Save the Goddess System

What is the bottom gas in Chapter 797?

Listening to the meaning of Linhai and Lin Yunpeng's expression, Lin Yunpeng has a problem with the attitude of Shangguan Yunhai, and there is a contradiction between the two?

At this moment, Linhai sorted out the next clothes and lifted his feet and greeted: "The Shangguan is very hard."

"Well." Shangguan Yunhai nodded and nodded: "Is Zheng Yutai arrived?"

Lin Hai turned his head and looked at the other, and shake his head: "Oh."

"Hey, a big shelf!" Shangguan Yun sea is shameless.

He wanted to attack the axis, so he deliberately dragged it for a while. He didn't want Zheng Yitai's people, but evil!

Seeing, Lin Hai smiled: "The Shangguan is not angry. If you want to put it, you will make them go out, and you will take the master of Zheng Yitai to defeat the masters of Zheng Yitai. "

"Yeah, anger, the body, the Shangguan is not necessarily for this kind of person."

"Waiting for Shangguan to win, let's find a place to celebrate, give Lin to put blood."

"Haha, this idea is good!"

Laughed with everyone behind the forest.

Some of these people are the business partners of Linhai, and some are Linhai friends, classmates, come here to refuel to Linhai.

Of course, many of these people have brought the girls who are proud of the branches. These female accompanys are shy to play the official Yunhai, and the eyes are in the eyes.

The appearance of Shangguan Yunhai is too much to kill these women.

Similarly, another person is Zheng Yitai, and the difference is that Zheng Yutai has not yet been present.

Everyone's compliments let Shangguan Yunhai anger, when he swept the crowd, his eyes swept it in these parties.

After seeing the flowers in their eyes, the corner of Shangguan Yunhai hooked a smell of play, but his eyes did not stay in these women.

Some of the fatty powder, it is not qualified to get his hang ...

"Well ?!" At this time, Shangguan Yunhai saw Ren Xiaozua behind the crowd, and when he is a stunning color in his eyes.

Originally Li Feng, Ren Xiaole is in front of the crowd, and later Lin Hai belongly greeted Shangguan Yunhai, Lin Yunpeng and others stood in place, they fell to the rear.

At the same time, Xiaolei is also in the Yunhai Sea with curious eyes.

The four eyes are relatively ...

After a few seconds, he was a little bit of his head.

At this moment, Shangguan Yunhai felt that his heart was not angry!

Compared to these mediocrity powder, Ren Xiao is the existence of fairy!

"Who is she?" Shangguan Yunchai refers to Xiaipu, asked.

Lin Haishun took the direction of Shangguan Yunhai pointed to the face: "He is a girlfriend of Yunpeng's new friend, called Yuci."

He can see that Shangguan Yunhai is interested in Xiaolei, but Kedu is Li Feng's girlfriend, Li Feng is a new friend of Yunpeng.

With Yunpeng's uncomfortable personality, once Shangguan Yunhai shows Xiaislei, Yun Peng is afraid to follow up with Shang Yunhai.

"No, I have to go to Yun Peng."

Linhai has a decision.

One is a gun master, one is the martial arts, who is light and who has no more consideration.

What's more, Lin Hai is now available in Shangguan Yunhai, and Li Feng has no interest to him. Shangguan Yunhai is really intentional, he will give Lin Yunpeng to give up Li Feng.

"Oh?" Shangguan Yun Haiji took a pick, then played: "But I think that she is now like it."

Ren Xiao Lei, the shy appearance is clearly what he is meaningful, so that she has a boyfriend ... Oh, is this important?

Her boyfriend dared to block, he gave her boyfriend a little color!

Thinking of this, Shangguan Yunhai stepped into the buds.

"Auntie, don't you want to engage in things?" Said Li Feng's mouth.

Sister, just now, he just saw the little eyes of Xiaolei. Although he did not use the heart to use the heart, I intuken tell him that Ren Xiao Lei wants to make things in the official Yunhai.

"What is, people have nothing." Ren Xiao Lei said.

Rely, if Lin Yunpeng is so fast to change the position, do she need to play the idea of ​​the official Yunhai?

I only hope that Shangguan Yunhai is tough, so that she has further developed between Li Feng.

Yes ... tonight, Li Feng should not return to the pearl, then he should live in the hotel?

Oh ... The gambling gambling gambling of the horse has not fulfilled, she has a good time to act at night ...

Li Feng sighed and did not remove the little bud.

In fact, he has already seen the purpose of the bud, and the surface of Li Feng is resisting, and there is a little expectation in his heart. After all, the beauty of the bud is unable to resist.

"Let's take a step." Li Feng comfortably in his heart.

Just then, Shangguan Yunhai came to the front of Ren Xiao Lei, reached out: "Beauty, you are good, I am Shangguan Yunhai."

Ren Xiaole looked at the official Yunhai, and looked at Li Feng, then shy and low-headed: "Sorry, Mr. Shangguan, my boyfriend doesn't like me to shake hands with other men."

Shangguan Yunhai brow is slightly wrinkled, and then looks to Li Feng: "Don't you know, this will only look very unconfident."

Li Feng shrugged: "Don't you think there is another possibility?"

"What?" Shangguan Yunhai is a little indisal.

"She didn't want to shake your hands with you, saying that I just found an excuse." Li Feng said.

Shangguan Yunhai is first glimpse, then the cold channel: "It is impossible, I am Shangguan Yunhai!"

A sentence "I am Shangguan Yunhai", it will show up the confidence of Shangguan Yunhai and the domineering.

"Wow, the Shangguan is so good to be domineering!"

"Scorpio, he is simply a master of overbearing from the TV series!"

"What is the president of overbearing, he is obviously the prince of the White Horse you came out of the anime!"

A women with a woman who has already accompanied by a man around him, and there have been spoons to express the love of Shangguan Yunhai.

In this regard, although the men tastes delicious, they don't dare to speaking, because the sophistication is not to give the official cloud.

Opposite, Lin Yunpeng took the mouth, and his heart was secretly spit. These women didn't have an eye, too exaggerated.

Rely, there is a good skin bag, what is sweeteous!

Shangguan Yunhai is proud of the color: "Seeing no, this is my woman's edge."

"Frankly, on the words of women, no one has more voice than I have more." Li Feng sighed, and some compassionate.

In this way, the face color is unique.

Even Lin Yunpeng, Zhu Hao and others face each other.

Although Li Feng's color is also very hunting, he is in a lot of decoration, and it is much inferior to Shangguan Yunhai.

This point can be seen from the level of attention from the female companion, so Li Feng is in the bottom of the way, because he has a bud, this girlfriend?

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