Save the Goddess System

Chapter 788 Upgrade

"Ah, what happened, don't scare me."

Ren Xiao Lei came to support Li Feng, and asked in a face.

"Nothing, I have been injured, and then the real gas is exhausted, it is a bit virtual, there is nothing else."

Li Feng spit out a touch and smiled.

Fortunately, he strongly supported it. If he suddenly fainted, then he was big ...

Ren Xiao Lei touched, raising a small hand, taking Li Feng should shoulder, squatting: "Call, scare me, I thought you ... you ..."

"What?" Li Fengbei picks up, and smiles.

"Nothing." Ren Xiao Lei faced a red, whispered.

Just now Li Feng's pale look is really like it is going to die, but she can't say it, saying that it is spent Li Feng dead ...

"I thought I couldn't it be?" Li Feng said well.

Lei Xiao Lei, who was said to be central, first played, and then played: "The man can't say that I can't do it."

Li Feng: "..."

At the same time, it also turned him once. It was really slippery!

"Cough, this is ... can't do it, it's not orally."

After the people are very refreshed, after the difficulties are not dead, Li Feng also has the mood to talk to the small ferry.

"Well?" Ren Xiao Lei Xiuyi pick: "So, you are ready ... Well?"

Li Feng faces slightly, smiled: "Tonight is a good round ~"


Ren Xiaozheng raised his chestnut and dissatisfaction: "When the key moments transfer the topic, I am so terrible?"

Li Feng's mouth smoked, did not dare to continue this topic.

"Bold," Ren Xiao Lei, whitooed him, then sighed: "Forget it, you will restore the real gas, I will help you protect the law."

"Okay, thank you, Auntie." Li Feng smiled and then took out a spline from the system backpack and started to restore the air.

This is the first time Li Feng used the spar to restore the real gas. The effect is not too good. Only absorbed the energy in the spark, and Li Feng consumes an empty arrogance to supplement a small half.

After absorbing the energy of the two sparse, Li Feng's true gas returned to the peak state.

"If you can also use a stones to restore the true gas in the battle."

Li Feng played three only empty spices, and he thought about it.

"Hey ... It seems that the stone can be absorbed in the battle?" Ren Xiaracle said that he said: "I don't know, because I haven't used it, but next time you can try it."

Li Feng's mouth smoked, some speechless.

Not ... Ren Xiaole, you can talk to your responsibility, you have not done it, you will be dead, will happen!

But he really try it, if you can use the spar to restore the true gas in the battle, the ability of his life will be greatly improved.

"Hey, I have to take a good thing from Luo Tianzheng before leaving the demon."

Li Feng touched the chin dark.

Just when Li Feng took Luo Tianzheng and others, a system prompt sound suddenly sounded: "Hey, congratulate the host, 'The wishes of the goddess, the wish' task is completed, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 10 million experience, 50 million system points, 100 conquer points reward."

"Hey, congratulate the host, 'Save the goddess Xiaoleu (2)' Mission completed, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 10 million experience, 50 million system points, 100 conquer points reward."

"Hey, congratulate the host, level improvement, the current level is the middle stage of the half-level."

"Hey, congratulate the host, just serving the goddess of the bud progress, the current progress is 49% (gradually enters good)

"I rub, all the tasks are all completed, but also upgraded?"

Li Feng's heart is happy, and quickly get into the personal property interface to view it.

Host: Li Feng

Level: Half-level (medium)

Experience: 13.82 million 50 million

System score: 182 million

Conquer point: 1137

Skills: "Shen Wei", "God", "Talking Seven Steps", "Treasure Sword Law", "Void", "Fang", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", " "" Exploration "...

Waiting for the task: no

"I rub ... half-gods have taken 50 million system points in the late stage?"

After watching the personal property, Li Feng can't help but stand.

But the words come back ... I just served as the progress of Xiaipu.

Rely, Xiaoye doesn't want to increase the progress to 100%!

"No, you think."

A voice in the heart and a voice.

Li Feng: "..."

Does he have this idea? No, it's too evil, it's safe!

After giving a thought struggle, Li Feng got up: "I have recovered, let's go to the Tiantian Zhengqi's bamboo bar?"

Ren Xiao Lei's eyes are bright: "This idea is good, Hey, first say good, see more than half, you will be tapped out, you must divide me."

"No problem." Li Feng agreed to it.

If you don't give him a bud, he will not shock Luo Tianzheng et al., There is always a great woman behind the successful man, this sentence is the truth that is struggling.

"Daughter-in-law is so good ~ Wood, Wood ~"

With the cheapness of Li Feng, Ren Xiaole will take Li Feng's arm, and I walked around the Director.

Just when they were about to come to the Chamber of Commend, three movements suddenly came from afar.

When I saw the three people, Li Feng took a while, and the corner of his mouth evoked the arc of playing.

"Do you know them?" Ren Xiao Lei said with a face.

"Well, the hand will be lost." Li Feng smiled.

These three people are not someone else, who has been in the Fia resort with him, Bai Snowlo, Bai Lufeng, Qin Qin.

At this time, Snow Lotus also saw Li Feng, seeing ghosts, screaming: "He is dead, how are you here ?!"

Nima, they escaped from Li Feng to the birth day, all the way is happy, and I am afraid that Li Feng will chase.

It's hard to return to the gods. They just slammed the tone. As a result, he hit Li Feng.

This is a special ... What ghost? !

"I am now the Jiu Huanzong, and you don't hurry over and meet?"

After Li Feng fell back, the taste said.

Who knows how to believe in Bai Xuelian? When they were angry: "Li Feng, don't think that you will win, you can do it, here is Shen Zong, you can uniform you!"

"The old age, the second elders, there is an enemy to attack, you will come out to meet the enemy!"

Li Feng also does not stop, as you call it in that.

Soon, Luo Tianzheng and others rushed out from the Chamber of Director: "Hey, today, the big days of the host, which does not open this to this?"

"Who attacked it, see that I don't kill him!"

Bai Xuelian is now beautiful, one means Li Feng, said: "It is him! His name is Li Feng, it is broken my good things outside, and I also grabbed my nine whip, and the teachers quickly helped me to revenge!"

At this time, Luo Tianzheng saw Li Feng standing back to them, and suddenly looked at the spot.

Then, Luo Tianzheng et al. Yu Li Feng double knee, and said that the rebel is said to be said: "Rely, old nine, you are not integrated, this is our principal, don't hurry to give the main owner What is wrong? "

Bai Xuelian: "???"

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