Save the Goddess System

Chapter 912 VIP Tour Group

One hour later, Luo Tianzheng et al. Packed up in the Director.

Seeing Luo Tianzheng's dress, Li Feng couldn't help but smoked slightly, a water black Zhongshan installed additional gold chain big gold table?

You will be embarrassed to take you away!

"Cough ... Do you have any other clothes?"

In order to prevent the enthusiasm of Luo Tianzheng et al., Li Feng is planning to remind them.

"Yes, but all this is the city." Luo Tianzheng and others loudly.

Li Feng: "... Why is Zhongshan Pack, do you like to wear Zhongshan?"

"Well ... this is ..." Luo Tianzheng is waiting to stop, it looks very embarrassed.

"There is something to say." Li Feng brows smashed, all have a face, how is it so hard?

"We just feel that wearing Zhongshan installation is more cultural ..." Luotian is old, said.

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... Is there any cultural and not wearing a Zhongshan installation, no culture can wear Zhongshan!

In fact, this is a misunderstanding in Li Feng's thinking. He grows in the new era. It is normal for Zhongshan. It is normal to wait for the old man, and there is special feelings for Zhongshan.

In addition, most of them are in Jiuyuan, isolated from the world, with the development and aesthetics of the outside world, so wearing Zhongshan installed in their hearts representing a person's status and learning cultivation.

"Well ... What is the ghost of this big gold chain big gold table?" Li Feng asked.

Luo Tian is sinking for two seconds: "It looks more money?"

Li Feng: "..."

You are still outside in the 1980s. The real rich people have a few things, wearing shoes is really big!

"Well, you like it, but this action must have to change the dress, otherwise it will be too eye-catching."

Li Feng made a decision. After going out, he took them first to the mall, bought a few sets of replacement clothes, otherwise someone else didn't know how to see them.

Luo Tianzheng et al. Ok, there is no opinion, and I don't dare to have opinions. When I put the big gold chain big gold table, I put back the storage ring.

After Feng Dehai's three people resurrected, Li Feng also gave them a reservoir, and the three of Feng Dehai really moved. Just when they saw the empty storage space, they wanted to cry without tears.

So, they all died, and they still had a bicycle, and they bought themselves.

Seeing that things are so fixed, Liang Yuxin prayed: "Zone, we also want to go out, do you bring us also?"

"Yeah, the principal, I will laundry and cook, and I will take the shoulder back, bringing me like there is good." Bai Xuelian is going to serve Li Feng.

The two are not deliberate to take Li Feng horse fart. It is really that they also want to go out with the Zong Lord.

Li Feng didn't come before, they went out, but most of them were "purchasing" life necessities, and they didn't have leisurely escort to enjoy the outside world.

Just like Wei Bin, you can eat the feeling of the Royal Dinner, so you can see how pale in their life experience.

It is not because they have no capital, but they are mostly gold, jewelery, sparsh, and the heavens, and it is difficult to show it because of the embarrassing identity of Jiuzong members.

Secondly, they lack the outside world. I don't go out for a while, it is the change of the sky, and even a smartphone will not be used ...

Now I am fine, there is Li Feng lead, they can enjoy the outside world's red wine ...

Li Feng has stopped: "Cough, my girlfriend will follow it, so don't let them misunderstand ..."

As soon as I heard this, Luo Tianzheng et al., But "them" is a few meanings, and the woman of the emotional host is more than one?

Zongwen boss!

Liang Yuxin, although Bai Xuelian is unwilling, but Li Feng clearly refused, they can only be honest.

"Ok, let us start."

The voice falls, and Li Feng will go outside.

A few minutes later, there was a vortex on the stone monument outside Gu Fengshan, and then Li Feng took Lu Tianzheng and others.

Night is as ink.

"Walk, take you to the city to find a place to stay."

The voice falls, Li Feng first flew in half of the air, with Luo Tianzheng and others fly to Yuan Taike.

On the road, Li Feng makes the system have made an ID card to Luo Tianzi, which is not as simple as the fake certificate. Under the intervention of the system, there is already the information of Luo Tianzi in the household registration system.

No matter where they go, what kind of business, their identity card has to check.

This is the power of the system!

After entering the city of Yuantai, Li Feng found a unmanned place to land, and then brought a star hotel in seven people.

When Li Feng took out their ID card, Luo Tianzheng and others had to cry, they can only live in that kind of little hotel every time, because there is no document.

Now, Li Feng actually helped them to solve the account problem!

At this moment, Luo Tianzheng and others have a deeper understanding of Li Feng.

I have eaten breakfast next morning, Li Feng took Lu Tianzheng and others went to a large shopping mall nearby. Before entering the door, Li Feng first found an unmanned corner to wear a hundred-change mask.

The performance of Luo Tianzheng et al. Will definitely cause a lot of people's side, in order to reduce embarrassment, he still don't know how to face people.

After changing the face, Li Feng came to the door of the shopping mall to meet with Luo Tianzheng. At this time, there were many passers-by around Luotian, and there were many passers-by.

"These people are so strange, why?"

"How to wear Zhongshan, I am so funny."

Listening to the whispering of the surrounding passers-by, Luo Tianzheng et al. The expression of others is a bit ugly.

They have been a single action with the disciples, far from today's collective, although it will cause the side of others, it will not cause this "sensational" effect.

At that time, they thought it was a temperament superior, attracting someone else, and now I know that it is because of the special fun!

Li Feng's mouth smoked, and the heart secretly rushed his thumbs up. Now he seems to have just been too impatient.

In this way, Li Feng took a small red flag from the system's backpack, and walked to Luo Tianzi's seven people say: "Cough, visitors of VIP group, our station is the largest shopping mall in Yuantai City."

"It's rare to come to Yuan Taike, you must buy some native products to go back!"

After that, Li Feng will enter the mall one step.

Luo Tianzheng is waiting for a face!

What do you have any tourists? Buy a wool and soil specialty! So ... a host, are we despised by you? It must be this!

At this time, the passers-by suddenly realized: "It turned out to be a tour group, no wonder."

"This tourist group is fun, it is actually made up of a group of grandfather."

Luo Tianzheng et al.: "???"

Your sister's grandfather!

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