At this time, it was 16 o'clock in the afternoon.

Only Li Yuan, a person sitting in a large living room, chasing the recently broadcast TV series.

This life is still very pleasant ...

At this moment, a black crack appeared in the living room, Li Yuan first was shocked, then the surprise stood up: "Xiaofeng is back ?!"

She also experienced a person who has passed a space, so until this scene represents anything.

The voice is falling, and the black crack sounded a burst of sick, Tang Qiong, Aiha Nay appeared in Li Yuan's sight.


Tang Qiong didn't think of a strange woman in front of him, immediately screamed, and then hid Li Peak.

It's just that she turned her head and found ... Li Feng did not see it?

When you say good, you will have your clothes to give them clothes? What about others?

When the black crack disappeared, Li Feng saw the distant mom, scared, quickly used the stuff.

Although he was brought by Li Yuan from a small, he is now how big now, you can't afford this person!

Opposite, Li Yuan did not expect that there would be two strange girls to appear in front of themselves. After short, she said weird: "You ... you are a small peak friend?"

Tang Qiong wants to cry, no tears: "Is the sister, what is your relationship with Li Feng?"

Li Yuan looked at the age of thirties, Tang Qiong didn't know that she was the mother of Li Feng, called Li Yuan's sister and didn't have a problem ...

Li Feng in the state of stealth: "???"

No ... Tang Qiong, you are deliberately want to take you cheap, before the young master pretending to your husband, you want to be my aunt now? Do you want to be so embarrassed!

Still in Aisa, there is no evil after coming out.

Because Li Feng closed his eyes very well, he did not find the status of Aiasaya at the moment.

I saw that Aisa Na Ya face, wrote three sentences on the face - who I am? where am I? What am I doing?

"Well ... I am Li Feng's mother." Li Yuan's face was very weird.

Tang Qiong's face was red, this seems that the beauty of about thirty is actually the mother of Li Feng, is it a mother?

God, I just called her sister ... so lost!

"Cough, that ... you have two more, I will help you take two clothes."

Li Yuan's cough, just left this right and wrong, and she secretly decided to ask Li Feng to ask Li Feng to ask him, why not send her a greet before sending someone to the home, let her Little preparations don't say, even the two women are unclear.

It is very passive!

"Thank you sister ... aunt." Tang Qiong wanted to cry again.

Just called the sister of people, and changed people, I am too difficult!

Li Yuan smiled and turned to go to the second floor.

Since she launched, I suddenly appeared two clothes on the floor in front of Tang Qiong and Aisa Ni, Tang Qiong fixed his eyes, one of them is not in the suitcase?

So this clothing is Li Feng, what about Li Feng?

"Cough, don't look back, I am behind you, you have to put on your clothes, I promise that I have no blink."

At this time, Li Feng relieves the sturdy and reminds it.

Tang Qiong also came to ask more, even busy pick up the clothes and started, one side, Aisa Na was still shocked, and the red face began to wear clothes.

Soon, the two women finished clothes.

At this time, Li Yuan, who took two sets of clothes, came down from the second floor.

"you guys……?"

After seeing the two women, Li Yuan was a little bit, then she saw that Li Feng stood not far behind the two women, and the eyes closed the eyes quickly.

"Your kid, how can I go home to say hello?"

Li Yuan asked again and funny.

Li Feng keeps the eyes closed posture: "Hey ... things are more urgent ..."

"How, is it dangerous?" Li Yuan asked with concern.

"No, I am so dangerous." Li Feng hit a haha, I broke this topic: "Mom, is you at home?"

Li Yuan saw him and didn't want to say more. I didn't ask again now: "Well, I have to go to work, do you want me to call them, let them come back tonight?"

She is still unclear the identity of Tang Qiong and Aisa Ni, in order to avoid the fire of Li Feng, her nousny is also broken.

Li Feng will not guess Li Yuan's intention, when he will say: "Don't use it, I miss them, let them come back, anyway, this villa is quite big, live."

Other, he dares to guarantee, at least now, the relationship between He and Tang Qiong, Aisa Na is still very pure, don't worry about Wei Sibi, they are jealous.

It is said that this is not enough, the more it is, the more it is, the harder is clear.

"That ... Li Feng, we have dressed, you can open your eyes."

Tang Qiong saw that after Li Feng's eyes closed, some touched still some funny, and then reminded.

However, she is somewhat puzzled, who is the "them" in Li Yuankou, what is the relationship with Li Feng?

"Oh, it's already dressed." Li Feng hurriedly responded, then slowly opened his eyes and looked a little panic.

"This silly kid, pick up the girl is quite a set."

Li Yuan is coming over, it can be seen from Tang Qiong, Aisa Ni Ya's expression, and the two women are so meaningful to Li Feng.

If you come back, Li Feng's woman has been a lot, she is a little fucked to see it.

However, Li Yuan changed, and girlfriend had more branches. When I thought of a group of small grandson in the future, Xiao Sun's scene was turned around, Li Yuan felt the true right of his son.

After some self-introduction, Li Yuan finally knew that Tang Qiongi's identity, Li Feng disappeared for more than half months, and in the story of two women, I showed a movie. Before in front of him.

When I went to the evening, Wei Yingqing and others came back, Tang Qiong, Aisa Na Yayi knew that Li Feng actually had a lot of women, and it was in the heart.

Wei Yingqing and others saw Li Feng and brought two sisters to come back, and there was a blonde who had a blonde, and she started to let Li Feng squirt.

Li Feng is not good, and I am busy saying: "Cough, I have a little urgent matter to deal with it. You don't have to wait for me in the evening."

After that, he didn't care about the woman's reaction, and even the villa was busy, and he flew in the direction of the ancient peak town of Xishan Province.

After more than an hour of flight, Li Feng arrived at the destination. After crushing a spark, I entered the Jiu Yu Zong.

Along the way, I saw Li Feng's Jiufang members who gave a high-shot, Li Feng smiled and flew to half of the air.

The voice falls, six powerful breath rises from the courtyard behind the hall, then Luo Tianzheng and others fly out, rushing to the Li Peak, singing, singing: "Gong Yingzhi returns!"

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