Brad Yier pupil is shrinkage: "Are you Li Feng?"

After these two days of investigation, he has learned that Vasea has recently been assisted in this Chinese medicine hall to a Chinese medicine called Li Feng.

In order to investigate what happened to Dylen Austin, he deliberately brought Avril to here, and he didn't want to touch Li Feng.

"Zong ... boss, he said?" Luo Tianzheng waited for English, and heard naturally a fog.

In order to take care of them, Li Feng is speaking to the Brad Yel.

"He asked me that Li Feng." Li Feng shrugged, then sighed: "I have time to learn English, and learn a language with your ability."

The strong sense of half-level strong is not just a body, and the memory is equally strong. It can be done without forgetting. It doesn't forget to go to the ear, and this memory can learn foreign languages.

Luo Tianzheng and others nodded. They also realized how important it was to master a foreign language. At least when they spray, I can understand what to say, I can organize the language anti-spray back.

"Boss, do you have any hatred with him?" Luo Tian asked.

Li Feng two hands: "Is this not a matter of obvious things, or I can say that he is my son for many years?"

As soon as I heard this, Luo Tianzheng and others know how to do it. When Luo Tian is going to step, the cold voice said: "Hey, how do you talk to our boss?"

Feng Dehai presses the fingers, the guidelines are awkward: "Laozi will give you a chance to re-organize the language!"

Wang Yuanliang, Wei Bin and others with the same mouth to vomit, jumped to try to make a feeling of Brader Yuro.

Although they are all saying that Brad Yur can't understand, their momentum is in place, the momentum is in place, and the other is not a problem.

Li Feng only feels comfortable.

Why is the ancient people like to take the house on the street? Five words, too cool!

See who is not pleasing to the eye, don't use yourself, the family can act on behalf of it!

Just like now, if there is no Luo Tianzheng and others, he will personally go to the horse with Brad Yus, and then fight, it is also very likely.

So Tianzheng is here, the situation is big, no need to speak, one person can give Brad Yier to death.

It's more energetic, are you not a half-peak? It doesn't matter, I also have a half-heart player here, and there are two half-age, four half-gods.

Just ask if you are afraid!

At this moment, Li Fengzhen thought that both hands were laughing for a minute.

Avril stepped forward, cold and glance, Luo Tianzheng and others: "You are very courageous, dare to talk to Brad in Brad!"

She is talking about Huaxia, and it is very fluent!

Luo Tianzheng et al., It is too good to understand, it is very good, and their language is hit, it can be free of death!

"The god is old, I am still elder, if you are not satisfied, come over with me, see if I don't call my father!"

"Oh, what happened to the foreigner, you will be the Lao Lao also scared me, come, Laozi first fights three hundred batches, and then tell you ten rounds."

"I rely, the old four, why do you have to fight for three hundred rounds with this woman, she looks very weak, a punch can pour the goods!"

"Hey, is I am fighting? I am talking about ... Well! Do you have a beautiful girl?"

"Lying in the trough, you are shameless! But I like, hahaha, wait for you to fight with her, I will fight with her six hundred rounds!"

"Hey, why do you want more than me, prove you better than me?"

Listening to Feng Dehai et al., Li Feng could not help the mouth.

This is a group of people, following a small ... is wrong, Avril looks around thirty years old, but she is a blood family, who knows how much she actually age?

If Feng Dehai, Feng Dehai, I know that Avril is actually a bloody family who lives for hundreds of years. I don't know if there is a few hundred rounds of happiness ...

"You ... shameless!"

Why did Avril have been humiliated like this, and under the invasive breath, a breath of the supreme peak will rise.

On the side, Brad Yer does not have anything to stop her, even if this is on the street, even the mutual spikes have attracted many people's attention, but Luo Tianzheng's behavior has angered him.

If you don't give these Chinese people a profound lesson, what is the face of his blood? !

Opposite, Luo Tianzheng is waiting to laugh and be amazed.

Lying in the trough, it is no wonder that this woman is so big, it turns out to be the player of the peak, but ...

"Little girl, do you really want to fight with us? Don't regret it."

Feng Dehai is smiled and smiled, and the breath in the late gods rose, and suddenly, a good giant god appeared behind him.

Avril's face dramatic change: "How can you be a half-level power ?!"

Brad Yier pupils, and quickly pulled Avril to his own body, and downgry: "Who are you?"

He is also the same Huaxia. For the blood family with long life, it is very ordinary thing to master a language. Most of the blood groups will master the language of more than two or three doors.

Feng Dehai is a half-time, what is the realm of his companion? If it is a half-level power, then this power is terrible!

"We are the boss's hand." Feng Dehai shrugged and played: "Now you are still mad?"

"Hey! Don't think that you can come here in late days!" Brad Yus snorted, and the peak of the half-gods was released.

From the beginning, Feng Dehai's performance was more jumped, and he also looked at the breath of Luo Tianzheng. So he was gambling these people only Feng Dehai one is a half-level power.

The bet has won the best, even if you bet, there is no relationship. As long as these people don't have a half-hearted strong, he can refund at all.

Brad Yell has such confidence.


Feng Dehai was originally thinking that the opportunity to show it in front of Li Feng, and I have never thought that Brad Yus is a strong peak.

This is very embarrassing.

The Brad Yus's mouth hook, slightly, said: "Now you are still mad?"

He hasn't met such interesting people for a long time, I hope they can persist for a while, give him a lot of music ...


At this moment, a breath that belonging to the peak peak broke out from Luotian.


"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" ...

Wan Zidao, Wang Yuanliang and others were all released by one by one, and the tiger was looked at Brad Yus.

A half-god peak, two half-gods, four half-gods!

Half God!

"That ... if I say this is just a misunderstanding, will you believe?"

Brad Yer converges the breath, and the wings are careful.

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