Save the Goddess System

Chapter 921 is also very violent

"Who is Norton ...?" Li Feng browned slightly, listening to the voice, Norton seems to be a lot of people.

"Mr. Norton is the president of JM. The big show that I have to go after three days is that he is held." Tiffany Ersi got up the bed, and said anxiously: "His temper is very violent, we still hurry out, so as not to produce Unnecessary misunderstanding. "

"Oh ... that is, I have to go out." Li Feng nodded and looked very much.

"Ah?" Tiffany Aieri lived: "How do you suddenly talk so much?"

Previously, Li Feng gave her feelings were the mix of the sky, but now suddenly served soft ... Is Li Feng know Norton's horror?

"What is good to talk? Lao Luo's temper is also quite irritating, I am afraid that I will be killed by Lao Luo by Lao Luo."

During the speech, Li Feng was going to go out, but I just raised his foot to think of Tiffany Aier's top has not been wear. If someone is standing at the door, isn't you seen?

"Cough, I will wait for you for a while, you should put clothes first."

Li Feng coughed, turned around.

Tiffany Erps is now a face.

, is this old master? What is this Chinese medicine hall? In addition to Li Feng's medical expectation, other feelings are not good?

Well ... In fact, Li Feng's medical skills can be described in the use of reliable, and they are in the magical.

Western famous doctors have no ability to make her skin pathogenesis, and her skin has become better, this million pound is not lost!

Just when the two were ignorant, there was a pot of porridge outside.

A middle-aged man wearing a golden silk glasses, a middle-aged man wearing a silver gray suit is anger, and it is the Norton in Tiffany.

Norton is called by Amy called here, and it is a big screaming here, and then rush into the miles under Amy's guidance.

Just then, Luo Tianzheng took a step in front of him: "Hey, where are you going, where is the place where our boss works, leisurers, etc., etc.!"

"What is your specialty?" Norton brows.

Of course, he knows this is Huaxia, not only that, he will also speak Huaxia.

Although the West has repeatedly disintegrated, put pressure in China, but it is undeniable that the influence of Huaxia in the world is increasing, and now I have learned Huaxia.

"What did he say?" Luo Tianzheng turned to see Wan Zi Road and others, and the Wan Si Road and others were also forced.

This is a special language is not true, it is hard injury!

Luo Tianzheng did not go to Donon to say anything, and he grave his collar. I don't believe you, do you believe it? "

"You dare!" Norton's finish, reach out, to open Luo Tianzheng's hand.

Just under the urgency, Norton actually said Huaxia, and he didn't open Luo Tianzheng's hand!

The trough, he is a person who is fitty all year round, and it has no bad old man. Is this specialty?

" , you will not speak Huaxia." Luo Tianzheng smiled: "How to, I want to understand the Huaxia, then I will mix it, you will be a fire, can you make a blind eye?"

The voice is falling, Luo Tian is pushing forward.

Norton only felt that a giant attacked, and he was not allowed to return a few steps, and a butt was on the ground.

"Mr. Norton, are you okay?"

Amy worriedly ran in the past, and asked Norton and asked.

Norton holds the waist, saying that the pain is said: "Hey, Laozi's waist is broken!"

Opposite, Luo Tianzhi did not cry.

Just now, even one percent is not used. This foreigner looks five major three thick, have never thought so weak, it is weak.

"Ah, is it so serious?" Amy saw Luo Tianzheng at a glance, then asked: "Mr. Norton, what should we do next?"

"What can I do, call people!" Norton stood up and put Amy opened the Amy, and then took out the phone and prepared.

Just then, the room of the inner door opened, Li Feng came out from the previous one after the first one of Tiffany Erps.

"Miss, you are nothing?" Amy asked in front of Tiffany Alie, asked.

"I am very good, Dr. Li really gave my illness, I can participate in the big show after three days."

Tiffany Elsea couldn't help but said.

"Ah?" Amy first glance, then went to see the eye Li Feng: "Miss, are you holding him?"

There are dozens of minutes before and after, Even Dr. Frank said that it is necessary to cure the disease ten and a month, is it treated by Li Feng? Is this okward?

"Amy, don't say, Dr. Li is really high." Tiffany Elsea blamed him, and then looked at Norton: "Mr. Norton, what happened?"

In her sight, Norton keeps the mobile phone's posture standing in place, and the eyes are staring at Li Feng, it looks very weird.

There is also the dialogue between Norton and Luo Tianzheng is Huaxia. She didn't understand, otherwise I knew what happened just now.

Of course, even if she knows what happens, I can't understand why Norton uses this eye to look at Li Feng.

Li Feng brows, he is not a fairy, this kind of fruit is used to see him with this kind of eye? This person should this be some of the direction?

"I ... Nothing." Norton spit out a turbidity and still looks at Li Feng.

At this moment, Amy suddenly said: "Miss, you are sick is a good thing, but I don't think we have to calculate it with Li Feng."

Tiffany Elsea's shot is picking up, I haven't spoken, I see Li Feng hopped: "Don't want to count, say good one million is one million, I talk or count."

"What did you misunderstood?" Amy laughed: "I mean ... this disease does not spend more than one million pounds, 10,000 is too much, so do you give more money to us? Miss? "

"Amy!" Tiffany El West is slightly changed, and it is busy drinking it.

It's just that Amy's attitude is very hard: "Miss, I know that your face is thin, this is handed over to me, let's definitely can't be a big head!"

Li Feng laughed: "Do you think I have received more than 1 million pounds?"

"Isn't it?" Amy bruises: "It is a simple skin disease. Even if you don't look for you, you can be optimistic, you will take a lot of money to be a million, really take us, is it?"

He has long seen that Li Feng is not pleasing to the eye. Anyway, Miss is already good, Mr. Norton is here, he does not believe this small Chinese medicine!

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