Save the Goddess System

Chapter 906 Night Exploration Sequetic Fort

After 10 minutes, Li Fengfei arrived over the sky near the Red Mountain, and then he landed and changed to walk after using the stealth.

Whether it is possible, it is possible to cut off his people who contact Dillen Austin, and the strength is at least half god. If he floods directly to the red castle, it is easy to be discovered by the other party.

Although Li Feng is the early days of the god, it is not a half-god, just like Jiu Huanzong, Luo Tianzi is a half-level peak, it is almost killed him.

If the other party is a half-time and even the peak, it is easy to bring him danger when Li Feng has used several topic tonight.

Be careful!

After another 5 minutes, Li Feng finally came to the gate of Hongshan Castle, and he did not take it in the first time, but used to look at the eyes.

In his sight, in the hall on the 1st floor of the castle, a young blond man is sitting on the horses of Dylen Austin, standing next to him, standing with a red-haired woman.

And the owner of this castle Dylen Austin, in front of the blonde man, on both sides, Tony Blake and Eva also kept half the position in the ground, just like a gift to the blonde man general.

"Do they really relieved slave print?"

Li Feng's face is some dignified.

"Sikin" is the system, how powerful people can relieve the slavery limit?

The blonde man has many strong Li Feng, I don't know, at least he can't see the realm of the other party, but the breath of the red-haired beauty is SSS + level.

However, it is strange that he has not been able to perceive any energy fluctuations from Dylen Austin.

Is the blonde under his body around the energy barrier, he didn't want the blonde to hear the dialogue with Dilen Austin?

The energy barrier is not only so simple, but also makes itself the breath, so you can hide your realm.

Just then, the blonde man said: "This posture is more than just now, you are right, Avril."

Avril nodded: "I totally agree with your opinion, Brad's veteran."

After listening to the conversations of the two, Li Feng suddenly made a bit of a bit, so the blonde did not put any energy barrier?

For a time, Li Feng has set off a wave: "The other side is a bloody veteraine?"

From the dialogue between the two, Li Feng can get two important information.

First, since the other party did not put down the energy barrier, he couldn't feel the three people of Dillen Austin, showing that they have been killed, because the dead is no breath.

In the words of the blonde man, the three people in Dilen Austin now are likely to be blocked by him.

Second, the blonde man is a bloody family, which is a half-level power.

When Li Feng came to the Rock Fort, Dylen Austin told him that there is a strong veteran in the princes in the blood family, such a strong blood family has nine.

These information is together, and Li Feng has drawn a prevention. It must be that the blonde man discovers the three people in Dillen Austin, and there is three in anger.

Because of the powerful limit of slave printing, the three people of Dilen Austin will definitely sell him, so the blonde man now does not know his existence.

But there are trails in Aisa Naya, and each other should be able to find him soon.

"Do you want to test his strength?"

Li Feng sinks a little, and it is planned to go in with wall, and observe each other at close range.

At this time, he left the door and five or six meters away. Li Feng maintained a stealth state and walked quietly.

Just when he was about to come to the door, when I was ready to wear a wall, the blonde man in the door suddenly became slightly changed: "There is a guest!"

While talking, he gave a box to the gate.


A red energy rushed out, directly hind the door, and turned to Li Feng.

Li Feng faces slightly changed, and the body is lifted while the body disappears in the original place, just avoiding the red energy of this group.

In the state of stealth, Li Feng can't use the body, martial arts, this limit from the beginning he knows.

"Hey, what is this, the body of the Huaxia is very interesting."

The blonde man is picking up, and the face is still a bit of interest on the face, it looks very flavor.

After 0.1 seconds, Li Feng came out from the void: "How did you find me?"

Even if the other party is higher than him, he cultivates the skills of the system, naturally there is a hidden breath, plus the blessing of the stuff, unless the other party is higher than him, otherwise he will never find him !

It can be found in the other party, and it is also a box that will make a punch, which makes Li Feng not understand.

"I left a piece of energy at the door. When you passed there, I would know that there is a guest visit."

Brad Yer, two hands, a fine red silk ray appeared in front of him, when he put the silk wire on the ground, the silk disappeared.

However, Li Feng knows that this wire is not dissipated, but it disappears from his sight, it seems like his stealth.

"It turns out."

Li Feng is too self-sufficient.

Although the other's means is very high, it is okay, but as long as I don't think about his stealth.

"Are you a Chinese man? Why come here? Let me guess ... The owners of them are you, right?"

Brad Yer took the right hand to hold the chin, some are lazy.

Li Fengbei picks: "It seems that you have already known? But I am very curious, they should not tell you about this matter, so how do you know?"

When he received three people from Dilen Austin, he did not pick their memory, but added some memory.

So Dillen Austin's three people should not expose too much flaws.

"It's very simple, because Dillen Austin's collection is not, he is a very greedous guy, even if I am also difficult to take a precious collection from him."

"And this person has a bigest, that is, everything I want to explore the end, but your means is also very high, and how do they know what to die, not will sell you, so I am really curious, you are How to bring them a slave, China has such a magical practice? "

Brad Yus is full of interest.

Li Feng browned, he didn't expect himself to move the red castle, but in turn into the biggest flaw.


"Since they don't sell me, how do you know what they recognize me?" Li Feng asked.

Brad Yel, two hands, the only wonderful: "We are dead, and it will never sell the owner ', this is their original words."

Li Feng: "..."

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