Wei Bin, who is going to Li Feng, Qiu Wei is directly awkward.

What is the owner? How does Li Feng become a host, the four elders are in the brain?

Think about it, Wei Bin, Qiu Wei is a little less dare to shoot Li Feng, but the two are still in the preparation of the posture, but if Li Feng has any power, they will be thunder.

"Wei Bin, Qiu Wei, what are you doing, don't you have seen the primary?"

On the occasion of the two people, the long old Luo Tian is issuing a burst.

"Protect the main landlord!"

"Old seven, old eight, two don't want to live, actually dare to active hand ?!"

"Wei Bin, Qiu Wei, you have a big courage, don't you have seen the main owner?"

Liang Yuxin and others didn't let go of the chance to be loyal to Li Feng, and they have a big drink.

Wei Bin, Qiu Wei is really awkward.

I rub, my feelings are old, are they here?

Wait ... Why are they also called Li Fengzong, how is this situation?

I originally the relationship between death, Wei Bin, Qiu Wei, a group of people, or the first eye, I saw Li Feng's relationship. The two must lay it on the ground. "Who is I? Where is I? What are I doing? "The soul is tortured.

Just then, Li Feng smiled and took out the nine characters: "Do you know this?"

Wei Bin, Qiu Yu face the color of the color: "How can the nine stresses in your hand?"

"" ""

Feng Dehai left hand, and the two tricks of the palm of the two were taken on the brain of the two: "How do I talk to the primary?"

In Feng Dehai, he did not die, but Li Feng promised him to spare him. In the face of a player who can control himself, Feng Dehai does not have the second choice.

As for Wei Bin and Qiu Wei ... they are not dead, Li Feng also pretending to Wei Bin, how are they come back, is Li Feng lying?

Although Feng Dehai is more awake than Wei Bin, Qiu Wei is more awake, but still have a lot of doubts around you.

At the time of Wei Bin, Qiu Wei was taken, and the six realized palms flew to their brain, slammed.

"" "" "" ......

"Do you have a brain? Nine order is not in the hands of the main hand?"

"You all have a brain into the water, this is our genus, do you understand?"

"The main hand takes the nine hypoders, thousands of Shenzong disciples don't want, you still don't hurry to meet the main owners?"

Luo Tianzheng and others launched.

Wei Bin, even if it is unclear, this moment also recognizes the situation. At the moment, he will hit a high call: "The next magic seven elders Wei Bin (eight elder and old Qiu Wei) have seen the main owner!"

Li Feng looked up his hand: "Well, you get up."

"Yes, the main thing!" Feng Dehai three people stand up, like the employees listening to the leadership, respectfully stand in place.

"Don't stand in this, back to your respective positions." Li Feng played.

Feng Dehai did not dare to have any hesitation, turned back to the respective positions.

At this time, the atmosphere was slow, but Luo Tianzheng and others have a huge doubt and not.

Wei Bin, Qiu Wei is not mentioned, Feng Dehai, Li Feng is killing in their face, afterwards they checked, Feng Dehai is really dead.

Now his body is buried in the cemetery at the foot of the mountain.

It is such a one that determines that people who have died, but they are reunited by Li Feng, this means can be called miraculous!

In addition to God, Luo Tianzheng is waiting for anyone else who can do it!

After a long time, Luo Tian was a long sigh, sincerely said: "The primary, you really will really be resurrected by people who die, this means is really surprising!"

Liang Yuxin and others attached to the head and all kinds of rainbow fart.

However, they even want to know this, but they don't dare to ask them directly, they can only use the way to shoot Li Feng take the initiative.

Feng Dehai three people face!

What will be resurrected by people die, is it three of them?

Will people realize their death? At least, there is no conclusion, after all, no one can resurrect death, and then ask if they don't remember that they have died ...

Three people in Feng Dehai did not have this memory. In their opinion, they only became a coma, so Luo Tianzheng's words made Feng Dehai so shocked.

"Little small trick, not worth mentioning."

Li Feng said with a swing, and the wind said.

Luo Tianzheng et al, the mouth of the mouth, the power of the spit in my heart also suppressed the outbreak.

What is the trick? Not worth a dog egg! If the dead is a small trick, what is the stunt?

"I know that you are very curious, how did I do, but this is my biggest secret, I can't tell you."

"You just need to know, you can sell my life without any worries, because you will die, I can also resurrect you."

Li Feng said with nine peace and smiling.

There is no threat to the way, but also have enough interest to lure.

There is a nine charter in the hand, Li Feng can of course control Luo Tianzheng's life and death, he let Luo Tianzheng wait for people, Luo Tianzheng is still afraid to have any abilities.

This will lack the subjective initiative!

Li Feng is not just an obedient, but a group of obedients and creative hands, and resurrection Dan is the bait he throwing out.

Of course, Li Feng's cost is also very large, and the accumulated 34 million points directly won a first number of 4 million, but he also has a strong power of two half-gods in the late days!

And he is now a task, there are millions of system points, so this expenditure is within the acceptable range of Li Feng.

Luo Tianzheng's breath has become rushing.

Who can I float in the rivers and lakes? Although they are a half-level power, they also have the risk of falling, but Li Feng, this hand, let them have a life!

In this way, they didn't have worries for Li Feng!

Luo Tianzheng et al Qi got up to Li Feng, squatting: "The main might! We must swear to follow the principal, Wan Dynasty!"

"Hey, host, you have a new task, is it right to see?"

At this time, a system prompt sound suddenly sounded.

Li Fengbei picks up, meditation.

"Task: Roll of roll"

"Task Objective: Leading the Ministry to return to Y country, eliminating the threat of Brad Yus, ensuring that Brad Yus is no longer looking for Aiha Ya's trouble."

"Task Reward: 10 million experience value, 30 million system points reward."

After reading the task, Li Feng hooked a smell of the radians, got up: "Liang Yu Xin, Bai Xuelian, you leave some people, other elders clean up, Zong Lord takes you to dry!"

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