Save the Goddess System

Chapter 791 is also fighting

"I have said that you may not believe in it. In fact, I have money, I have to have money than you, so talk to me is still."

"In addition ... I won't have a long life, I am not a high-end man, I am the same as the people of Earth."

"Then you have never seen us, our avenue is going to the sky, how?"

Given that Lin Yunpeng is very good, Li Feng does not want to use Thunder's means to use the thunder's means, and immediately said with a discussion.

Lin Yunpeng and others once shook his head again.

Rely, they are hard to wait for the high-end people, how can I don't have this skill from the world?

"High people, this watch value of 20 million, I will give you a good fortune fee, how?"

Lin Yunpeng won the Patek Philippe wearing the wrist.

For Lin Yunpeng, there is nothing in the world that can't be solved. If there is, then he will double the money!

Li Feng's mouth smoked, then sighed: "It seems that I can only use unconventional means."

In this way, Lin Yunpeng and others become nervous.

What is the unconventional means?

Ren Xiao Lei also picked up, and did not solve Li Feng intended to use any unconventional means.

"Come, see here." Li Feng took the big gold table and said in his hand.

Lin Yunpeng and other people's understanding of the big gold table.

"System, erase their memory this time." Li Feng Mo said.


A white light flashed, 10,000 system points deducted, Lin Yunpeng et al. Related to Li Feng and Ren Xiaole from the memory of the vortex.

Next, they caught a short-lived state.

At this time, Li Feng served as Xiao Ju made a look, lifting the feet out.

After two people walked out of ten meters, Lin Yunpeng et alted, then Lin Yunpeng watched the watch in his hand to launch: "Why did I pick a watch?"

Zhu Hao, Jia Fei and others are also very faceless, they are all completely impressed!

At this moment, the white skirt woman Chen Jun saw Li Feng, Li Feng, who was in the distance, surprised: "Ah, when did they appear?"

Lin Yunpeng and others turned to see that Li Feng, she also stunned after the back of Xiao Lei.

I rely on, what happened, why did they live like a collective messenger, even if the two people don't know there?

"Hey, you will stand two for me."

Lin Yunpeng shouted.

Ren Xiaozheng's foot, it seems that smiles: "Dark, you don't seem to use it?"

She thought that Li Feng used hypnotism to Lin Yunpeng and others. As a result, they walked out of ten meters Lin Yunpeng and others woke up, and the hypnotism of the son-in-law was a little waste.

"Don't worry about them." Li Feng shook his head and didn't want to continue to waste time here.

"Don't, in case, they will bring out the things here, and they can have endless suffering from Shenzong." Said that Xiaozi's face is dignified.

Li Feng: "..."

No ... How do I think you are playing hard, so I want to continue with Lin Yunpeng and others?

As for the end of life ... Jiuhe has become up and down in his hand, the four top ancient Wu Shijia added to the Jiu Yi Zong, there is a hair behind it?

"Hey, what are you twice, have turned it!"

Lin Yunpeng saw Li Feng, Ren Xiao Lei looked at the ear and shouted again.

Ren Xiao Lei Xiu Yi picks up, turns to the doubts: "Are you told us?"

Li Feng shook his head helplessly and turned over.

From the last time in the bar, Li Feng knew that Kailade was a woman who liked to make things.

It is reasonable to say that such a woman is very annoying, but he can't live with any hateful emotions, it is also quite strange ...

Seeing the moment of Ren Xiao Lei's face, Lin Yunpeng's breathing is a stagnation, and the amazing light in the eyes.

Zhu Hao, Jia Fei was also stunned by Zhang Li, and looked at his eyes for a while.

Chen You three women are also the school-grade beauty of Xiyi. Chen Yun also took a few advertisements, and they can be inferior to Dear Bo.

Not only is the long phase, the body, the main thing is temperament.

Ren Xiao Zi has both mature Y sisters, and a few more innocent, with her angel face with the devil figure, the attraction of men can be described as a detonation table.

After the gods, Lin Yunpeng did a cough and said: "Yes, I am calling you, when are you coming here, why didn't we see you?"

Ren Xiao Lei Xiu Yimei picks up, and looks to Li Feng next to him.

Li Feng shrugged and said that he was very tube.

Ren Xiao Lei was shocked first, then Chardened the thumbs up.

The son-in-law is very good, just give these people to see the golden table, they will collectively ignore you, so fierce!

Then, Xiaobei and Li Feng hook his hand, suggesting that he would teach this to himself, she really wants to learn this.

Two hands of Li Feng said that he could not force.

Ren Xiao Lei Xiu Yi wrinkled, and then spoiled the arm of Li Feng.

Li Peak is laughing, and the head is refused.

Opposite, Lin Yunpeng left to see Li Feng, a face!

No ... What are the two people? What is the mime!

"I said ... What are you doing?"

Lin Yunpeng can't see it. You said that these two people look at the age. It is also very matching with the long way. It is a bit too too peek.

How did this little in Zhongshan? How do you find fun!

Li Feng turned his head: "We heard that this scene is good, so move here, is there a problem?"

"But why didn't we see you after?" Lin Yunpeng did not understand.

These two people are back to them, that is, these two are likely to go from them, but they have no sense, is this not surprising?

"Oh, we came over there, I turned and folded after seeing someone here." Li Feng said with laughing.

"Why turn to return, afraid of us? Or do you say ... What do you want to do in this place?" Zhu Hao said.

"Hey, Hazi, you drive again." Jia Fei smiled from the side.

Li Peak is sinking, it is necessary to export reprimand.

Who knows that Xiao Lei suddenly he suddenly waited his arm, and he said shy: "Oh, it is seen by them, so shy ~"

Li Feng: "???"

No ... What is it? Shameful dog eggs, do you make others mistaken?

Opposite, Lin Yunpeng and others have a face.

No ... feeling that they are still a pair? This Nima, a flower is inserted into cattle dung!

"Hui." Lin Yunpeng spit out a touch of turbidity, then playing with: "I have a good idea, since we have encountered, two will come and eat it with a chat."

Li Fengbei picks up, it is necessary to refuse, but Kaisu has nodded: "Okay, just hungry, I just hungry."

After saying, Ren Xiao Zi looked at Li Feng and whispered in his heart: "Rely, the old lady fights for you to create a hero to save the beauty ..."

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