Save the Goddess System

Chapter 790 This is not a matter of money.

"Lin is less, I have been waiting for a long night in this ghost, even ghosts, I still go back."

"Yes, Lin Shao, what is the door of time and space, what is the foreign high person, I think is the lie of the rocky fool, when it is not really true."

"I have to watch the fighting competition at night, let's not go, I can't get up."

In the south of Gu Feng Mountain, it was around the stone monument, and the three luxury cars were engraved, and a black Mercedes G, a camouflage painted Lexus LX, and a champagne golden Lincoln pilot.

Before the front of the three luxury cars, six dressed stylish young men and women were sitting on the ground, paving a blue tablecloth in front of them, placed on the tablecloth, drinks, drinks, snacks and other things.

There is a barbecue next to the tablecloth, placed with steel signs, charcoal bears.

There are three tents around the vehicle, and there are a bonfire that has been burned around the tent.

"Okay, you are more than the ratio, wait another half an hour, if there is nothing to discover, you will withdraw."

A young man who is flourishing, a young man who is bolding a blizzard, and a young man who is holding a blizzard, and a young man in a blizzard.

He is Lin Shao, Lin Yunpeng in other people.

Lin Yunpeng's father is the rich in Xishan Province, and the home is really mineral, but more than one hundred billions of assets.

A few days ago, he listened to someone to talk about the door of time and space. He also had a high man Tengyun's fog. If he took the fox, he took the boyfriend.

As a result, it took overnight for half a day, but didn't even see someone.

"If you don't have any discovery, it doesn't matter, you will come to this camping."

"Yeah, let's usually have a high-end place, and occasionally come out to close a nature."

Two young men attached to the side.

One of these two people called Zhuhao, a name called Jia Fei, as Lin Yunpeng is the rich children in Xishan Province, but their family assets are better than Lin Yunpeng family, so they are headed by Lin Yunpeng.

Lin Yunpeng sat around the three people, the beauty of the beautiful, dressed fashion, or pure or fascinating, proper school level.

Among these three beautiful women, the beauty of the white dress is most eyeball with the beauty of the white dress.

This woman looks about 20 or so, there can be 85 points in appearance, 90 points, and the temperament is very pure, and people will be imagined.

I saw her meat, when I was familiar, I saw the pepper, cumin and other seasoning, and then picked up a string of hand to Lin Yunpeng. "Yun Peng, give you."

"Well." Lin Yunpeng should have a faint, took the barbecue bites a bit, nodded: "The taste is okay."

Seeing, Zhu Hao, Jia Fei's female companion also samples, each picking up a bunch of barbecue to hand in front of them.

Zhu Hao, Jia Fei smiled and took a meat, one hand, took the girl around him into his arms.

The food is accompanied by the hand, the beauty is accompanied, and the beauty of nature, this feel is cool!

Zhu Hao said: "What is a life? This is called life! At this moment, I just want to sigh in a sentence ... lying !!!"

I just want to listen to Lin Yunpeng, who wants to sigh, sigh, and others.

Then Lin Yunpeng laughed: "Hey, I hate you these no culture, the key moments can't find a suitable adjective, only the lying trough."

I wish the fingers forward, the mouth is big, and I shook my head.

"Hey, you have a thinhead, say that you have no culture?" Lin Yunpeng continued to laugh.

At this moment, Jia Fei has also come to the "lying trough", then the mouth is big, and the other is reached.

Lin Yunpeng brow micro-wrinkle: "Hey, you have two specials with problems, what is the beauty of the beauty?"

"Yun Peng, you ... you'll see!" At this time, the white beauty next to Lin Yunpeng pulled him, and then referred to the stone direction.

Lin Yunpeng found that it was not right, and quickly turned to go.



Lin Yunpeng also had a big mouth, full of horror.

In his sight, a vortex portal appeared above the stone monument, the vortex slowly rotated, and it looked with an inexplicable rhythm.

This situation, Lin Yunpeng can't think of the second expression in addition to "lying trough"!

At this moment, two people suddenly came out from the whirlpool portal.

Lin Yunpeng and others couldn't help but shouted a "bedroom!"

"Lying in the trough?" Li Feng, who came out of the vortex portal, did not expect that so many people came out, I couldn't help but rude.

Ren Xiaozu looked at Lin Yunpeng and others, and looked at Li Feng. At the end, he said: "The trough, Huaxia culture really speaks deep, simple in the trough, can express the meaning of different purposes, boybed!"

I don't know how long it took, the two sides of the exploded troughs came back.

"You ... you are passing ... The legendary world is high ... Higher people?" Lin Yunpeng asked in Baba.

"This ..." Li Feng went to think about it, and finally grinned: "No. You didn't see us, Ou No Ou?"

Lin Yunpeng and others shaken their heads.

Nima, who is here stayed here for so long, isn't it to see the high people of the world? Now I saw it, but let them did not see it? Alarm!

"That is not to talk about it?" Li Feng two hands, some helpless.

"No ... high, you don't misunderstand, we don't want to threaten you, but we want to follow you to learn long-lived skills." Lin Yunpeng got up and learned the ancients of the TV, and polite Unparalleled.

Although Lin Yunpeng is proud, he knows that Li Feng in this way is not he can get.

However, this high person looks a bit weird, big back big gold table, big gold chain big shoes, plus this is very inconsistent Zhongshan ...

Higher people have a sense of hardships?

"Yes, a high person, as long as you are willing to give us a long-lived skill, how much we are willing to give!" Zhu Hao also said.

Li Feng shook his head: "This is not a matter of money."

What is the longevity? He will not teach others?

Lin Yunpeng is inducing and attaching: "High people, you don't know, now this society can't do anything, and we can give you a lot of money. With these money, you can enjoy Ronghua rich."

Li Feng turned his head to see Bud: "I look like there is no money?"

Ren Xiao Lei nodded, don't say anything else, this is a small number of Zhongshan installations to explain the problem, and the clothes who have money will be uncomfortable.

This is also unfortunately, who makes him wear a few in the middle of the actual body size than him in order to pretend to be the same. Let him have not found a chance to change clothes.

This is awkward!

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