Save the Goddess System

Chapter 792, Xiaoyei, Moth

Li Feng is somewhat helpless.

When he entered Jiuhe, he should be 9,10 points in the evening. He stayed in Jiufu for no more than 5 hours.

If the time flow speed is the same, it should still be a look at two or three in the morning, and the sun is just empty.

It can be seen that the time flow rate in the secondary space is also different from the earth, so Li Feng doesn't know how long it has left, I really want to go back to the pearl as soon as possible.

However, Ren Xiaozheng seems to be big!

"Forget it, I can only give my mother, and I can make a call from the phone."

Li Feng shook his head and followed Ren Xiao Lei to Lin Yunpeng and so on.

"Handsome guy, beauty, what are you calling, where is it?"

Lin Yunpeng touched two bottles of drinks, and he handed to the two people and said.

Li Feng took the hand and smiled: "Li Feng, Huacheng people."

"Ren Xiaole, Mountain City." Ren Xiaole opened a drink and said a little.

"Isn't the Xishan province? Two in Xishan Province or working?" Lin Yunpeng's eyebrows were picking up, and asked.

"Do you see us like a student?" Ren Xiao Lei asked.

Lin Yunpeng shook his head, did not continue to ask, but did a self-introduction, by the way, introduce Zhuhao and others to understand.

After the two sides have met, Ren Xiaoju is curious asking: "I don't want to run this, do you have a danger?"

Although it is not a deep mountain linger, it is also a happiness. Once there is a man who has been here, he sees Lin Yunpeng three people, it is inevitable to meet with the cost.

"Hey, we have practiced, and bring guys, nothing is too afraid."

Lin Yunpeng looked up his fist, and he said.

"Bring guy?" Ren Xiao Lei Xiu Yi picks up, coming: "What guys, give us."

Lin Yunpeng and Zhu Hao, Jia Fei looked at the eyes, and then gave the two to his eyes, then two people got up to the luxury car.

During this time, Lin Yunpeng asked: "But you only have two people, I still have to come here, I am not afraid to meet bad people?"

"We are not rich people." Ren Xiaothi said.

"But you are a big beauty." Lin Yunpeng smiled and said: "I don't think about it, I will be amazed, if there is a bad guy, you are afraid to be Sin. "

Ren Xiao Lei's eyes flashed, and smiled and smiled: "It doesn't matter, Li Feng can protect me."

In the speech, she took the arm of Li Feng and took her head on the shoulders of Li Feng.

For Ren Xiaole, Li Feng, who has a cheap behavior Li Feng, has been habitually, and he can only sigh helplessness, then use his best to suppress the idea of ​​the thoroughness.

"Relying on him?" Lin Yunpeng first glanced, then laughed.

Chen You three women also shook their heads, and they had a few points in their eyes.

At this moment, Zhu Hao, Jia Fei has taken two air guns fold back from the luxury car.

Lin Yunpeng stopped laughing, picking up the air gun, praised: "This thing can play the hare of China, the injury is very big, and the bad guys can uniform, very powerful, beauty, beauty Try? "

Ren Xiao Lei: "Forget it, I don't like to play guns."

For ordinary people, the air gun does have a big deterrence, but for the martial arts, this is a toy, there is no ovulation.

Besides, there are not many girls who like to play with guns, and at least Xiao Lei doesn't like it.

"You, what should you look like you?" Lin Yunpeng looked at Li Feng and said.

Li Fengbei picks up, it seems that smiles: "This thing is playing with high school in high school."

He is really not blowing, thinking that he is also a hundred billion son when he is high school in Huacheng, don't say air gun, and the real gun has been driven.

Of course, that is in a regular shooting field, a bullet has to do tens of pieces, and the private gun is not doing this kind of thing.

Lin Yunpeng first glance, then laughed again.

Zhu Hao, Jia Fei and others also shook their heads and laughed, and the expression on the face was a little mockery.

This is a gas gun used to hunt. If people don't have some strength, I can't touch it. When I have already played in high school, I will play it, and I can't pay taxes.

This is not Lin Yunpeng deliberately despised Li Feng, it is really Li Feng's dress too old soil. In their view, Li Feng Dai's big gold chain big gold table is fake, it is estimated that the bath can float.

He should be a person who is a beautiful woman, and deliberately dressing himself into an outbreak, this kind of person says that it is good, when the reason is his own brain.

"Since you have a tired air gun when you go to high school, then your gun method is definitely very good?"

Lin Yunpeng said with an air gun, and smiled and smiled.

"Ma Ma Tiger." Li Feng shrugged.

"Hey, you are not honest?" Lin Yunpeng's sword fried, and he said with angry: "The gun method is either good, you have a Malaysian Tiger Tiger."

"Yun Peng, idle is also idle, or you are more than a gun method?" Zhu Hao said.

"This is not necessary." Li Feng sighed, why do these people have to talk to him, everyone is in a big mountain?

"It is necessary, it is necessary!" Ren Xiao Lei raised his hand, saying excited: "More than guns, who wins me ..."

Li Feng's mouth smoked, even busy holding the mouth of Xiaipu: "That ... I don't want to ratio."

Rely, Xiaobei wants to drink a cup of wine with him? It's too messy!

Opposite, Lin Yunpeng lit up, who wins her, who ... what?

This is really too giving space!

"No, you want!" Ren Xiaole pushed Li Feng's hand and said.

Li Feng: "..."

"Hey, host, you have a new task, is it right to see?"

At this time, a system prompt sound suddenly sounded.

Li Feng brows microstruck: "View!"

"Task: More than the gun method"

"Task Objective: With Lin Yunpeng, the test gun method, and win this, if the task fails, deduct the 1 million system points for the host to punish."

"Task Reward: 100,000 experience value, 500,000 system points, 10 conquest points."

"Rely, I will know!"

Li Feng has a great understanding of the system. Since Bud is present, since the system will release the corresponding task, it is, and it is guess!

After the sigh, Li Feng said: "Okay, I think, but don't you have to sacrifice?"

"No, I have to sacrifice you to win the power." Ren Xiao Lei said.

Lin Yunpeng nodded again: "Yes, yeah, I am very motivated, so what do you plan to do with the winner?"

Ren Xiaole looked at Lin Yunpeng, and looked at Li Feng again, and finally smiled: "I ... I will kill the chicken, who wins me, who will give you a horse, how?"

Li Feng: "..."

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