Save the Goddess System

Chapter 907 can't stand this grievance!

"I am special ..."

Li Feng only felt that an old blood was blocked.

The power of slave print is unquestionable, and the three of Dylen Austin's loyalty is also unquestionable, but because they are too loyal to commit such low-level errors.

"Tell me, how did you do it, I can spare you not to die."

While talking, Brad Yer took a red silk ray again, put it behind the feet and disappeared.

Li Feng browned, he always felt that the other party took a red silk wire was not fun, but another he used, would you like this to leave him?

"Frankly ... even if I said, you have learned."

Li Feng smiled, and then took a step, when his right foot followed up, a red silk row suddenly lit behind him, and an amazing energy fluctuation started gestation, just like an outbreak at any time.

Li Feng is slightly changed, and the right foot station will return to the trail, and the eyebrows ask: "This line is not just a role of warning?"

Brad Yus is a smile: "You guess what is another role of it, answering a prize."

Li Feng sinked two seconds: "You guess me guess it?"

Brad Yel is a bit: "What is the last sentence you said?"

Li Feng brows micro wrinkle: "This line is not just a warning role?"

"Yes, it can also kill people." Brad Yer is nodded, and he is very sincere.

Li Feng: "..."

I special ... This brother does not have a card according to common sense, the young master can't complete the way!

Brad Yusi smiled: "Little guy, you are too tender, tell me how to collect the servant, can you suffer less."

"As long as I said, will you let me put me?" Li Feng came to you.

Brad Yerni said: "Of course, my character is still very guaranteed, you said it is Ai Weidi."

The red-haired beauty of the side is admired: "Yes, Brad is very credible, this is a guarantee."

Now that pressure is coming to Li Feng, I saw him first, I was sinking for two seconds, then try to speak: "The method is ... use sincerity to deform them?"

Brad Yier: "..."

Avril: "..."

Who is sincerely embarrassed, what is the ghost behind you, and what you are not sure is still telling us, when is our idiot?

"It seems that my sincerity can't touch you, this makes me feel very disappointed, very disappointed."

While talking, Brad Yer once again took a red silk, this time he did not put it under his feet, but a bomb, the red silk flew to Li Feng's chest.

Li Feng faces the color, and the body disappears in the original place, just hiding the silk.

"This method ... is really interesting."

Brad Yus is exposed to a strong color, waiting until Li Feng re-appears in the same place, he lifted two hands, just like the command of the symphony orchestra, closed his eyes.

At the same time, a breath that belongs to the peak of a half-god is raised on him, and a sound appears behind him.

This vain is red, and there are two huge wings on the back, and the momentum is iv!

"Half God is the peak ?!" Li Feng face color.

If the other party is a half-term, he still has a confidence in his faith. If he exceeds his two small realm, Li Feng feels great, this moment, Li Feng's heart is returned.

Just with the waving of Brad Yus, four red silk ribs danced around Li Feng, just like four red fish, and air is their seawater, with a different beauty.

Li Feng in the four red lines surrounded, but he couldn't feel the beautiful beauty, because these four small red lines gave him a lot of sense of crisis, Intiible tell him that I must not be encountered by these red lines!

"Sweeping the World!"

Li Feng took the Shenwu Jian from the system backpack, and a sword came out, the sword whistling!


The sharp sword is on a red silk, and the silk should be broken!

However, the red line that did not wait for Li Feng, but the red line that was broken is like a little snake. It will be connected together, and the other three red lines will resize the Tian Luo Lizhi, and he is sleepy in the original place!

The first formal is actually a small red silk wire!

"Nice swordsman, but you want to cut my baby with this intensity attack, I am afraid that it is a little whimsy."

Brad Yusi said.

Li Feng faces slightly changed, sweeping the intensity attack of the world? Can the Tianstroke law fourth?

However, Li Feng refused to think that Brad is very embarrassing, he said, maybe the key to breaking these silk is not an attack intensity, but not!

Just in the heart of Li Feng, Brad Yer, two hands, all the four red silk threads around Li Feng suddenly woken.

If Li Feng is not separated from the inside, it is most likely to be stranded in the four red lines!

"Time will flow!"

Li Feng did not dare to hesitate and opened the time backward.

Suddenly, the world is like Li Feng presses the playback key. The four rounds of red lines began to go backwards. Finally dissipating, the vain after Brad Yus disappeared, and the breath dissipated.

Li Feng did not stop back, and he had stopped the footstep until the gate outside the door.

After that, a group of red energy recruited, flew back to the castle hall, and the broken door was re-gathered.

In the hall, Brad You Roked back to the supper, and his mouth said that heard the syllable that heard.

After a few seconds, Li Feng terminated the time and returned, then returned to the stealth. After retreating it, Li Feng took a slightly turbidity, and then turned to the moment.

In the end of the empty fir, the time is over, Brad Yusi is a moment, and then he said with a lighter: "Avril, do you feel is not very right?"

Avril's face is angry: "Brad is old, I don't quite understand what you mean."

Brad Yier Facial Magic: "I just did a dream, but I didn't impress it at all my dreams."

"Hey ..." Avril is a bit awkward, completely GET does not reach the meaning of Brad Your.

"Forget it, it may be that I just got it." Brad Yus shook his head, putting this miscellaneous deported brain, but his heart is deeply uneasy.

What did he lose?

At this moment, Li Feng, who is going to the apartment, still don't know that Brad Yus can faintly influence the influence caused by the time. If you know, Li Feng will be surprised.

Now I have only one thought in the sea in the sea, just to take Tang Qiong, Aisa Na Huaxia, and then he went to Jiujing Zong to move the soldiers.

The three slaves were killed, and they were almost left by Brad Yus, and the young master couldn't stand it!

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