Save the Goddess System

Chapter 796 underground Fighting

"What is a fun place?"

I didn't wait for Li Feng to talk, Ren Xiao Zi asked in a hurry.

Li Feng: "..."

I have to go back to the pearls immediately, I have to fall.

"This evening in Yuantai City has a game, the scene will be very hot, are you interested in see?"

Lin Yunpeng spit out a smoking ring.

Although he is standing with Li Feng, he deliberately tanded with the spout ring. From this aspect, he can see his respect for Li Feng.

Despite this, under the influence of wind, a portion of the smoke is still blowing to Li Feng, but when the smoke is going to blow to the two, the smog suddenly changed the direction, as if I met an invisible wall!

Lin Yunpeng did not pay attention to this scene, but Zhu Hao, Jia Fei saw that when the two people can't help but face the pupil, the face is surprised.

Why do there happen this, is Li Feng to do with Ren Xiao Lei, or is it just a coincidence?

It should be just a coincidence, Li Feng is not doing, and maybe it is just a greenery from there?

At this time, Lin Yunpeng threw the cigarette head, stepped on, and I wish two people lost further verification.

"Underground Fighting Competition ... is very fun?"

There are some disappointments in Kao Lei.

In the past few days, she saw the battle between the two half-level strong, compared with the fact that the fight between ordinary people was unattractive.

"It's fun, of course fun." Lin Yunpeng said excitedly: "I don't think about it, this fight is a bit related to our family."

In this way, the little bud has been interested.

"You should also have heard that there are many coal bosses in Xishan Province, and my family is just a coal mine business."

"My dad has a dead name Zheng, and it is also a coal boss. It has been in the middle of the three official mines in the main mine of the city."

"Later, I can't see it. Strictly warned two, but the mining rights still have to fight, so two will set a rule."

When I said that Lin Yunpeng stopped and deliberately sold a close.

Li Fengbei picks: "Who has an exploitation right through the fighting competition?"

"Li Shao is understanding people!" Lin Yunpeng rushed to Li Feng with thumbs up, smiled: "Today is the annual mining right battle, a total of three games."

"Win a game, you will receive a big mining one year of mining rights, three winning, the three mining mining in the next year is our home."

"In this evening this fight, my dad directly took out 100 million Chinese currency, I invited a super master!"

"Is there three layers so high?" Ren Xiao Lei said.

Lin Yunpeng, who is talking about, the sputum, is straightforward, directly.

No ... Do you pay attention to the wrong point, the focus should not be the billion of the master of the master?

After it was forced, Lin Yunpeng then said: "If ordinary people are so high, then the master being invited is the height of the skyscraper?"

"This, then you can go to see." Ren Xiao Lei nodded, then turned to look into Li Feng, "How, go together?"

She can see that Li Feng wants to go back to the pearly as soon as possible, but Li Feng returns to the pearl she is more boring. It is better to take this opportunity to wait for the last time.

Li Feng Zhang opened his mouth, didn't talk yet, Ren Xiaole said: "Don't say it."

Li Feng: "..."

Lin Yunpeng: "..."

Zhu Hao and others: "..."

After ten minutes, Lin Yunpeng et al. Packed the things and driving to Yuan Taike.

Gutong Town is about three-hour drive from Yuantai City, when they arrive in Yuan Taotai, it is close to the evening.

Under Lin Yunpeng, everyone had dinner at a high-end Chinese restaurant in Yuantai City, and then driving to a private clubhouse.

This club is the death of Lin Yunpeng's death Zheng Yitai built 10 years ago. When I first constructed this meeting, I spent 10 billion.

After coming here, Lin Yunpeng walked into the back hospital with Li Feng, who took Li Feng and others.

This backyard is built with the royal back garden for template. Of course, the area is reduced to many times.

The backyard, rockery, pavilion, small bridge, and beautiful scenery.

At this moment, a full-metal high metal high platform for each ten meters of each ten meters of the backyard is temporarily built, and the light on the high platform is clear, and there is no one.

Two dials have been gathered around the high stage, Lin Yunpeng stopped after observing the position of Li Feng and others in one of them.

"Head boy, do you know?"

Lin Yunpeng just went to the vicinity of the mid-to-the-middle, and the middle-aged people in the middle-aged people sank, exported.

Lin Yunpeng touched his head and smiled: "Dad, is this not coming over?"

This middle-aged man is Lin Yunpeng's dad - Linhai!

Lin Hai snorted, followed by Li Feng, Ren Xiaozui swept, and suddenly browed slightly: "Who they are?"

Lin Yunpeng quickly introduced: "His name is Li Feng, is a gun master, she is Yude, is a girlfriend of Li Feng."

Li Feng: "..."

Rely, he has never said that Decelery is his own girlfriend, Lin Yunpeng introduced this.

On the one side, Ren Xiao Lei smiled and laughed.

Lin Yunpeng is not very good, the mouth is very sweet!

"Gun method master?" Lin Hai faces louderly looks to Li Feng.

Li Feng hit a nodding: "Mr. Lin is good."

Lin Hai nodded and then turned his head.

In his opinion, even Li Feng is really like Lin Yunpeng said it is a gun method, and there is no more value to him.

He is not a firearm, even if you find a bodyguard, you don't need Li Feng. How many can the rich bodyguards can with a gun? At least he Linhai is not qualified.

For the cold fall of Linhai, Li Feng is not very concerned, and it is easy to fall.

Lin Yunpeng didn't think that Dad was so cold to Li Feng. It was a bit embarrassed, only forced to transfer the topic: "Dad, Shangguan Yunhai has not arrived yet?"

Lin Hai glanced at him and wrote: "You have to call Shangguan University, don't live your name!"

Lin Yunpeng took the mouth and didn't swear.

On the one side, Li Fengbei picks up, secretly whispered: "Shangguan Yunhai is the super master of Lin Hai, a hundred million, please?"

Just at this time, a white man is Shiran from the distance.

I saw him staying with a short hair, the face is handsome, the length of the body, the white suit is not dyed, and there is a gas field when walking.

If you want to describe this person with a sentence, it can only be "turbid". "

The instant of this white man appeared, and Chen You three women launched a flower.

Lin Hai is a shock, whispered: "Yun Peng, Shangguan is rare, you must pay attention to your attitude, have you heard it ?!"

Lin Yunpeng flashed a touch of humiliation, and nodded in his face.

Li Fengbei picks up, and the heart is suspected in the heart.

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