Save the Goddess System

Chapter 922 adds money

"Amy, enough!" Tiffany Erps once again sipped it: "1 million pounds are not what, spending these money, not only solves my big trouble, but also I have finished Dr. Li. The medical super group of friends, I feel very great, so this thing is here! "

For Tiffany Erpsi, which has a title of humanoid printing machine, 1 million pounds is just two steps in T stage, she is completely unnecessary to defense Li Feng for this money.

No matter which country, doctors are very fragrant, no one wants to be sick, but no one can not be born, it is natural law.

If you know a doctor's superior doctor, it is better.

Li Fengbei picks up, it is like laughing: "Miss Tiffany also thinks that 1 million pounds are more expensive, right?"

"Hey ..." Tiffany Aier West first, then quickly deny: "Don't Dr. Li, I really feel very great."

"You feel that the value is because I met me, the shake this, this million will not value it, right?" Li Feng's face is more concentrated.

Tiffany Alps didn't talk, because Li Feng said her feelings.

One million pounds, although she doesn't care about this little money, but she knows the value of these money, even if she takes some major diseases, it is too much to treat a small skin disease.

But this is a thing that is willing to play a wish, and she is not a person who is good at lying, so it can only be silent.

"That is also to tell you? It is not worth it." Amy said, scorn: "I think you are poor, and I see that our lady is asking for you, this talent is big. "

"Now, the sick is good, we have no worries, if you don't return money, we have to go to the court to sue you extortion."

"As far as I know, if I raise a million pounds in Y country, I have been sentenced to 20 years of imprisonment. I said right, Mr. Norton?"

Norton brow microstruns: "The last sentence ... you are right, just in front, I can't agree."

"What?" Amy somewhat intake.

"Mr. Li is in the end, but he is still very rich, very rich." Norton spit out a turbidity, and looked at Li Feng, and said: "Mr. Li, I am JM Group, President Norton Neilles, Li Mr. is impressed with me in the German Spring auction. "

"Oh?" Li Fengbei picks up, and the face is weird: "Do you also participate in the auction?"

"Yes, I am also rushing" Sundes' summer "." Norton Nelsi smiled.

He also said in Y country, hundreds of billions of people, of course, here is the pound.

As a senior oil painting collection enthusiast, Norton Neilz heard the "Summer Summer Summer" will appear in the Dejia Autumn Auction, it is jealous.

Just when he was confident that the auction was in the auction, it could not encounter the fight between Li Feng and Gurite.

Li Feng is nothing, the keyure of the young man is too horrible. At that time, he gave up, and then looked at Li Feng with a price of "Sunders's summer" with Li Feng.

How can people who can smash the 200 million pounds to take a picture of a painting? Even if he also has a problem that the quantity value is worthless.

"It turns out." Li Feng nodded, but there was no meaning to know with Norton.

Let's say that the people who want to seal him, how can Li Feng may have a good sense?

"Mr. Norton, what are you talking about, why don't I understand it completely?" Asked the foggy of Amy.

Tiffany Elsea is also a nodded, what auction, what "Sunders's summer", she is completely unknown.

"No," Sunders's summer "!"

Tiffany Ayesi's mind is flashing, and it seems to catch the focus.

She remembered that he listened to someone in a piecey, this year's Delijia Autumn Auction has a Chinese rich with 200 million £ 22. The world-class painting "Summer Summer", the Chinese rich Will not Dr. Li?

No, it will not, how can the riche of the level will give people a doctor in a small doctor, this is too unscientific!

"Amy, don't you understand?" Norton looked at Emmy in a look at the eyes of the idiot, "Mr. Li is the" Summer Summer of Sanders "with" Sunders "with a $ 200 billion. Chinese rich, do you think he will be a poor? "

"What ?!" Amy is like being thundered, the whole person is in the scene, the echoing of the mind is "two hundred million" "Chinese rich" and other words.

"My God!" Tiffany Aieri took his mouth and shocked to Li Feng: "Dr. Li, Mr. Norton is true?"

Even if she knows that Norton will not lie, this news is really amazing, she still wants to listen to Li Feng's confirmation before I can believe it.

"Yes." Li Feng shrugged.

This is not a secret, and it doesn't matter.

"God ... I ... you ..." Tiffany Error you, I am half a day, and finally smirked: "This is really too crazy, it's hard to confuse."

At first she was a try to see the attitude came here, and if Li Feng has brought her surprise.

Unfortunately, Li Feng's long phase is not the type she like, otherwise, she has to have a feeling of him ...

At the same time, I have always been able to let Li Feng return money Amy's face has risen into pig liver.

After learning that Li Feng is a super rich, I think about the words he said before, and he only wants to dig down on the ground.

It's just that Li Feng is not going to so easily let him: "You just said that I was a big head, and I was robbed, right?"

"No ... misunderstanding, this is misunderstanding." Amy quickly denied.

Just kidding, he is just a small assistant, can only pull Tiffany Aieri's banner fox fake, and Li Feng is super rich.

In the Western world, rich people are the least troublesome people. It will make you defeat the fame, and you will make your family defeated people, and the sickness of capitalism reflects.

"In fact, you are really ignorant, giving the medicine to Tiffany is a diluted Tong Yan water. If the cost price is calculated, I only give you only 1 million, I have lost money."

"Originally, I am a fan of Tiffany. I am willing to bear this million losses, but if you say it, I am somewhat unhappy, so now you have to make my loss."

"Now ... take a one million pound check out."

Due to talking between Li Feng, Tiffany, finger.

Amy: "..."

Tiffany Elsea: "..."

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