Dehai appeared a horrible wound, through this wound, everyone can even see the heart you are jumping!

Confused Li Feng, the two hammers of Feng Dehai did not give him any influence on Li Feng, and the golden armor did not even even have a concave!


Feng Dehai spit out a blood, and suddenly stopped out of his feet, and he drank it in the mouth: "Damn, why can you ignore my attack!"


Answer him is a long sword with a red flame!

- Prama!

Feng Dehai is hammering, but he is affected by the hourly hopping. At this moment, he is seriously injured. Him.

" "

The sound of a leather flesh bloom sounded, and a horrible wound appeared on Feng Dehai.

This wound has always extended down from the left chest, almost in the right waist, the flesh is over, and the blood flow is asked!

"Ah!" Feng Dehai made a miserable call, whispered: "Old five old six, you still see what is lively, help!"

From him to the present, the time has been around for about two seconds, which is this short two seconds. He not only did not defeat Li Feng, but also hurt twice by Li Feng!

He was afraid of Li Feng, and if he played again, he was likely to die in Li Feng.

At this moment, he also can't take care of his face, first joint the old five, and the old six kill Li Feng again!

At the same time, Feng Dehai has opened a nine villain, and the threshold of the peak of the heroic peak is almost touched under the sky.

Huang Wei, Wang Yuanliang did not dare to neglect, and he will go to Feng Dehai before the feet.

Just waiting for them to enter the battlefield, the virtual god behind Li Feng has raised the right foot to step down!

Stepping on the first step!

"Damn! What is this trick?"

Huang Weizhong, Wang Yuanliang's first time to avoid the step on this foot, but they have been firmly locked by this covering day, no matter how hardful feet of the sky, can't escape.

In the frustration, the two also used the nine villains, and the atmosphere directly improved to the late days!

Next moment!


A loud noise, the right foot of the god will be Huang Wei, Wang Yuan is stepped into the ground!

This scene made Luo Tianzi three people were shocked.

One of the early days of half-gods seriously hurts a half-stage strong in just two seconds, and there is still a power to deal with two half-gods, and Li Feng's fighting power is unloached!

"The old age, do we want to help them?" Liang Yuxin can't help but say.

If Li Feng defeated Feng Dehai three, he may defeat them three. At this time they don't have it, I want to do it later.

Just when Liang Yuxin spoke, Li Feng controls the gods again.

Stepping on the second step!

Huang Wei, Wang Yuanliang just took his head, he was stepped into the ground under this foot, and he was tragic.

On the other hand, Li Feng handhered Shenwujian to continue to chase Feng Dehai. At this moment, Feng Dehai has the guts and Li Feng's frontal counter. It is said that the double hammer is not retreating, and the mouth shouts: "Do you want to see death?! "

Luo Tianzheng's eyebrows pick: "The old four, you only want to withdraw from the competition of the primary, we will help you, how?"

According to his original intent, I want to wait for Feng Dehai to divide Li Feng, and he will shoot again, but Li Feng's performance is completely exceeded. At this time he is a bit anxious.

However, he will not help Feng Dehai unconditionally, you must have to let Feng Dehai pay some costs.

"The old age, this time you still talk about this, I really read you." Feng Dehui sent a angry, resentful.

"That is, I wish you good luck." Luo Tianzheng shrugged and did not move.

Just when the two were talking, Li Feng was a sword in Feng Dehai and took out a horrible wound.

This time, almost let Feng Dehai lose its combat power.

On the other hand, the right foot is stepped on again, three times the damage broke out, Huang Wei, Wang Yuanliang is stepping on the five internal organs, there is a bloody, mouth vomiting!

As long as Li Feng is a little more, Feng Dehai is afraid that he must be killed by him!

In the distance, Suizu looked at the blood boiling.

Wow, the son-in-law takes the enemy three, and the power of Feng Dehai is no longer, super fierce!

At this moment, Feng Dehai bite his teeth: "Okay, I quit!"

Under the life and death crisis, the position of the primary is not important. It is important to keep the life!

Luo Tianzhao mouth hook: "Good! Old second, old three, let's kill foreign enemies!"

The voice falls, a breath that belongs to the peak of a half-god is stirring in this world!

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