Save the Goddess System

Chapter 902 hidden danger

"Hey, congratulate the host, 'Remitte the original' task completed, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 1 million experience value, 5 million system points, 20 conquers some rewards."

The sudden system prompts that the sound of Li Feng instantly caught the status.

No ... How do you suddenly regret Tang Xiong and others? This task is not too awkward!

After Li Feng thought for a while, he would like to understand that it is obviously the huge amount of compensation for the Gu Lit family to make Tang Xiong and others envious!

The market value of Kasley Group is 30 billion pounds, what is the concept of 81% of the shares? 24.3 billion pounds!

Plus ten real estate, 10 billion pounds of cash, added a value of nearly 40 billion pounds, Tang family only only 1 billion £ 1 billion, he got 40 times the compensation for Tangjia total assets, Tang Xiong If you don't envy, Li Feng can screw the head of Tang Long to kick!

Envy and regrets not to have a relationship?

Yes, and it is a big relationship!

Think about it, if Li Feng is still a son-in-law of Tang Jia, will there be a copy of Tang family inside?

Li Feng certainly will not be distributed to Tang family, but Tang Xiong and others feel that he should be divided, but Li Feng is thinking about them, Tang Qiong is also a relationship with them, and only 40 billion pounds Can watch it but can't touch.

This is like missed a hundred million, Tang Xiong, etc., the intestines are full!

After you want to do this, Li Feng enters the system to view the personality attribute.

Host: Li Feng

Level: Half-level (medium)

Experience value: 2152 million 50 million

System score: 31 million

Conquer point: 1337

Skills: "Shen Wei", "God", "Talking Seven Steps", "Treasure Sword Law", "Void", "Fang", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", " "" Exploration "...

Waiting to complete the task: not installed, showpass

"Call, then get the final task, I can return Huaxia ..."

After a while, Li Feng took out the system and said to Kino Gulit: "The conditions you give are very attractive, but I have to add one to let you live back."

Kino Gulit did not plan to talk to Li Feng in one time, and he still understood the truth of the landing of the money. "As long as Li Mr. Li will let us live a way, everything is good."

Other members of the Gulit family have nodded.

It is the most important thing to live, and the fame and letters are in the body.

"This kind of consciousness is very talked." Li Feng smiled and said: "My people don't like to leave hidden dangers, and your own force is a hidden danger."

I heard it, Keno Gulit, etc., I can't help my heart: "Mr. Li, we are not your opponent."

They are all smart people. Li Feng said that this is obvious to abolish them, but this is the biggest capital of the Guite family proudly in the west of the West, once abolished the force, the Guite family is gone. Aobey West of the Western.

"I know, now you are not my opponent, I can't be my opponent in the future, but I am not alone, staying with you is a hidden danger."

"Of course, I am discussing with you, you can also refuse."

The smile on the face of Li Feng is getting awesome.

Kinno Gulitton, I was hurt, discuss it? Refuse? Oh, if you don't refuse, they can keep your life. If you refuse, you can't even have a small life!

This moment all the accomplice family members hate Kyle Gutt ...

A few minutes later, Li Feng has abolished the last Gulit family members of "Dantian", and Li Fengle has received the 10 billion pounds of the Gulit family, as well as 10 landship.

81% of Casel Group was also transferred to Li Feng with the fastest speed of Keno Gulit.

After you finish these, Li Feng has to take Tang Qiong, Aiha Yaya leaves here.

Who knows that Tang Xiong has a thick face to block his way: "Li Feng, 26 years ago, your grandfather saved me, now you saved our family once, your grandchildren, the grandson, our Tang family is unhappy ! "

Tang Fei, who stands behind Tang Xiong, squeezed a smile in Li Feng.

Li Feng is now true big, whether it is financial or force, they need to look up, in the face of this big, they can't think of the second choice except for the dedication.

Li Feng couldn't help but a little cold, then frown: "Mr. Tang, what do you think?"

"What?" Tang Xiong asked.

Li Feng sighed: "I just don't have to save you. Are you so self-satisfaction? Also ... don't mention my grandfather, I have long been thinking about the grandchildren, so he saved You are his business, there is no relationship with me a penny. "

Tang Xiong: "..."

Tang Fei and others: "..."

Even Tang Qiong was stunned.

Li Feng did not recognize his grandfather in order not to talk to Tang family. Do you want to be so overbearing?

"Right, now I am the absolute holding of Kasley Group, which has the right to choose who Cales Lee's agent, is your Yi Lan Group Is there a interested partner?"

On the occasion of Tang Xiong and others, Li Feng suddenly asked.

Tang Xiong thought that Li Feng suddenly turned into the heart, I said: "Interested, of course, I am interested, Li Feng, you don't know, Qi Shi Group has less than Kasler's partner, revenue!"

"Now, you have become the biggest shareholder of Caseli, and the Yilan Group can broadcast the biggest agent of Y country!"

Tang Fei and others have also begun to fantasize Tang Jiazhi, after this thigh, rushing the scene.

"Oh, but I am not interested in cooperating with the Yi Lan Group, goodbye!"

After this sentence, Li Feng took Tang Qiong, and the Aiha Nay left here, leaving only Tang Xiong and others in the wind.

So Li Feng asked him if he was interested in disgusting him, this is a special one? !

After a long time, Tangfei asked: "The old man, what should we do now."

Tang Jian and others also looked at Tang Xiong, and the expression was a bit awkward.

Tang Xiong spit out a turbidity: "Don't he all cost, repair the relationship with Li Feng, Xiao Qiong!"

After finishing, he will go first step away.

After the Tang family left, members of the Guret family recovered a bit of angry.

"Hands, is this breath, is it so swallowed?" Someone asked.

Keno Gulit looked at the person, and I spit out a touch of violence: "Of course, our Guitt family is more than two hundred years in the west, why received this kind of grievance? If this is not According to the Question of the Gulit family, is there any face? "

Other members of the Gulit family sighed: "But we are not the opponent of the Chinese people."

"I look at us, I'm old, I'm doing a rich family, enjoy Ronghua rich."

"Stupid!" Kino Gutt snorted, swept the people in a circle: "Do you forget? The old ancestors, the second ancestors are still in the world, now we will return to BMH, please go back to the two ancestors revenge!"

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