Save the Goddess System

Chapter 793 will win the power

Not ... what is the end of the Little Lei, this is more than the gun method, not a fuller.

If he is fighting, he will definitely win, can you think that Xiao Lei thinks that he can win than the gun method? How do she believe in themselves?

"How, now you have the power to win?" Ren Xiaole blinked and said.

"Auntie, how do you eat me?" Li Feng stuck in a small lady, whispered.

Ren Xiaole only felt that the neck is itchy, the next consciousness shrinks the neck, and then the face is slightly red: "What is what to eat you, I am giving you a power force."

Li Feng did not believe in the ghosts of Xiaipu, and said that he was so funny: "You are not afraid to do it, let me lose the game?"

"If you are going to lose it, you will lose it. I have a lot of money." Ren Xiao Lei sighed, slightly sad.

"Okay, I will win, but you have to be responsible for your own decision. Once I lose you, I can't blame me." Li Feng sighed.

"You ... aren't you not confident?" Ren Xiaole is a bit nervous.

"I haven't touched this thing many years. Whether my gunfaction is good, I will inevitably." Li Feng shrugged and looked really unconfident.

Ren Xiaozi slammed the big eyes, the expression had a few points and a little remorse.

When she wants to come, Li Feng is a half-level strong, no matter how it is not possible to lose to Lin Yunpeng, this ordinary person is.

It can be found by Li Feng's explanation, things seem to be as simple as she thinks, in case Li Fengzhen lost ...

Rely, the old lady does not want Lin Yunpeng to make a horse killing chicken!

Seeing that Li Feng can't help but secretly, let you dig the pit, so that you feel that you have died, is it afraid?

That's right, he is to deliberately scare the bud, what may be lost to Lin Yunpeng, it is impossible.

Even if his gun is sparse, it doesn't get a skill book from the system shopping mall. This game will win!

How to face the rewards of Ren Xiaracle after winning ... This Li Feng has not been planned.

"Forget it, take a step, let's take a step, but I will fight me."

Li Feng is dark.

Opposite, Lin Yunpeng looked two in his face.

No ... two of them are , discuss tactics? More than the gun method, there is no tactics to discuss!

"Buddy, how do you want to be better? If you want to fight the wild rabbit, it is very difficult. I haven't seen the hare, but there is a bird in the sky. Would you like a bird?"

Lin Yunpeng deeply sucking, pressed the excitement of the heart and asked.

The more excited, the worse, he will get it colder. After winning Li Feng, he can pick the victory fruit, everything is a prominent.

"The bird is not good, the bird does not provoke." Li Feng shook his head, then smiled: "We can be better than wine bottles."

"Wine bottle?" Lin Yunpeng looked at the empty bottle on the eye, then smiled: "This is too no technical content?"

"It is, the bottle is dead, and the volume is not small, and it doesn't have anything."

"Yeah, yeah, this is not meaningful."

"It's better to fight birds according to the interests of Lin."

I wish you all the words of me, and I have spoke for Li Feng.

"Who said that the bottle is dead?"

At this moment, Li Feng lifted a bottle and lost it far away.


Wine bottles have rolled a beautiful parabola to fall, and fragmented.

"Is this not a living?" Li Feng took the clapping and looked at Lin Yunpeng and others.

Lin Yunpeng et al .: "..."

Lying ... Suddenly I found this buddy can be forced, you said to throw your bottle out, you have to wait for us, you will say that you will say that our face is?

At this moment, Li Feng said: "Of course, if you want to try again, add other conditions, such as ..."

"What?" Lin Yunpeng's eyebrows.

"Throwing wine bottles are standing in front of 100 meters, we must shoot when the bottle came to the highest point, otherwise it is equal to not hying."

"Let's open 10 guns, win the people in the bottle win, how?"

Li Feng also lifted a bottle and said with laughing.

Lin Yunpeng's mouth is picker, I don't know how to pick it up.

Nima, the bottle that throwing out is very difficult, plus 100 meters to fly to the highest point to hit these two conditions, but also difficult.

This brother is sincerely, is it?

"Well, it is so much, who is throwing?"

Lin Yunpeng biting his teeth and said.

He usually hunting with three or five friends, practicing a gun method, can't say the hundred and hundreds, but he has faith to defeat Li Feng.

"Divide a big person to throw it."

Li Feng smiled and put the bottle on the ground.

"I come!"

I wish you all the biceps, get up and pick up four bottles, go to one hundred meters to stop.

Jia Fei, Chen Yun and others helped to take the remaining empty wine bottles to the feet, so that he can throw bottles that he will be uninterrupted.

"I will come first!"

Lin Yunpeng took the air gun and said: "Start!"

I have nodded, and I threw a bottle after deep breathing.


Wine bottle is flying out.


Gun ring!

Then ... the wine bottle has a beautiful parabolic to fall on the ground.

Lin Yunpeng's first shot did not hit!

The atmosphere in the field is somewhat embarrassed.

After half, Lin Yunpeng smeared: "Rely, Zhu Hao, you specialize in throwing the bottle! Throw so low ?!"

I wish you a smile, nodded: "Lin Shao is angry, I throw a little higher this time."

The voice falls, I wish you a deep breath, gently throw, and the bottle is lifted.

The bottle thrown this time is not only higher, but the speed is slower than the last time.

Lin Yunpeng will shoot again after aim!

"" ""

Running, then the bottle bursts in the air!

"Ye, hit!"

"Wow, Lin Sharise ~"

"Forest, Lee, Lin Lee!"

Then, a familiar melody came out in Jia Fei's mobile phone.

WeareThechampionsmyFriend ~

AndWe'llkeeponfightingTillthend ~

It is the "we are champion" that is popular around the world.

One side, Li Feng: "???"

Ren Xiaole: "???"

No ... This is a good way to play a bottle, on WeareThechampions?

What is your stuff!

"low profile."

Lin Yunpeng said low-key, but the expression on his face was proud.

This difficulty is not low, he actually hits it, this gun ... Niu batch!

The next time, Zhu Hao controls the good rhythm to throw the bottle in the heavens, and Lin Yunpeng also adjusts his mentality and finishes the eight shots behind.

In the end, Lin Yunpeng hit five bottles, 50% of the hit rate!

At this time, the melody of WeareThechampions once again sounded, Zhu Hao, Chen Port and others held his hands and kept shouting "Lin Shaoxiu forced".

Lin Yunpeng's face is proud to look forward to Li Feng: "How, can I fight?"

"Ma Ma Tiger." Li Feng shrugged.

"Good Magagoon Tiger, now I will give you a gun, you come to play, I see you can play a few!" Lin Yunpeng's face, put the gun to Li Feng.

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