Philit Gulit is also a Western madman, high blood, high, anti-high, the same realm, once it is close to the Western madman, it will be pressed.

Therefore, when Li Feng is the same as the realm of his realm, Philit Gutt has chosen to do close.

Just let Philith Qurot is surprised that Li Feng did not dodge, even there was no back, just standing in the original hook, as if he was scared by his sudden close to him.

"Is this Huaxia?

The Philit Gulit is flashing in the brain.

He has long said that there is a kind of planting in Huaxia, which can teach himself to others, so you can make a young power.

It's just that the disadvantages are the realm, but there is no actual experience with it.

However, all those who can grow to the masters have experienced many battles, and the realm has a higher level, and the battle has experienced much more.

Under the same realm, there is no actual experience, but one party has experienced rich, the gap is coming out.

For this reason, Li Feng has become a half-level strong!

Just in Philit Gutte, he can be a punch and even kill Li Feng, and Li Peak suddenly appeared a circular cyan peak.

In the moment, Philit Gutt was shocked, for fear that this is a huge killing of a huge killing.

However, at this time he is already a arrow to send it in the string, and when he is biting his teeth, a boxing to Li Feng face.

Li Feng's mouth evoke a smile of laughter, and also a boxing of Philit Gutt!

"Is it injured?"

This scene directly let Han Tan Gurite shite.

The other members of the Gulit family are also exciting, but they also have a little happiness on their face while exclaiming.

This is like an online game with a warrior, and the assassin gave up his own assassination, sneak attack, and turned to the front of the warrior, it was stupid!

The warrior's penalty can be slashing you half tube blood, the assassin is a flat cut, just can break off the defense of the warrior, this is not called for injury, this is called self-cultivation!

However, the stealing look of the Face of the Gutit family has just emerged, he heard the "" "" two sullen, Philit Gutt flew out by Li Feng, and opposite Li Feng still station In the same place, there is no step back!

"Lying ..."

"WTF ?!"

"Hair, how can it be ?!"

A member of the Guite family is so embarrassed, saying that the good warrior is cut with the assassin, why did the fierce have not yet, but the warrior is flying out?

Illusion, must be an illusion!

Either Philith's ancestors want to take a refund, and I have a sudden blow to him when Li Feng has won.

Just as the Gutote family members were suspected, the Philit Gulit, who was in the air, started the blood!

This scene directly made Han Tan Gutit and others scared, and the emotional Li Feng gave a punishment of Philip's ancestors?

Oh, I have a sentence MMP, I don't know if I'm talking!

"My God ..." Mr. Li is really strong! "

"I didn't see it wrong, Li Feng won so easy?"

Vasea is looking at Tang Qiong, and he has seen the color of surprises from the eyes of each other.

Tang Xiong and others are also a face.

Although they have realized that Li Feng's power is strong, Philit Gulit looks more powerful, after all, aged there.

But the kung fu of this photo, it looks more powerful Philit Gutt is vomiting blood?

Who is going!

Just on the occasion of everyone, Philit Gutt stopped the trend of flying, forced to stand in batches, and asked the name: "Damn, how can you be so strong?"

"Where is this?" Li Feng shook his head smile, then he was turned behind his right foot.

The Gu Liite family thought that he was a secretion, that is really too small, not to say invincible aura, said that the Qingshan Guardians just used by him are not a general warrior player.

Can you resist the skill of the top ten with the same level? Is it playing with you? !

Plus, you can punish a punch for a punch, the Qiankun of the same level, Philit Gutt is not seriously injured, I can't afford Li Feng's anti-sky skills.

Seeing Li Feng's use of virtual gods, Philit Gutt did not dare to hesitate, and the gods after controlling the gods will use it.

However, he has not waited for his actions here, and Li Feng's virtual gods have been raised in half: "Stepping on the sky!"


The big feet of a covering day appeared, and then the meteor fell to the Felt Gulit.

Philit Gutitt is shocked, when you want to dodge, just, Li Feng has used the time to go, plus the seven steps, the ability to lock the attack, Philit Quri It is especially not open.

Under the fear, Philit Gutt used to use wildcraft, while a punch to cover the big feet of the sky, at the same time, the god behind him also slammed a punch .


A loud noise, the big feet is disappeared, and a horrible energy fluctuate in half air.

Everyone only felt that there was a windy wind in the court, and the Tang Xiong and others were blown up.

"It seems that it is very powerful, actually just this!"

Philit Guttone touched, the big feet gave him a lot of pressure, and he didn't want to be bombed by him. It seems that Li Feng is not Er.

At this time, the Guret family sounded a sound of "old ancestors".

Just when Philit Gutt intends to win the victory of the children's future generations, the breath on Li Feng has risen two times, and he is flat with him again.

Then, Li Feng immediately looked up again, and then stepped on it!

Philit Gutt is a big shock, so the technique is generally a punch.

However, he has hurt, this is another second step in the sky, Li Feng also used violent plus asthill, how to double the power?

Philit Gulit did not boke the big feet at all behind him!


A loud noise, there is a huge foot pothole on the ground, dust is flying!

The Qifut family did not exclaimed, and Li Feng felt once again, and he stepped on it!

In the third step, the fourth step, after the two steps have been stepped on, Li Feng scattered behind the gods, and the right hand fell back and said: "Uncomfortably!"

A silence between the scenes!

After half, Han Ju Gutt drums the courage to go to the foot, and then he looked down and went to him.

In the sight of Hanga Gulit, Philit Gutt has already turned a meat cake, and it can't die again!

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