Save the Goddess System

Chapter 910 Rebirth

Luo Tianzheng, Liang Yuxin, Wanzi Road, Huang Weizhong, Wang Yuanliang, Bai Xuelian, Jiu Yi Zong six major elders, high-spirited

After six people, there is constant Jiu Jingzong disciple to come to the assembly. Soon six people are full of Jiu Huanzong disciples, and the Wu Central is a large number of people, and there are thousands of people.

These are the bottom of Jiu Hanzong, six half-level strong, thousands of supreme strong!

Looking at these Jiu Huan disciples who worship in his body, a luxury is in the heart of Li Feng, there are so many disciples, a bloody family in the district, isn't it possible?

"Very good, it seems that you haven't forgotten me, I am soaked."

After the two hands of Li Feng, he greeted.

"Zone, you said, we can't forget you, you have to forget you, you have our great principles, we have to carry out the gods in your lead!"

Huang Wei is directly sent a horse ass.

Wang Yuan is unwilling to say: "Yeah, since the last time, the high image of the host is often hovering in my mind, flying, flying."

The backward step Luo Tianzheng is waiting for the people in the heart.

Who is flying, what is the main owner, the little bee is still a little butterfly, do you want to shoot the main Mart? Is it good?

"What do you want to express ..." Li Feng has some , how can he have no such a high level of cultural level, and shoot the arrogant shot is so embarrassing ...

"I mean ... The primary is God in my heart. I only lift my head to look up to the main owner." Wang Yuan Liang smiled and explained: "My cultural level is not high, I can't accurately express my pair Admiration, but no matter what, your old man is this in my heart! "

During the speech, Wang Yuanliang hovered his thumbs up.

"Lao Six, what do you mean, is the master look very old?" Luo Tianzheng turned to Wang Yuanliang and said indignation.

"Of course, I am respecting!" Wang Yuan said with his neck.

If you put it before, he did not dare to talk to Luo Tianzi's top cow, but now Shen Zong said that Li Feng said, no Li Feng's allowable, who dares to do to him?

Luo Tianzheng Li Feng arch, watching Wang Yuanliang said: "Nothing is not good, the master is clearly the wind, Yushu Lin Feng, the appearance of Pan'an, the love is Song Yu, is more than the son! These are not more than the elderly Is the Lord comfort? "

"I ..." Wang Yuanliang did not speak, but she hated.

Rely, he is a loss of no culture!

Li Feng put his hand, smiled: "Okay, you rash less, I have a few pounds of a few kilograms of two or very clear cognition."

Although it is good to be touched by Luo Tianzheng, it is good, but he is here to do something, how can you waste time on this?

"Yes, the main owner!" Luo Tianzheng et al.

After that, Li Feng passed through the crowd and walked to the Chamber of Commendation first.

Soon, Li Feng sat in the chairman of the Chamber of Deputies, Luo Tianzheng and other five elders landed on both sides, and Bai Snowlian was very well-behaved poured a cup of tea, sent to Li Feng.

Li Feng got some nodded, and drunk the tea, the tea, the rumor, this said: "This time, I have an important task to give you, I hope you can do it."

"The life of the master, we must do our best to complete, Wan Dichang!" Luo Tianzheng is so shouted, the sound of the roof.

In fact, Luo Tianzheng is waiting for a long time. It is not the kind of people who are willing to help people sell their own life. Can Li Feng is not in this areas of "others".

Li Feng is a person who controls their life and death, if they answer slow or let Li Feng dissatisfied, Li Feng can have their life!

"Do you have to die?" Li Feng's mouth hook, his face flavored: "As long as you really worry about me, I want to die!"

Luo Tianzheng is a bit surprised for a while, is it difficult to die? What does Li Feng want to express?

"Remember Feng Dehai, Wei Bin, Qiu Wei three?" Li Feng knocked at the table, and smiled and laughed.

Luo Tianzheng nodded, they certainly remember, this is the brothers of their division, but they are not killed by you, now I want to remind them?

"They are all the heroes of Jiu Yu Zong." Li Feng put down the tea cup and sighed.

Luo Tianzheng and others have a soya, and I should say "Do you do this?" Since Li Feng said so, they can only be nodded.

"Since it is a hero, they shouldn't die!" Li Feng said like some heartaches.

Luo Tianzheng is really confused, so Li Feng is to be a review, just like an ancient emperor.

Can Li Feng map, they have no idea to give Feng Dehai three people, even if they are not!

Just then, Li Feng said: "So I decided to give them a chance to rebirth, on the one hand, it is to make up for my fault. On the other hand, I also add three powerful combat efforts to our Shenzong."

Just like a thunder sounded in the ear, Luo Tianzheng and others only feel that the hearts of the heart!

Reborn? They listen to it, or is Li Feng mouth wrong?

"Do you feel very hard to confuse?" Li Feng hooked a smell of the radians, and said the domineering side leakage: "This is the ability of your association."

The voice is falling, and Li Feng took out Feng Dehai, Wei Bin, Qiu Wei three-person storage rings, and then look at the blood of the three people.

Luo Tianzheng is waiting for a mist, take out their rings ... then, can you let them regenerate?

If Li Feng mastered the nine peace, they will definitely open the crazy spit mode.

"The next is the moment of witness the miracle."

Li Feng also explained many of them, and directly exchanged three resurrection with 30 million system points, and then crushed one by one.

"" "" ""

The three sounds sounded, and the three white light came in three storage ring. The blood on the ring was melted and disappeared. Finally, the three brilliance, such as projection, generally reflected in the air far away from Li Peak.

After a minute, Feng Dehai, Wei Bin, and Qiu Wei were condensed.

" ?!"

Luo Tianzheng and other six elders directly burst the roar, then they made the eyes, once again, seeing Feng Dehai three people have opened their eyes.

"Here is ... Chairman ?!"

Feng Dehai has woke up after waking up, and when they find that one of her land is sitting up, then they have seen Li Feng sitting in the primary position.

"It's you?!"

The enemy meets the outer eye red, Wei Bin, and Qiu Wei are killed by Li Feng. I found that Li Feng took a moment after Li Feng.

Only Feng Dehai stunned, and then he got up and got up and got up, and he knew the knees: "Take the gods of the four elders, and have seen the main owner!"

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