Save the Goddess System

Chapter 908 takes you

Ten minutes later, Li Feng returned to Tang Qiong's apartment.

As he expects, Tang Qiong, Aiabi Ya is sitting in the living room, on the surface, watching TV, but their attention is not on TV.

In the moment he entered the door, the two women went through the head.

"Hey ..." Li Feng was stissible in the door, and it was half-faced. "How do you still sleep?"

"Tang Qiong's sister heard you out later, she was very worried about her ..." Aishanya has not finished, Tang Qiong is busy with her.

Li Feng faces more weird, Tang Qiong, the girl, I didn't think about him, but now I don't think of these, he quickly busy: "I want to talk to you, I have encountered a strong enemy, So just return to Huaxia immediately. "

"Ah?" Tang Qiong, Aishanya's earth colors.

Although Li Feng said is very simple, the two women know that "very strong enemy" is definitely unable to fight, otherwise it will not leave with Li Feng's character.

"Then let's buy tickets."

Tang Qioni is worthy of business women, and now there is no hesitation, it will be put into action.

In fact, when Vase Ya said that when he went to Huaxia with Li Feng, Tang Qiong moved his mind. In the past, she pursued economic drug, the root cause is to take over Tang Xiong and others.

Now she has already decided to have a relationship with Tang family. Naturally, I will not be anxious.

More importantly, she was adopted by Tang Jian from Huaxia. Her biological parents were in China. Although she hadn't come and asked Tang Tang Jian to adopt her details, I went to Huaxia and then inquired.

Coupled with her feelings for Li Feng, how can he look at Li Feng only brought Aisabi to Huaxia?

On the side, Aisa Nay's face is a bit ugly: "But I haven't handed a visa yet ..."

She is not flying like Tang Qiong's world. She just went to Europe, other countries in Europe, never been to Huaxia, and to Huaxia needed visa, this procedure is still very cumbersome.

Tang Qiong's face has also become anxious: "What can I do, do you want to go to nearby countries to hide?"

Just when the two women were in a hurry because of the visa problem, Li Feng went to the two women and said: "Don't use a visa, I can take you directly."

"Is a private plane? Wow, Mr. Li is really powerful, I have never taken private plane!"

Aiha Ya is outstanding, it jumps in the original place.

Li Feng's face is weird: "Hey ... I don't have a private plane, and even if I have private aircraft, you also need to handle a visa to enter."

Isn't he breakd the fantasy of Vasea? Good feeling ...

It seems to return to Huaxia to buy a private plane.

"What do you want to take us back Huaxia, sneak?" Tang Qiong Xiuyu wrinkled, although she didn't like to smoke this way, but this time I couldn't be entangled, as long as I can safely arrive in China.

Moreover, Li Feng is around, she doesn't have to worry about the legendary snake heads.

"Stealing, I will take you directly ... It seems that it is not too good, too far, you should not be able to transfer directly, do you not transfer directly?"

Li Feng touched the chin belief from the language.

"Space ... Transfer ?!"

Tang Qiong and Aiha Ya are a horrified look, some can't believe in their own ears.

The space is transmitted, and they only have seen such bridges in the sci-fi movie, how can be in real life?

"Well, you have not heard it wrong, it is the space transfer, just a few seconds, I can take you to the Chinese outside 10,000 kilometers, but this way has some side effects ..."

Speaking of this, Li Feng has some inhibiting the power of the vomiting.

I rely on, why do you have to make a broken moth every time, he will stop himself, do you accept Tang Qiong Isairon Eastern Eastern?

"Can you really transfer space, isn't this a game?"

Tang Qiong still can't believe it.

"Since Mr. Li said, it must be." Aisa Na Ya is now blindly believes in Li Feng, so she is more interested in: "What is side effects?"

"Well ... it is to transfer the past, maybe your clothes are gone." Li Feng wanted to decide whether it was still good, he was so excused, and the two women found that he thought it was he deliberately, it was cold.

"Clothes ... Nothing?"

Two women are just a face.

What is the clothes, how can clothes? Where is this?

So Li Feng is in deliberately talked?

"Cough, I really didn't joify you, the space transfer may be accompanied by space, the clothes may be less than the body, so this will happen."

Li Feng has some embarrassing explanation.

"Is that the body would not be hurt?" Tang Johi asked with concerns.

"No, I have passed someone to have passed many times, this can be assured you." Li Fengxin said.

Seeing Li Feng is so confirmed, the two women have no doubt, after all, Li Feng has already shown many magical things, and the space transfer can also be said.

It's just a bit of difficulty, after all, three of them are transferred together, after the end of the transfer, Li Feng is not all seen?

Aiha Ni Ya is a bit juking, but Tang Qiong can't accept it ...

Li Feng, smiled: "Reassure, I will close your eyes after the end of the transfer ... Well, I have space equipment, I can help you with baggage."

"Now I will give you a 30 minute time. Let's start to transfer after 30 minutes."

The two women did not hesitate, and they quickly returned to their rooms and started to pick up their luggage.

After 30 minutes, the two women took a big bag, one person pulled a luggage out of the room.

Li Feng's mouth picked up: "So many bags?"

"Well ... is something necessary for some life." Tang Qiong said.

Aisha Ya also told one side: "It's really just some life ... so much, what should I bring it?"

In curious, Li Feng used the luggage with the next two people. It was found that there were some cosmetics, the clothes, the clothes, and the like, the truly called necessity, only personal documents, bank cards, cash ......

However, Li Feng refuses to think, can clothes with cosmetics are women's necessities? Is it afraid that these women are afraid?

"Cough, you can, give it to me."

Li Feng took luggage from the two women, and then put it in the backpack of the portable system.

After finishing these, Li Feng took the two women's hands and used the group space transfer.

A black light flashed, and the three disappeared from place.

Next moment, located in the living room of the Jiangnan No. 1, Jiangnan No. 1, Huaxia Ming, appeared in a black crack.

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