Save the Goddess System

Chapter 916 Mysterious Oriental Power

Brad Yusu specially crying!

This is a nerve disease. Since your realm is so high, you will be bright, you will be bright, you are bright, you are so funny?

If you have a realm, you will follow your front!

Shameless! mean!

Luo Tianzheng is waiting to see Li Feng: "Boss, he said this is a misunderstanding."

Li Feng's mouth hook: "You ask him that he is still mad."

Luo Tianzheng and others turned to look to Brad Yus: "Our boss asks you still mad."

Brad Yier: "..."

Avril: "..."

You want to ask if you ask directly, how can you convey it, is this realistic?

"Hey, what are you doing, our boss ask you."

Seeing him, Luo Tianzheng is not happy.

"It's not mad." Brad Yer shake his head into a rig.

This is a half-level strong, which is still a half-god, and he is still a fart, and you will stay here.

He is wondering, this is someone, it seems that it is not as strong, how is it all half-level strong, but also a boss.

Ah, now popular half-level strong group group plays pigs to eat tigers?

"Boss, he said he is not mad."

Luo Tianzheng et al. Turned to look at Li Feng and said.

Li Feng nodded: "You tell him, I don't believe it."

"Our boss said he didn't believe you." Luo Tianzheng et al. Turned around.

Also don't say, this is still touched, they are addicted ...

"I am special ..."

Brad Yer only felt that a bloody blood was blocked, and he couldn't stand the temper and wanted to fight with this.

Isn't Laozi already got it? What else do you have!

Finally, he analyzed the comparison between the two parties. Once the other party of the war is a crushing situation, it is forcibly pressing this tone.

"This is really misunderstanding, I just heard that Chinatown has a peerless doctor, so I have seen it."

Brad Yus forced a smile.

"Boss, he said ..." Luo Tianzheng et al. Turned his head, he would turn again.

"Okay, I will deal with it yourself." Li Feng shook his head smile, went to Luo Tianzheng, etc., swept Brad, Avril asked: "Are you sick?"

Brad Yus: "???"

Avril: "???"

No ... I still insult people, I think we can fight you, can you insult us, is it?

"Don't tell me that you have not sick, no sick people will come to see the doctor."

Li Feng shrugged and said.

"Hey ..." Brad Jurot nodded and said with his head: "I have some headaches, um ... may be migraine? Trouble, Dr. Li helps look."

Li Feng nodded, then look at Avril: "What about you?"

"I ... I ..." Avril wants to cry without tears, I am not sick, I still have to come out? I haven't encountered this situation for 800 years!

"She ... cough, the month is not adjusted." Brad Yus is old, said.

Avril: "???"

What is the moon? Does the old mother have that function? Drinking is not enough, but also a month ...

"Ok, you come in two."

The voice falls, Li Feng turned to open the door of the Chinese Medicine, and the two-handed bags went in.

Brad Yier is slightly changed, consider do not escape.

At this time, Luotian is waiting for someone to move, and two of them are surrounded by them, relying on them, they will be out of their seven elders, let these two rings run, let them face?

Brad Yier knew that he can't run, the heart was sighed, and he looked at the Chinese Medicine Hall.

In the distance, Tang people, Tangren, Chinatown, sent a disappointed sigh. During this time, Li Feng's limelight is too strong. If you don't want someone else, you are still waiting for these people to play hands, it is best to kill Li Feng.

As a result, a battle was even invisible, disappointed.

But then come back, is it serious, isn't it technological means?

Just when they didn't stop guess, an invisible fluctuation would cover them, then their faces become a moment, then the previous memory was eliminated.

This is naturally to save the goddess system, and Li Feng does not want to be a network celebrity, even if he is now using the face of the rebel.

Soon, Brad Yel came into the Chinese Medicine under the threat of Luo Tianzheng.

"Let's know if you don't say anything, what do you find me?"

Li Feng sat behind the seat and asked.

Brad Yus is slightly changed: "Is there I have seen before?"

This is his second time, he always thinks that Li Feng is very familiar, but I can't think of where I have seen Li Feng.

Li Feng sinks two seconds, sing: "Ah ~ in the dream?"

Brad Yier: "..."

Avril: "..."

Luo Tianzheng et al.: "..."

Big Brother, you can be the Lord of Shen Zong, can you have a little!

"Are you coming to Aisa Na Ya?" Li Feng knocked on the table and pulled the thoughts of everyone.

"Yes." Brad Yur took a deep breath, and the face did not say: "How do you know?"

Li Feng sinks two seconds: "Because we have seen it before?"

Brad Yus's mouth picked up: "Is it in the dream?"

"Sorry, I will dream of dreaming of beauty." Li Feng ridicily smiled and said: "No matter what person in Aiha, it belongs to which organization, that is the previous thing, now she is my person, you don't Let's bother her again. "

"If you can promise this condition, there is still something to talk about today."

"I promised." Brad Yel did not have any consideration, and agreed.

Li Fengbei picks up, you have to come to the previous sentence "You no longer think about it?"

It can be at this time, a system prompt sound suddenly sounded: "Hey, congratulate the host, 'roll the soil," the task is completed, the task reward is released ... "

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 10 million experience value, 30 million system points reward."

"I am special ..." Li Feng's mouth, a face.

Is this simple to complete? I rely, no! This task reward can be 10 million experience values ​​plus 30 million system points, is it difficult to be super invincible?

Although Surprised, Li Feng knows that the system will not be wrong. Since the mission is completed, then Brad Yus is really not to find Aisa Ya's trouble.

So ... Luo Tianzheng et al, is Brad Yier?

Li Feng guess, Brad Yus is really scared by this mysterious Oriental force. Who is not afraid of seven half-level strong group?

Of course, the bloody family is not allowed to have a veteran, but the old man is not a piece of iron, and it is really not necessarily helping him.

For your own small life, he certainly wants to promise Li Feng's conditions. After all, Vasea is not an important role ...

Li Feng sat nod: "Very good, in this case, let's talk about the problem of seeing a doctor. Before you see a doctor, let the medical expenses will be handed over, and the half-level strong is 10 million pounds, and the sacred strong 1 million "

Brad Yier: "..."

Avril: "..."

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