Save the Goddess System

Chapter 783 Desperate

The instant of this breath, Li Feng's face became dignified.

It is already a half-god peak before using the secret skill. What is the point of the use of secrets?

Just when Li Feng was shocked, Liang Yuxin, Wan Zi Road also released its own breath.

Two half of the world!

The devil is old, a half-god peak, the three half-gods, the remaining five are half-gods.

Such strength is simply awesome!

If the nine elders have been in the end, they will rely on them, once they enter the world, the Huaxia 's ancient martial arts is afraid that it will usher in the top disaster!

Luo Tianzi has released the war after the three people released the breath.

"Hey, three dozen is already enough, now you have to play six, I really feel ashamed for you!"

In the distance, Ren Xiao Lei can't see it, open the mouth.

Luo Tianzi is immediately anti-lip-slick: "Hey, Ren Xiaole, you are a god of saints, not only do not cost the Shenzong, but also collude our old age with the outsider, his heart!"

"Ren Xiao Zi, if the main owner is in the world, he will regret it will be born!"

" ..."

"Everything is gave Xiaoyan!" Li Feng roared, and control the gods to step on them, because the positions of their three stations were close to Huang Wei, Wang Yuanliang, so this feet also enveloped them.

Only Feng Dehai, which is being cut by Li Feng, is not in the range of this feet.

Invincible Aura and Time Hourgows have only 4 seconds, he must defeat Luo Tianzi in 4 seconds, so he is too lazy to fight with Luo Tianzi.

Previously, the god had already stepped out three feet, this time is the fourth step in the sky, that is, four times hurt out!

"What is this trick?"

Luo Tianzi's reaction with the previous Huang Wei, like Wang Yuanliang, they don't want to hard, but they do not open.

In desperation, the three can only sway in the same way as Huang Wei, Wang Yuanliang.


A loud noise, the right foot is scattered.

Although this is the fourth step in step seven steps, it is four times hurt, but the other party is five people. The five people's strength is also on Li Feng, and the five people will be scratched. In reason.

Because it is five people to resist this feet, the five people in Luo Tianzheng did not afford much harm, but they feel that the blood is slightly floating, and this is a little bit of arrogance.

"Haha, it looks amazing, but the result is so unhappy." Liang Yuxin was launched.

Wan Zidao also clears: "By, the old five, the old six, you are too abolished, this kind of trick shot your blood?"

"No wonder you have to mix with the old four, it turned out to be too abolished, for example, anyway, the old four also quit the competition of the primary, in the future, I followed me." Luo Tianzheng came a new chart.

Huang Weizhong is bright with Wang Yuan, but it can't find the reasons for refuting. It can only be in that life.

On the other hand, Feng Dehai is also a big breath.

Nima, if Luo Tianzi is not the opponent of Li Feng, then he should consider the running road, but also Luo Tian is fighting, and then it will go to counterattack ...

How do you come out? !

Just in Luo Tianzi three people laughing, Wang Yuanliang, Feng Dehai secretly calculated the counterattack, the right foot behind Li Feng went out, then lifted down and stepped down!


Stepping, the fifth step, the fifth step can be burst, and the powerful energy is gathered, so that the void of the world has become trembled, it is like being torn.

This horrible mode made Luo Tianzheng and others, and then they did not say that each of them came out of the weapon.


A loud noise, the right foot is scattered again!

Although there is a double attack than the last time, this foot is still there to cause any damage to Luo Tianzheng et al. After all, it is a five-person sharing. It is a double attack on the five people.

If you are single-to-list, Luo Tianzheng's realm is on Li Feng, and the hard anti-Li Feng is still very easy.

Just Luo Tianzheng, although it is easy, but the impact wave generated by the hard to touch the right foot of the god, but the building within one kilometer is all flat, even the hall is destroyed.

In the distance, Ren Xiaole was taken out by this shock wave. After the force weakened, she landed, and then did his mouth spit out a blood.

"The death, the sacred peak strong in front of these monsters is weak, relying on!"

Ren Xiaole wiped the blood of his mouth, unfortunately said.

I miss her for many years, where is it not a big man in the Wei Zhen? In front of Li Feng, Luo Tianzheng, she is unable to stand in the distance!


But depressed is the secondary, now she is more worried that Li Feng is not Luo Tianzheng's opponent.

"Dishwu, you should not let me down!" Ren Xiao Lei prayed for Li Feng.

On the other hand, after the fifth step fifth step, Li Feng couldn't help but hurt the pupil, and the heart was cold.

At this moment, there is only two seconds left at the moment, and the seven steps have been used in five steps. The real gas consumes half, the rest is only enough for him to step out.

If the sixth step is unable to defeat Luo Tianzheng, then he is miserable.

"Relying on, life and death is rich and rich in the sky, step six step six steps!"

Li Feng roared, control the right foot of the god, stepped out again!


In an instant, this side of the world has a signs of void being torn, and several black cracks are flashing, and the sound of "" is issued.

Such a power makes the face of Luo Tianzheng and others.

The legend, only the god-level strong can break the empty, although Li Feng did not break the empty, but there was so much signs.

The real realm of the key Li Feng has only the initial period. If he arrived in the middle of the middle and even half of the god, what he would be terrible?

In an instant, Luo Tianzheng et al. Knew that Li Feng did not have to kill Li Feng, so they did not have worries!


"Break me!"

Luo Tianzheng and others waved the big feat of the nine and the arms.

The number of violent air is like a meteor that is broken through the atmosphere, and the wind is hit on the right foot of the god.

Next, the deafening explosion sounded, the surrounding broken wall was shocked!

Below, Luo Tianzhi is immersed, and the face has a pale.

Liang Yuxin, Wan Zhi Road will stand back to stabilize, and the face is slightly flushing.

As for the Huang Wei, I will spit out a blood in this feet, and the face is very happy!

After all, it is the sixth step six step six steps. Even if they are two people together, the violent impact is also caused by the injury to them.

Confused Li Feng, after this foot, the invincible aura with time hourglass is effective, the power of the anti-earthquake force will go out to hundreds of meters long!

After landing, Li Fengzhao spit out a blood!

Ren Xiao Lei's face!

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