Save the Goddess System

Chapter 799 Let Li Feng try?

Li Feng did not intentionally smoke the sound, plus the other people didn't talk when Lin Hai and Zheng Yutai didn't talk, so people who were close to him were heard.

For a time, the atmosphere in the scene is a bit weird ...

After half of it, Lin Yunpeng laughed: "Li Feng, you must be joking?"

Yes, I admit that your gun method is against the sky, but this is more than fight, not more than the gun method, you didn't see that Shangguan Yunhai used two fingers to cut 2 cm thick solid iron sticks?

If you don't even have a mid-year man's opponent, do you go up?

At this moment, Lin Yunpeng suddenly repented Li Feng came over.

"I didn't joke, Shangguan Yunhai is not the opponent of that person."

Li Feng's expression is very serious, just like explanation of a truth.

Just look at it, Li Feng see that the middle-aged man of the white dress is a super-level force.

Extraordinary to the masters, even if you stand in the official Yunhai, you will be fine, unless he takes the initiative, otherwise the official Yunhai is derived.

Shangguan Yunhai was laughed by Li Feng serious expression: "Kid, what do you know what you are talking about? Do you know what the martial artist represents?"

Li Fengbei picks up, just want to say, Shangguan Yunhai is acknowledged: "No, you don't know, you don't know, you are just a gun method that has no understanding of the martial arts, just this."

Shangguan Yunhai caused a while: "Just, you don't understand anything, what is it?"

"Two billions, please shot, think about it, do you want to be crazy?"

"I see you should not be the undercale of Zheng Yitai?"

"Yun Peng, you are best to cut it with him, so that you will soon harm you!"

"It's enough!" Lin Hao angry, and then he looked at Li Feng: "I can ask for a few friends with my friends, I can ask Shangguan to not blame your rude, now you go."

He knows the horror of Shangguan Yunhai. If Li Feng doesn't leave, he is afraid that there will be life danger.

Shangguan Yunhai mouth is a hook, ridicule: "Wait, I don't say let him go. You don't mean that I am not the opponent of the person? Then you are standing here, see how I will win."

After the words were finished, Shangguan Yunhai flew to the high platform.

This scene is surrounded by the audience once again, and those women are even more exciting.

"Hey, young people, you are good!" Lin Haigui sighed and looked at Li Feng's eyes.

After all, Li Feng is brought here. If Li Feng is accident in this, the Lin Yunpeng will definitely be very guilty. He is doing his father for his son, and he wants to open Li Feng.

Who knows that the official Yunhai Rail has made Li Feng difficult, and he has to ask in Shangguan Yunhai, and naturally cannot say anything.

It is necessary to blame Li Feng too nasty, can't get people who can't provoke!

"Li Feng, you hurry, have anything I resist!"

Lin Yunpeng also saw the seriousness of things and whispered.

Although Li Feng will embark on the official Yunhai, Ke Lin Yunpeng can't look at Li Feng by the Shangguan Yunhai, or what friends do you still?

Li Feng's eyes flashed, and smiled and smiled: "I will not have the opportunity to earn the two billions?"

Previously, Lin Yunpeng said that this fight is a total of three games, and the results of the game will determine the three official mining mining in the next year.

Although Zheng and Lin have all a person, but I want to come to play three games with one person. Once one of them falls, it represents three full loss, unless there is substitute.

Originally Li Feng did not want to get a leisure, but Shangguan Yunhai was so forced, Lin Yunpeng was so relieved, and Li Feng was sure to do.

Of course, his appearance fee cannot be less ...

Lin Yunpeng: "???"

No ... Li Feng still plans to come true!

"Mingling!" Lin Hai snorted, then twisted his head: "Zheng Yutai, have you prepared it?"

"Is it you who want to accept?" Zheng Yitai came to the high platform, turned to the white man and said: "Please ask the Ma Xi to let these earth bags to see what is called master!"

Ma Hui looks proudly nodded, turned to find the stairs, step on a high stage step by step.

Seeing that the people in Linhai will laugh at all: "There is a lot of people in the officials, but the surname horse has to climb a layer, the gap is too big?"

"You don't have to look at it, I know that Shangguan is very small!"

"Hey, surnamed horse, you quickly admit defeat, so excused to take a few days later, the medical expense is very expensive!"

On the high platform, Ma Hui glanced at everyone, Zhang Dou said: " !"

Watch your thunder!

Everyone only felt that a thunder was in the ear, and the eardrum was painful. For a time, Linhai is awkward!

On the high platform, Shangguan Yunhai only felt that there was a floating in the body, and suddenly the face was changed: "What is your realm ?!"

"What is the realm of me?" Ma Hui smiled and slammed a punch.


A fist who was condensed by the true gas and went straight to the chest of the official Yunhai. Shangguan Yunhai only came up and lifted his hands. The only fist who was only hit him.


A sudden sound!

"" ""

Two skeletal breaks!

Shangguan Yun Nei Zi is away from the ground, fly out!

In halftle, ​​Shangguan Yunhai will spit several blood, fly out of ten meters long, Shangguan Yunhai is falling!

Lin Hai et al. Is directly forced!

No ... Two fingers are broken, pulling the iron stick, and the Shangguan Yunhai, who is leaping to the high platform, is it flying by Ma Hui?

And is it empty? !

Nima, the script is reversed!

On the ground, Shangguan Yunhai once again spit out a blood, then strongly supported the body, a horror and looks at Ma Hui on the ring: "You ... You are super-level powerful ?!"

"Hey, it is still a bit eye-catching." Ma Hui two hands, said: "Yes, I am extraordinary, you can take it in my hand."

Shangguan Yunhai is close to the teeth, the face is incomparably ugly!

Hey, before he said that as long as he gains, he will win, and he will see how he is easy to win.

As a result, he met a super-level force. He was bombed in a minute, and his face was hit!

Before the high platform, Zheng Yutai laughed: "Hahaha, Linhai, the master you invite it too? But there is no relationship, there are two games, you ask two masters to come over, you can't lose three , Then don't face it! "

Lin Hai double boxing, do not send a word.

He spent more than a high price of Shangguan Yunhai in Shangguan Yunhai, and he can go to the master?

Hey, I know that Shangguan Yunhai is so waste, he doesn't spend it!

Just then, Lin Yunpeng suddenly reminded: "Dad, do you want Li Feng to try?"

This time, the audience is quiet!

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