Save the Goddess System

Chapter 905, because he is dead

What is the special fate? Is this a fate?

The key is never seen before!

For a person who has not met, the refund is left to me, you will show it, I want to ask? !

For a time, Tang Qiong was caught in the half-day of Li Feng.

On the other side, Aisa Ya is smiled and smiled in a short thing: "Mr. Li is really humorous, so cute!"

Tang Qiong: "???"

Who is a humor, is this a lovely thing? I think you have become a brain powder that Li Feng, it must be like this!

"Cough, this is really a special fate. I just had anything to go back to Osville, just saw the car accident."

"In order not to make you too sad, I decided to dress up as Li Feng ..."

Seeing two women do not believe that Li Feng can only force the explanation.

"Oh." Tang Qiong smiled, can you still say something more than a little? I want to ask!

"You huh, I really don't want you to be too sad."

Li Feng said someone else.

Tang Qiong is again acknowledged: "How do you explain how you also know that he is also a matter of Li Feng? Well, I will call His name with Xu Shuang, but how do you explain that you know that Li Feng so many people? "

After the car accident, Tang Qiong did not introduce her family situation to Li Feng, and did not tell Li Feng him with a Chinese medicine hall in Chinatown.

But after Li Feng came to Y country, it was as knowing what it was, and he did not call her family's name, and did not expose any flaws.

This is hard to understand!

Li Feng sinked two seconds: "Because I will not know?"

Tang Qiong: "..."

Aisa Nay: "..."

He is afraid not to treat them as a fool?

It is very angry! There is also a little crazy!

Who is suspected of being a heavy weight, I can't get a satisfactory answer, will it be mad? !

Li Feng is also very embarrassed, this is the pot, he doesn't want to back, but he can't say it!

"Cough, in fact, things are far more complicated than you imagine, so don't tell you when you tell you,"

Tang Qiong is a bit not believed: "Really?"

"It is definitely true, otherwise why don't I tell you?" Li Feng shrugged and asked.

Tang Qiling thought, thinking that Li Feng said a bit of truth, at least logically, it always felt that there is nothing to do ...

"Cough, you learned that Li Feng is dead, how do you not?"

At this time, Li Feng asked.

Tang Qiong was sinking for two seconds: "Because he is dead?"

Li Feng: "..."

Aisa Nay: "..."

Tang Qiong is not unhappy, just this feeling is very slight, plus her focus on Li Feng, so the feelings of feelings come quickly.

It's not her too cold, but the previous Li Feng before, I am too disgusted, she is really not crying for him ...

"Hey, congratulations, 'is not installed, showpass" The task is completed, the task reward is released ... "

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 1 million experience value, 3 million system points, 20 conquest point rewards."

"Hey, congratulate the host, just serving the goddess Tang Qiong progress increased, the current progress is 49% (gradually enjoys good)

"Hey, congratulations, the goddess of the goddess, the progress of the goddess, the current progress is 49% (gradually enters good)

"?" Li Feng couldn't help but shocked.

What is the mission? In other words, Tang Qiong did not alienate with him, and the progress was improved, wouldn't it mean that Tang Qiong is now a good feeling about him?

Even the progress of Elegance of Aiha Nay is also improved. To know that Although Aisa Nay is very grateful, worship, more or the kind of future to be a cow.

So ... the restoration of the top face is a plus points?

"Sure enough, the value is both justice!"

Li Feng has some narcissism.

Host: Li Feng

Level: Half-level (medium)

Experience: 22.52 million 50 million

System score: 34 million

Conquer point: 1357

Skills: "Shen Wei", "God", "Talking Seven Steps", "Treasure Sword Law", "Void", "Fang", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", " "" Exploration "...

Waiting for the task: no

After reading the personal properties, Li Feng quits the system and said hello to say: "I want to talk to you ..."

"You want to return to China?" Tang Qiong Xiuyi picks them directly.

Li Feng first stunned, then smiled: "You can't guess anything, this will make me very unopened."

Tang Qugong is slightly changed, I don't know why, after Li Feng admitted, she suddenly hurts in her heart, is it still?

At this moment, IAANA Ya said: "Mr. Li, can you take me to Huaxia? My parents are going to China, you have to leave, I haven't mean anything here ..."

"If you are willing ... Of course you can." Li Feng said with a smile.

For him, there is no pressure in Huaye, with Aisa Ni, even if Vase Ya is not working in Huaxia, he can also raise her.

Can't eat, see if you can make your eyes ...

Tang Qiong is changing again, showing out: "You can't go!"

Li Feng, Aisa Naya surprised her.

"That ... I said ... I haven't finished the divorce with Li Feng, if you are gone, are you going to be a widow?" Tang Qiong's face was red, and then forcibly defended.

"Hey ..." Li Feng faces weird, this question is really let him ignore: "If I do it with you, I will go?"

Tang Qiong was hysterested, and then horn said: "I am a little sleepy, this topic will chat tomorrow morning."

When she finished, she got back to the bedroom.

"I think Tang Qiong sister just found an excuse to leave you, not really want to divorce you."

Aishanya is weird to look at Li Feng.

Li Feng's mouth picked up: "But I didn't marry her ..."

"Then do you want to marry Tang Qiong's sister?" Aiha Ya asked.

Li Feng stunned, I don't want to go with Tang Qiong 's marriage, I don't say it, I will definitely want Tang Qiong after he is gone.

At the time of Li Feng, he suddenly found himself with Tony Black, followed by Eva and his contact.

After more than ten seconds, Dilen Austin and his contact were also interrupted!

After the three people of Dilen Austin were slave, Li Feng has established a wonderful connection between Li Feng and the three, and Li Feng can control the life and death of the three people through this connection.

Now this layer is disconnected, then there are only two possibilities, or some people have lifted the three slave prints, or some people will kill these three people!

"You go back to the house and rest, I will go out."

The voice is falling, Li Feng also does not wait for Aisa Nay to respond, get up and get out of the apartment.

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