Save the Goddess System

Chapter 901 Compensation

Han Tak Guite is not good. How long does this? How long does it take? Two people have been doing ten seconds, and Philit is hung, this is really unbearable!

Key Philitor's ancestors are the hope of their family, no balance of Philip old ancestors, Li Feng is not what I want?

This moment, Hanga Gutt hated Kyle, or he is the beauty of Tang Qiong, how can he make a terrorist player like Li Feng? !

"Mr. Li, you won, our Gulit family has been planted!"

Han Naqi special deep breath, standing up and rushing Li Feng arch.

In the distance, the other members of the Gulit family have a few hopes. After hearing this sentence, the color is all in the back.

Philit is really cool ...

Now the problem is coming, there is no one in the Guret family to balance Li Feng, will they welcome what kind of fate?

If you don't take Li Peak, they are still far away. They have rushed the legs and running.

This thought is just a whisper, it is ruthless, don't say that it is 100 meters, even if you have a thousand meters, the low level players have not escapped from the hands of the half-level strong.

"Li Feng won?"

Tang Xiong and others are first glimpse, and then it is overjoyed.

Although Li Feng does not wait for them, Li Feng will not kill them, they are safe!

"Mr. Li is so good ~!" Aishanya held the chin, a flower idle.

Tang Qiong was originally being shocked by Li Feng. After seeing the pair of Aiasiya, he smoked, and there was a little vigilant in his heart.

Isar Ni Ya will already like Li Feng? !

"You are a timely." Li Feng maintains a posture of his back, step through the big pit, came to Han Tan Guite to stand: "You said that you have to kill me, right ? "

Han Naqi Special Horn: "Mr. Li, I don't know if you are ..."


A golden light flashed, Han Tan Gulit headed.


Tang Qiong sent a excitement, then grabbed his mouth with his hand.

Because Li Feng facing Tang Qiong, just blocked her sight, so she didn't see what happened, but the blood and the blood of the splash made her understand Li Feng just did what.

This man who has been labeled with a weak label, killing people, it is so simply, it doesn't seem to have any psychological burden!

Is the Li Feng in his memory really the same person?

Tang Xiong and others can't help but play, Li Feng kill Philith Gritt, Too big, Philith Gutter is dead in the pit, so don't let them feel blood.

Can Li Feng Ji, the sword, but Tang Xiong and others feel killed from the bones!



The people of the Gulit family have fallen into extreme grief.

Different Hangut Gutt and Philitter, Philith Gutt closed for a long time, and most of the Gulit family members were only smelling their names.

Hanji Gutit is a contemporary home, everyone has a short time to live in a short time, there is affection.

"Give me a chapter!"

Li Feng rushed to a member of the Gulit family, and the cold voice said: "Improve us is the victim, what are you crying in this ghost?"

If he is an ordinary person, he has suffered from Tang Qiong 's poisonous hands by Kyle Gulit.

If he is not the opponent of Philit Gutt, the people who die now will be him, and Tang Qiong, and the end of Aiha Ya will be very miserable.

So he didn't have a little psychological pressure when killing Hanji Gulit, because he is reasonable, because his fist is big, so the Guite family will surrender in front of him!

The Gu Liite family member does not talk, not they know that they are losing, but Li Feng is too strong, in knowing that there is no one in the camp, there is no one can balance Li Feng, and it is still looking for death!

"Your housekeeper is dead, send a person who can negotiate with me."

Li Feng swept coldly from the Guite family members and said.

The people in the crowd, one of the four-five-year-old white old people who have four or five in the crowd came from the crowd and came to Li Feng. "Mr. Li, I am Kino Gutt, is Han's second brother. "

"Oh." Li Feng nodded quietly, then said: "What is your planning today?"

"This ..." Kino Gulitte eyebrows, surprised: "Mr. Li is willing to let us?"

Other members of the Gulit family also stunned. When Li Feng killed Han Tuan Gutt, they thought that they were difficult to escape.

I have never thought that the mountain is poor, there is no way, Liu Dianhua is also a village, Li Feng actually wants to end the matter with them!

In the distance, Tang Xiong saw that Li Feng did not kill people, and the gallbladder recovered some. After hesitating, he went to Tang Qiongi: "Small ..."

Originally, he wanted to call "Xiao Qiong", but was called by Tang Qiong, and then quickly changed his call: "Miss Tang, let's take a look at Mr. Li is talking about?"

He is not really curious that Li Feng is talking to the people of the Gulit family, but now he is only safe than standing near Li Feng.

Who knows the surrounding members of the Gulit family, what do they do in this people?

"Ha ha."

Tang Qiong made a clear laugh, and then the hand of Aisa Ni Ya went to Li Feng.

Tang Xiong first was a burst of jam, then sighed, giving Tang Fei and others made a eye, and quickly followed the past.

"Tang Qiong sister, they came up, do you want me to take them?" Aisa Nago looked back and said that he said angries.

She has long seen Tang Xiong, these people are not cool, now Tang Xiong and others have a dead skin to follow them behind them, and she will not be angry.

Tang Qiong shook his head: "Forget it, ignore them."

Although she has already set up the idea of ​​talking to Tang Xiong and others, the memory will not disappear, although most of the time Tang Xiong is not good, it can occasionally there will be some warm moments Remembrance.

As long as they don't play my mind with Li Feng, how can they like it ...

Just after they walked to Li Peak, I just heard Kino Gutt said: "Mr. Li Feng, in order to express our apologies of our Gulit family, we are willing to compensate you of 10 billion pounds of cash, ten real estate and Kasler 81% of the group, do you still be satisfied with this compensation? "

Tang Qiong: "???"

Aisa Nay: "???"

Tang Xiong and others: "???"

They also thought that Li Feng chatted with the Gulit family. It turned out to be a chat compensation, but only one billion cash, ten real estate, 81% of the Exterior Cales Group ... Is it serious?

At this moment, Tang Xiong and others were mad, and they regretted!

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