Save the Goddess System

Chapter 919 Total male poison

The world's first supermodel, straight men's poison, people's self-cultivation machine, the most perfect body ...

These are the outer numbers of Tiffany Erps, the world's first supermodel is not said, this is a recognized thing, not accepting the refute.

The straight male poison is the outer number of men's powder on Huaxia, maybe her face is not the most perfect, but her body is definitely the most killed on straight men.

Whether it is three-dimensional or leg type or other indicators, it is impeccable for straight men, and the killing power of each part is the existence of the explosion.

Of course, her face is also beautiful, this is unquestionable, otherwise her attraction will be greatly discounted, and will not be called the world's first supermodel.

As for the humanoid self-cultivation machine ... The origin of this title is also data support, that is, she takes a step every time, there is 500,000 gold to pay, so that the money is crazy!

You know that most people in the world have earned less than $ 500,000 in their lives, and she can earn this money in the T stage, is not a humanoid self-printing machine?

Li Feng also had a man who has been working for a long time, so it is very aware of Tiffany Erps, after her belief, Li Feng will be so surprised.

Now the problem is coming ... What is the disease of Tiffany Erps? Why is it to come to see a doctor, is his reputation has passed to BX?

If Li Feng has not remembered, Tiffany Aier West is a BX person ...

"Very good, it seems that you know me." Tiffany El West Horn hooked a fascination of the curve, and re-worked: "I need to guarantee my privacy, so please take your employees, then give it I am sick, ok? "

"If you start talking to me at first, I will probably do it according to your requirements, but it is unfortunately."

Li Feng shrugged and said slightly.

"What do you say?" Tiffany Ersi doubted that he didn't hear it wrong, she did the identity, this brilliant man actually rejected her, he knew what he was doing?

"I said ..." The performance you just didn't rude, so I won't give you a doctor. "

"Of course, look at the model of my favorite model, I am willing to give you a chance to reorganize the language, as long as the partner apology, how?"

Li Feng crossed on the back of the chair, put two feet on the seat, and said it was very easy to relax.

Tiffany Elsea's face suddenly became difficult to look.

I think that she is the first supermodel, no matter where they will get the most enthusiastic reception, she is rejected by a Huaxia Chinese doctor, but also looking at the model he liked. ?

Can you be a fourth grapefruit?

Is this lady just a model? This lady is the world's first ... supermodel!

"Miss, this Chinese people are too arrogant. I will call Norton now, let him find someone to seal this Chinese medicine hall."

Amy who was pushed to the door screamed.

"Boss, he said?" Luo Tianzheng asked with his face.

From the other party's tone, this person certainly didn't say anything, but he couldn't understand the other party, and I don't know what to do.

"Lao Luo, let's take it first." Li Feng sighed, then said: "Man, you can call you, stop you, do you lose, but ..."

"Tiffany's lady is not very good. If you go to the hospital for treatment, it is not good for ten or a half months, but I can let you get to ill."

"See you so eager, should you participate in a big show these days? Do you want to drag your sickly to step on T?, I admire your dedication, but you should also be responsible for the employer's check, isn't it? ? "

"What ?!" Tiffany Alcy and Emizi were on the spot.

Li Feng actually know what hanies she got? How did he know?

Tiffany Elsea will be the strictty in the wear, it is impossible to expose the affected area!

Because Li Feng's sentence, Amy's hand has been sparked in half, it is not, not, it is not, it looks very embarrassing.

"Dr. Li, can you really cure my skin disease?" Tiffany Erps is eager to ask.

Two days ago, she took a large piece of film outdoors. When I went back, I started itching, and then I got some rivals.

Although Tiffany Elsea went to the hospital for examination, treatment, the doctor said that the skin caused by this allergic skin disease would completely saving the time required for ten to fifteen days.

She has to participate in an annual show in LD three days. If she didn't treat the disease, she could only push this show, which will cause great losses to her. In terms of exposure, etc..

Under eager, she just saw the magical introduction of this Chinese Medicine in INS, and then she arrived here.

Now Li Feng's words let her see hope!

"I never said something this person." Li Feng shrugged and laughed.

"Amy, I apologize to Dr. Li!" Tiffany Alcy squeezed, returning to the assistant Amy said.

Amy is slightly changed: "Miss, I think he is blowing ..."

"Amy, you really have a bit not polite, even if Dr. Dr. Li is not good, you should apologize, isn't you?" Tiffany Alcy sighed, followed.

"I ... ok." Although Amy did not want to apologize to Li Feng, Tiffany Aieri had to listen, who made her a boss?

"Don't afford Dr. Li, I just urgently, please forgive me." Amy walked to the clinacted platform and said.

"Okay, I don't remember the little person. I don't care about you this time, I just hope that you will be polite to people, don't be a big boss, you have a lot of people. Can't afford. "

Li Feng sat down, smiled.

Amy nodded, but the heart was very disdainful.

Yes, he acknowledged that many people in this world can't afford, but these people can absolutely do not include Li Feng.

A small Chinese medicine, the medical skills have changed again, still can't change his Chinese identity!

"Dr. Li, Amy has apologized to you, can I treat me now?"

Tiffany Erps is looking forward to asking.

"Of course, if you want to say good before treatment, the diagnosis and treatment fee is 1 million. If I accept it, I will give you a disease now. If you don't accept it, you will be high." Li Feng face.

"1 million pounds? Why don't you grab ?!" Amy was excited to scream, and there was a bit break.

Tiffany Elsea's face is also a little ugly, is Li Feng? Is it a big head?

"That is not accepting?" Li Feng sighed and gave Luo Tianzheng a look: "Lao Luo, send guests."

Luo Tian just went to come, Tiffany Aieri suddenly said: "Okay, I accept!"

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