Save the Goddess System

Chapter 903 Tang Qiong 's Guess

More than 20 kilometers from the Gulit Manor, a Rolls-Royce Phactus is driving smoothly on the city, driving a red-haired woman.

The beautiful woman looks around, wearing a godless wine in a walrush, the body is beautiful, the face is beautiful, just like a ladies who are willing to participate in the party.

Generally speaking, there are their own drivers to participate in the party, but this beautiful woman doesn't have any strangeness, because the back row is still sitting in a white suit, and the noble temperament on this man Far Super Super Red Hair Beauty.

The man seems to be young than the red-haired beauty, and it is 20 years old.

His long-term handsome in his long, there is a little evil charm, and the red pupil is a demon dismal that he is inserted. His shape is full of strength.

More amazing is the noble temperament on this man, just like a natural aristocrat, it will give people a sense of nobleness.

Because of his existence, the red-haired beauty personally drives very natural.

White man is looking at the ipad in the rear row, suddenly his eyebrows are picking up, turning to the front of the car window to look at the position where the Gutit Manor is located.

Half of half, he whispered: "Good energy fluctuates, is there a half-level power in the show?"

Red hair is slightly changed, and the hand drifting is not moving: "Is the Brad in the elders?"

I didn't feel any energy fluctuations just now, so there is this question.

Brad shakes his head: "No, it is coming in the southeast direction. If I have not guess, it should be the little guy of the Guret family."

If the ancestor family members will feel shocked and angry here, their three ancestors live in 145, which is called a little guy, this is an insult!

However, there is no intentional insulted meaning in Brad's tone, which is extremely natural.

"Philit Gulit? He has been closed for many years, is it a hard-wrapped enemy?" Red haired woman doubts.

Brad's mouth has hooked a bitter laugh: "Avril, your problem makes me very embarrassed ..."

Avril is a fearful color, holding the hand of the steering wheel, a little trembling: "Sorry Brad, is my Tang, please punish."

Brad smiled: "Nothing, it is unable to answer your question, I feel a little is very difficult. After all, I have been worse than the situation."

If you break through the situation, even if you are twenty kilometers, he can also happen to the Eight of the Gulit Manor.

This is the ability of the king!

Unfortunately, he hard to reach a half-peak, a step away from Shouting.

Seeing Brad's meaning, Avril is relieved, then she asked carefully: "Brad is old, are you going to the Gulit Manor?"

"No, the battle over there is over, even if you got it, I can't find anything. According to the established plan, I will go to the Rock Fort."

After that Brad closed his eyes, the right hand finger tapped in the edge of the window.

The two half-level strong people have time to fight for 10 seconds, is it a victory, or is it only?

Is Dirent Austin's weird performance relationship with the two sides of this battle?


After half an hour, Li Feng has returned to the apartment.

Things happened tonight is too big to give Tang Qiong, so she will not sleep in a half, even if the time is very late.

As for EIA, it is okay, after all, she has experienced similar scenes, the key is Li Feng, she will feel safe.

So she saw that Tang Qiong did not have any meaning to be washed, she went to the bathroom first, and she came in the water.

In this way, only Li Feng with Tang Qiong in the living room, and the atmosphere is silent.


The two open at the same time, and then they were on the spot.

After half, Li Feng said: "I ..."

Just a word, Li Feng paused, because he was afraid that there was a situation in the same sound again, and he did not speak in Tang Qiong. He just smiled at him. When he stopped, it also used his eyes and encouraged him to continue. .

This is a special ... The TV series is not so played! Shouldn't both come to the same voice several times, then look at it? !

"Cough ... What is your planning?"

Li Feng cougad a strange emotion of his heart and asked.

"Well ..." Tang Qiong said, considering a small meeting, said: "Take a step next step?"

Li Feng: "???"

I will take a step in a step. You are a business woman, do you have any planned sex?

"Do you really want to talk to Tang family?" Li Feng deeply asked.

"No." Tang Qiong shook his head, and then said in Li Feng's horrified eyes: "I have already said to Tang Jia."

Li Feng: "..."

Tang Qiong, who has always been high, suddenly played with him, this is really a wonderful experience!

"I also have a problem, I want to ask you ... that is ..." Tang Qiong wants to say, it seems to be entangled.

Li Feng's heart: "What?"

"Just ... Are you really Li Feng?" Tang Qiong asked courage.

Li Feng's eyes flashed, secretly said: "Sure enough, ..."

In fact, when I received the task of "not installed, showup", Li Feng knew that this task did not need him to deliberately completion, because he is too different from the red name.

He can also concealed through "exquisite" acting of "exquisite", and it will always expose a flaw, and it is a huge "flaw".

Don't say anything else, say that he is hard to find the reason for the explanation!

"Who is Li Feng, can I still?" Li Feng came with a eyebrows and smiled.

Although people have a trend to collapse, Li Feng still wants to try to save it, his own appearance is completely different from the feeling of being discovered by others.

Tang Qiong's color change number, finally biting his teeth: "You may also be Li Feng, but not the Li Feng, who I know, right?"

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "When did you have this strange idea?"

Tang Qiongue guess him is not the original Li Feng is not difficult, but guesses that he is also Li Feng ... this is a bit scary?

"That is, when you talk to Osville ..." Tang Qiong was carefully looked at Li Feng, then said: "I will survey your interpersonal network, then find that your friend is not One is the University of Li's college. "

"And I also hit it, Osweil's Li is also a martial arts! Through these clues, I guess that you will not be the boss of Osville Li Feng."

"So ... Are you really Li Feng? Where did the previous Li Feng went?"

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