Save the Goddess System

Chapter 918 World First Supermodel

"You all have seen it, just like this small meeting, more than 100 million pounds to the hand."

Li Feng came out of the seat and said with the bank card.

Luo Tianzheng et al. Qi Qi thumbs up: "Zong main cattle (break)! ~"

"The cow is in the first side of the cow, I just want to tell you, I will not only one thing, but I can drink alcohol."

"This is your bank card, I first hit one million pounds to your account, you will spend it."

Room Li Feng took out seven bank cards from his arms, and his face was handed over to Luo Tianzheng et al.

Luo Tianzheng is excited to have a lot of money!

They have never had so many cash, so every time they come out "purchase" life supplies have to be robbed, now it is good, the master is a million pounds, close to 100 million Huaxia coins, they can finally be arrogant. Buy bought!

Just as I like Luo Tianzheng, I can't help but help it. A Mercedes-Benz barch car parked at the door of the Chinese Medicine, and a young man dressed in a whistle walked down.

Why do you say that he is a lot of money? The first is that his one is dyed into a colorful ponytail, and it is his dress style, just like a small loss of the trousers into a skirt, that feels ...

After tense observing the situation around, the man went to the back row and took a woman who was a woman.

The woman is strict, mask, duckling cap, black ink, and ink, almost cover her whole face.

If it is not her body, it can't be allocated, she is a male.

"The main owner, the business is in the door. This is, what is we needed?"

Luo Tianzheng is waiting for the hand, and asked in the boom.

"Every patient is worthwhile, so don't say that this is a business." Li Feng said with a sorrow, returning to the seat.

Luo Tianzheng is awe-inspiring, this is their association, the heart of the world, the sadness, the feelings, the feelings of the mountains, let people ... cough, cultural level is not enough, I really can't think of other words, I will be like this. .

After the flowers of the flowers, the young man in Hua was quickly swept away from Luo Tianzheng and others, and then asked the nostrils: "Do you have Dr. Li, our lady is looking for you, hurry up."

Luo Tianzheng is waiting to face each other, although they don't understand what birds say, but this expression is not like a good thing.

"Boss, what do you mean?" Feng Dehai asked.

Li Feng's mouth smoked, slightly depressed.

The family behind him can understand what others say, but even someone else said anything else, this special mother's egg hurts.

"I will learn English well after I get off work. I have been given to me in a simple daily communication in three days."

Li Feng hated the iron and did not say steel.

Luo Tianzheng is so busy, and tens of millions of pounds have already made them feel full, plus them also recognize the importance of mastery of a foreign language, do not have Li Feng mobilize, their enthusiasm will get up.

"I am doctor doctor, what is your lady?"

Li Feng, he looked at the young man in the flowers, and asked.

"Let them go out." The young man looked at Luo Tianzheng and others, and he said.

"They are all my employees." Li Feng brows smashed.

"That is not, our lady's disease can only look at you alone, others need to avoid it." The young man said straightforward.

Li Peakou is more tight: "Why?"

"Why are there so many, we will take the money, you have to do it, understand?" The young man is slanted with Li Feng, a pair, I am a customer, I said.

Li Feng first slammed, and said that he said: "Oh ... then I don't give her a doctor, let's go."

Young man is stunful: "What do you say?"

Li Feng turned over white, and he did not take care of him.

Rely, Xiaoyan gave people a doctor to see a doctor, you are so embarrassed, the young master is really not waiting!

"Kid, do you know who I am?" The young man was angry, and the road was walking before the clinacter, and the desktop said.

"Oh." Li Feng smiled, said a word: "I have a special person, Lao Luo, send guests!"

Luo Tian, ​​who heard a mist, was just a glimpse, then he didn't understand: "Boss, don't you say every patient seriously?"

Feng Dehai and others nodded, just they still felt sadness of the boss, how did it suddenly turn around 180 °?

This bend is too urgent, flashing the waist of Laozi!

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "That is also to see the situation, forget it, you all don't understand what he said, according to what I said, do you ask."

"Yes, the boss!" Luo Tianzheng nodded, and smiled and said: "Kid, French Slogan!"

"Watt?" The young man is a bit awkward, this is a special meaning?

Luo Tianzheng's pronunciation is of course not standard, but he doesn't know this, and it is still a slightly self-contained rushing, and the eyebrows are evil: "I don't have, I will speak English, how, I don't envy? "

After all, how many years of old brothers, Wan Zi Road and others read what he meant, and immediately rose the thumbs up.

The key they don't understand what "the legs" means. Can this not admire?

"I am special ... Lao Luo, will you still have this?" Li Feng was amused.

"Well, I went to the world to buy life supplies, just saw a news, a football player rushed to shouting a sentence 'Fas Swark', I remembered." Luo Tian is touching the scalp.

"Well, living in alive, good." Li Feng also rose his thumbs up.

The young man is looking for a lot, not ... situation, this is, do you really abruptly?


The young man took a check station directly on the seat, cold channel: "As long as you govern the disease, this check you can fill."

"Is this not a matter of money, understand?" Li Feng smiled, don't say this is a limit check, the maximum amount is 100,000 pounds, even if it is not limited, he can't see it.

"Rolling, hurry, don't provoke our boss."

Luo Tian is going forward, pushing the young man walks out.

The young man was originally wanted to push it. When he was energetic, he discovered ... this grandfather is very strong, he can't resist it!

Under the shame, the young man shouted: "Hair, you dare to push me, it's all over the sky, you believe that I will let me close the door to let your Chinese medicine hall ?!"

"It's enough for Amy!" The duck hat woman sent a delicate, picking up the sunglasses: "Dr. Li, I am Tiffany Elsea, should you know me, right?"

Li Fengbei talked, slightly surprised: "You are Tiffany Aier West with the world's first supermodel?"

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