Save the Goddess System

Chapter 794 misses a loss of me

At this time, Ren Xiaothyo took the side of Li Feng, and the little voice said: "Li Feng, can you do it? If you can't do it, you will bright your big gold table."

Lin Yunpeng's performance is not stunning, but let the bud have a sense of crisis.

The gun method in 10 in 10 is very good, Li Feng is not a professional, can he play a higher hit rate than this?

If you can't do it, it is better to eliminate the memory of Lin Yunpeng and others, just when this gamble has not happened, she doesn't want to give Lin Yunpeng.

Li Feng's mouth hook, play taste: "Is it afraid?"

"Hey ... what is afraid of me, I am worried that you will lose it." Ren Xiao Lei said hard.

"Oh, it's okay, I don't care about the face." Li Feng shrugged and took the air gun.

Ren Xiaolei's voice is hysteresis, and it is half-eyed, and the arrogance is coming.

Li Feng shook his head smile, and then reported that Zhu Hao began to throw bottles.

On the side, Lin Yunpeng also wished Ho Mun, I got some nodded down, then I took a deep breath and threw the bottle out.


The bottle flew over halflight with a very fast speed!

If you compare it a few times before, Zhu Hao throws nearly double, height is much lower!

In this way, the parabolic drawn by the wine bottle will be smoother, it is difficult to judge when the wine bottle reaches the highest point, and it has increased the difficulty of hunting.

"Rely, despicable!"

Ren Xiao Lei exploded the sentence.

In order not to let Li Feng fight, deliberately increase the initial speed of the bottle, but also reduced the height of the bottle, what is the difference between this behavior?

at this time……


Gun ring!

The wine bottle fell to the ground after a parabolic.

Li Feng's first shot is not hit!

Ren Xiaole: "..."

"Yeah! He didn't hit!"

"Wow, Lin Shao won it ~"

"Forest, Lee, Lin Lee!"

Then, a familiar melody came out in Jia Fei's mobile phone.

WeareThechampionsmyFriend ~

AndWe'llkeeponfightingTillthend ~

"I rely! Li Feng, you are not intentional!"

Ren Xiao Zi went to Li Peak, grabbed his arms and swayed.

Li Feng's mouth smiled and smiled: "I really don't deliberately, it is because of your life."

This kind of thing is intentional, he just wants to try his familiarity to the air gun.

The result is a bit cruel ...

"Hand buddy ... That is, this time you are derived?" The face of Ren Xiaraco is not very good.

"It is possible." Li Feng shrugged.

Ren Xiaole: "..."

Want to cry without tears!

At this moment, Lin Yunpeng went over and said: "Li Feng, or you don't recognize it directly, or you put ten empty guns, how much?"

"Yeah Li Feng, hurry to accept it, then play only to waste everyone."

"Not only is a waste of time, but also wasting bottle, a three-fur, hahaha."

Zhu Hao and others are also scratching in the distance.

Li Feng shook his head: "There is no 'to accept" two words in my dictionary. "

"Hey?" Lin Yunpeng's eyebrows were picking up, and I sent a clean laugh: "Don't admit it, you will continue to play, I will see the next nine guns, you can't play one!"

"Don't look, look at it!"

"As soon as his primary school can be hungry!"

I wish you all the people again.

"You have given the old lady!" Ren Xiaolei drunk, one hand, one hand, I pointed to Zhu Hao: "You, I will throw it slowly to throw the old lady when I will throw it, at least I just give Lin Yunpeng The same strength is when the wine bottle is. "

"If you don't say it, the old lady explodes your head!"

After that, Li Xiao Lei turned to the fists, the finch joints issued a crisp sound of "" "".

Lin Yunpeng is light, whispered: "So spicy, I like it!"

Zhu Hao was shocked, and the next consciousness will nod to agree.

Who knows that Li Feng suddenly said: "No, you will have more thrilling."

Speaking here, Li Feng hits the "level shooting skills" that I have just spend 10000 system points.

"Tips": This skill is the system developer to study the world's special forces ace gunners, and the posture of the Olympic shooting competition champion, habits, pre-judgment, etc., the development of air guns, pistols, rifles, machine guns, sniper Tips for all firearms such as guns. "

"After learning this skill, the host can have the top shooting skills."

"Note: This skill is priced at 10,000 system points."

A white light flashed in the mind of Li Feng, and the cells that Li Feng's body stunned in the opponent have a familiarity and close sense.

People's guns feel!

"How fast?" Lin Yunpeng's eyebrows, slightly ridiculed: "Both people, you say this is a bit put it?"

"If you don't want to give it, you will know." Li Feng gave a gun and made a gait of aiming.

"Hazi, don't let this buddy disappoint, throw it!" Lin Yunpeng turned to hear.

I have nodded, and I used it to throw the bottle after deep suction.


This bottle fly is faster and lower, almost a parallel straight line, which is not to determine when it will fall!

Suddenly, Lin Yunpeng, Jia Fei and others have proudly raised their mouths.

Hazi's hard work, this speed Li Feng is not in the wall, it is estimated that he is scared, don't you dare to shoot?

Can be at this time!


A gun ring!


Wine bottle is empty!

Lin Yunpeng: "???"

Zhu Hao, Jia Fei: "???"

Lying in the trough! What happened just now? Li Feng really shot a bottle? WTF!

Ren Xiao Lei also stunned, followed by her hands and jumped in the original place: "Ye, hit it, Li Feng is awesome!"

It's just that there is no excitement on the face of Li Feng, and I am willing to be hungry: "Come!"

I looked at Lin Yunpeng, Lin Yunpeng's face nodded, and then Zhu Hao was once again deeply sucking, picked up the wine bottle out.


Wine bottles are flying, but the gunshot, the wine bottle is empty!

There are even a few broken glass slag splashing to the Hao Hou.

Zhu Hao recovered his hand, and screamed for a "bedroom!"

Lin Yunpeng, Jia Fei also followed the "bedroom!"

Nima, the bottle is just the fastest speed, and when the most difficult to master the flight trajectory, Li Feng actually chose this time to shoot?

Still hit! Is he aiming at aim? !

One of the beautiful eyes of Sui Lei is bright, and it is a little worship in the eyes of Li Feng, and there is a few points of speech.

Wow, the son-in-law is too fierce, not only a batch of arms of force, but also a batch of gun law, what is he won't?

In the scene, Li Feng put down the gun and said: "Lin Yunpeng, Jia Fei, you can throw the bottle with Zhu Hao, the direction is different, missing one to lose."

Lin Yunpeng three: "..."

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