Save the Goddess System

Chapter 798 is not an opponent

"Your person is interesting." Shangguan Yunhai shook his head smile, ridicule: "But now I know at least one thing, I am not as good as you."

Li Fengbei picks: "Oh, what?"

Shangguan Yun Hai shrugged: "Love."

"Hey! Shangguan is very good!"

"Wow, I have a sense of humor, God, Shangguan is really a perfect man!"

Just a few words, it is a few words, Shangguan Yunhai captured a large number of scents, and he is really ... strong!

On the one side, Lin Yunpeng can't see it: "Shangguan Yunhai, Li Feng is my friend, you can't laugh at him like this!"

Shangguan Yunhai turned to look at Lin Yunpeng, his eyes were slightly cold.

At this time, Lin Hai came to the road: "Yun Peng! How do I call you, you have to be a lot of Shangguan! Lady, Yun Peng is not sensible, please don't worry about him."

Shangguan Yunhai stared at Linhai for a while, and finally cold and vomiting four words: "Do not take it."

"For the right, not for example." Lin Hai wiped his head and cold sweat, turned his head and smashed Lin Yunpeng: "Yun Peng, there is no matter here, you give me a flash!"

Lin Yunpeng said anxious: "Dad! Li Feng is my friend! I brought him here, I can't watch him being humiliated and indifferent!"

Li Fengbei picks, the face is weird.

Lin Yunpeng actually took him as a friend, and also for him to with Dad? How much is it moved?

"Lin Yunpeng!" Lin Hai is high and tone, and the cold is said: "Do you miss the primary and second?!"

"I ..." Lin Yunpeng's neck should be against Linhai to the end.

At this time, Li Feng took the shoulders of Lin Yunpeng, laughed: "Your dad is right, there is no matter what you are here, there is no need for my grandeur with your dad."

"Li Feng, are you looking down on me?" Lin Yunpeng wratifer.

He is this temper, as long as the other party is his own friend, he is willing to take a knife for each other.

Although he is not long with Li Feng, Li Feng is convinced on the gun method, and Li Feng's temper character is very good as his appetite, so he will take Li Feng as a friend.

"Not looking down on you, this kind of little thing can be solved."

After that Li Feng pulled Lin Yunpeng to the side.

Lin Yunpeng is willing to go, just in Li Fengli, he is like losing the right to control the body, and there is no resistance!

"Lying in the trough, this little child is so big?" Lin Yunpeng is a bit awkward.

Just then, Shangguan Yunhai could ask: "What solved?"

"Li Feng is a master of gunfare!" Lin Yunpeng said not willing to take the way.

Shangguan Yunhai is first glimpse, then laughing directly: "Hey, the gun method is a master, are you teasing me?"

Others are also facing each other.

No ... even if Li Feng is the master of the gun method, can he solve it with a gun? This is not a medieval Western, and the two sides who are jealous and jealous will use a gun to duel.

"Who is teasing you, I am telling." Lin Yunpeng scared, then adding the magic guns of Li Feng in the fuel.

After listening to his story, everyone has a bit surprising from the eyes of Li Feng.

Regardless of the field, it is very much a thing that is very admired, at least Li Feng has an advantage that others cannot match.

So, Xiao Zai is because of this reason for his girlfriend?

Just then, Shangguan Yunhai was smiled: "What is it, even if I stand here, let him play me with a real gun, and I can't hurt me."

Everyone can't help but take a breath.

The real gun can't hurt him, this is a bit bragging?

Lin Yunpeng smiled: "I admit that you can play, you can fight against the fight, but you can't hurt you ... Oh, do you think you are a fire cloud?"

"I know that you don't believe, but this is the fact, because I am a martial artist!"

The voice falls, and Shangguan Yunhai has distributed a powerful breath that belongs to the mid-mid-mid-term.

Then he stepped into the high platform made from the whole metal, reach out of the two fingers, clamped an iron bar used to support the high platform.

This iron stick foot has two cents thick, solid, it looks very much.

"What do you want to do at Shangguan?"

"Which should be to be curved?"

"Screw so thick iron rod with two fingers!"

On the occasion of everyone, the two fingers of Shangguan Yunhai suddenly merged with scissors!

"" fringes, the 2 cm thick iron rod should be broken!


"What did I see?"

"Use your fingers to put the iron bars. Is this movie?"

Everyone was shocked directly by this scene.

Even Lin Yunpeng has exposed a bit of shocking color!

Then, Linhai and others have become enthusiastic, and those who have a good girl who have a good feeling of Shangguan Yunhai have become his brain powder!

"See it, this is the strength of a martial artist!"

Shangguan Yunhai took back to the hand, and he said to Li Feng: "I don't care what you are a gun method, in my eyes, you can kill the ants, you will leave, you will leave a lady, otherwise ... Hey! "

Although he just screamed two, he would hear the meaning of the threat contained in this.

For a time, Lin Hai and others only felt that Li Peak has already long been a Qingqing Da Yu ...

Li Feng's eyes flashed, whispered: " ..."

In the whisper, Li Feng took a step forward, and the breath on his body began to improve.

Just then, a sound rang from the distance: "Hahaha, Linhai, is your person arrived? If you arrive, you will hurry out and die!"

Because this sound laughs, Lin Hai, Shangguan Yunhai and others all turned to the sound.

Li Fengbei picks up, and is dissipating in the moment of agglomeration.

In the distance, a middle-aged man wearing a white practice suit walks in front, followed by a middle-aged man who is wearing a black suit and the abdomen.

And the sound of laughing is that the black west man is emitted. He is the death of Linhai - Zheng Yutai!

"Zheng Yitai, you will be crazy!" Lin Hai snorted, turned to the official Yunhai to hold the box: "Please ask Shangguan to shoot, defeat each other!"

Shangguan Yunhai is coming to nod: "Don't worry, since I came, then this game will win!"

After receiving the promise of Shangguan Yunhai, Lin Hai is like aesthetic pill, and the face laughs.

"Lin Hai, this is the master you invited? It looks like Er!" Zheng Yitai looked at the official Yunhai in the eyes and laughed.

"Zheng Yitai, don't be too arrogant, the Shangguan is a super power, you are in the people you invite people!" Lin Hai looked at the middle-aged man before Zheng Yitai, and said.

Just when Lin Hai and Zheng Yitai took the mouth, Li Feng said to Lin Yunpeng: "Yun Peng, remind you, the official Yunhai is not the opponent's opponent, I want to win, I will help you."

Lin Yunpeng: "???"

Linhai: "???"

Shangguan Yunhai: "???"

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