Save the Goddess System

Chapter 789 Knocking Bamboo Bar

Tens of thousands of horses have sprinkled from the heart of Bai Xuelian.

My Nima, Li Feng actually is Shen Zongzong? This is not scientific!

Wait ..., Li Feng also asked them to order their nine charters. Is it that Li Feng has already got a nine?

Then when they went back to Shen Zong, Li Feng gave a secret on the nine chanting, became Shen Zongzong.

Bai Xuelian is not stupid, soon, I have gone this conclusion in my mind.

"It belongs to Shen Zong Jiu Long, Bai Xuelian, I have seen the primary!"

Bai Xuelian did not hesitate, directly rushing Li Feng, knees, and shouted the Lord.

Bai Lufeng, Qin An also learned, Tong Li Fengjun.

"Ok, since I know that I am a host, I will listen to me later."

Li Feng smiled and took out the nine whip from the backpack to Booklin.

Bai Xuelian can't believe your eyes!

After waiting until the nine whip, she believed all this. For a time, she was Thanksgiving Dade, and even asked.

But immediately, Shi Xuelian thought that her storage ring was still in Li Feng, so she looked at Li Feng again, I hope that Li Feng will also give her a storage ring.

Perhaps it is guessing the idea of ​​Bai Xuelian, Li Feng quits the storage from the arms.

When I saw this storage ring, Bai Xuelian's breathing was a little urgent, but I pulled Li Feng and took out two storage rings from my arms.

Bai Xuelian: "???"

Luo Tianzheng et al.: "???"

No ... I took out three storage rings. Li Feng was robbed Wei Bin, Qiu Wei, and Bai Xuelian.

During this time, Shen Zong went out three elders. As a result, he met Li Feng, and he was robbed by Li Feng ...

Do you certainly a special fate?

"Wei Bin is a good person with Qiu Wei, but it is unfortunately they are not in the world. Otherwise, I will rose them to protect the law."

Li Feng said with a storage ring and sighed.

Luo Tianzheng et al.: "???"

No ... The main owner is awkward because you rob that their storage rings, so they are good people?

This is the famous line "," Is it a good person? "There is a lot of work!

At this moment, only listening to Li Feng continued: "It's good at white long and old, in order to thank white long and old to send storage and me, I announced that the white-long old will increase the old manager to the law, the position is on the rest of the people. "

"I am not in Shenzong, that is, Hua Xiaoki said."

Bai Xuelian first stunned first, then ecstatic: "Thank you Zi Zongjian grace!"

Although there are most families in the storage ring, but they are all outside the country, and they are not in the Shenzong, and there is a lot of Tianwei in the gods.

But the status of this right care method is can't be met, after the right care method, she can rely with the right of the best in the hand!

Luo Tianzheng is also stunned, I am Nima, is this in mind that?

"Zone, this is my storage ring, there are many good things in it, I hope the primary is."

At this moment, Wang Yuanliang first took his storage ring, handed it to Li Feng.

"Oh, Wang Chang, this is your life, how can I be embarrassed?" The mouth said that he was embarrassed, and Li Feng took over.

Wang Yuan is first, then smiling: "Where is the main owner, this is some of the things, as long as it makes the primary, it is happy."

Luo Tianzheng is waiting for a lot of mouth, hate can't be shameless.

More than Li Feng is shameful, Wang Yuanliang is also shameless.

Don't say that it is very honest in your mouth, the most basic trust between people and people?

There is also Wang Yuanliang. In order to seek the upper position, don't face it! Not teeth!

On the one side, Suizu quietly gave Li Feng whispered.

Compare the specific interests, a face value?

"Since Wang Chang lives this, I will experience my heart, I will seal you to the gods, the status is on the white care law, I will not be in the gods, and you will lead you the old and disciples."

Li Feng put the storage ring into the system backpack and said with a cough.

For Li Feng, it doesn't matter if you do not set up a protection method. Whoever comes to protect the law, it doesn't matter. Anyway, no matter how it works, the Devil is his words, it is impossible to make a protection because Wang Yuanliang. trouble.

It's just that Luo Tianzheng can't accept it. By, Wang Yuanliang, Bai Xuelian's status is under them, but now fly to their head, will they look at these two faces? Can't bear it!

"Zong Lord, this is my storage ring, there are many sparsons, Tianmou Dishbao, and the gold, jewelry, antiques, and requests for these years."

"Zong Lord, this is my ..."


After short silence, Luo Tianzheng and others have come up with their own storage rings, and they must be faithful to Li Feng.

"This ... is not very good, the left and right care law has been arranged by me, and I have received your things ... I have no official seal."

Li Feng said in a hard time.

However, the mouth is not very good, his hand is still the first time, it has passed the storage ring and stuffed into the system backpack.

If you don't pick it up, you will be lost, and you will not send it to the door. What is much stupid?


Luo Tianzheng is waiting to cry without tears.

No ... feelings they pay for the storage ring, but is there any benefits? Not so playing with us?

At this time, Li Feng said: "Yes! I have changed the position of the left and right care to the round value."

"Wang Yuanliang, Bai Xuelian, you are two, four, seven, Wan Zidao, Huang Weizhong, you are two, five, eight, Luo Tianzheng, Liang Yuxin, two of you doing the third, six, nine, perfect! "

Luo Tianzheng et al.: "???"

Nima ... feelings we fight for a long time, and have not changed much before.

Relying on, the main owner, you are too embarrassing!

Li Feng didn't know that they spit themselves, they didn't care, and he just wants to be beneficial from Luo Tianzheng.

In the next time, Li Feng visited the Leifeng under the leadership of Luo Tianzheng, and Li Feng said in the process of visiting, this is the place where the same room is Jiu Huan Jiuzong.

There is a lot of weekends, and there is a sputum mine.

50 years ago, the battle is almost destroyed. Finally, he finally opened this place to inform Luo Tianzheng's master. Under his leadership, a group of residual soldiers will return here.

After that, Luo Tianzheng's master of the teacher is dead because of injury, and Luo Tianzheng and others have quickly restored the vitality of the Tianwei Bao here, and developed.

After visiting, Li Feng squid, looks like the Tianwei Di Taohe and the crystal mine, and returned to the world.

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