Save the Goddess System

Chapter 930 Amy's betrayal


Li Feng took out a smoke and took a deep breath, and his face revealed a pleasant expression.

In the view, he is a smoke for smoke to smoke it here, um ... The two black grouse thinks so.

At the moment they have two smiles, accelerate the footsteps to Li Feng.

Li Feng looked at the two, and took out the cigarette case to twice.

One of the black masters shake their heads and play: "Man, here, the smoke-free area, you are illegal."

Li Fengbei picks: "Are you a police?"

Two black gaps have seen their smiles, and they shake their heads: "No, of course, we are the retired members of the Military Marine Corps of the Miki."

"So hang?" Li Feng said, and his face is still very calm.

Two black big Chinese noodles have changed, they have revealed hostile, why Li Feng is not nervous, the name of the Marine Corps retired person is not good?

"Kid, don't you be curious, why do we come to you?"

A black big man pressed the fire to Li Feng bowed his head and looked at him.

After using "body type change", Li Feng did not reach 1 meter at the moment, and the height of the two black giggles is close to two meters, which makes the two people feel high when they face Li Feng. .

"Frankly ... You are not worthy of me to have a curious heart." Li Feng spit out a smoke ring and mocked.

Because Li Feng is facing two people, this smoke ring is spit out, just spraying two black big men.

The two quickly took the fan, just let the two shocked, their actions did not have any effect on the smoke rhubers, and the thick smoke flutmed directly on their face.


Li Feng's behavior thoroughly angered two black giggles, and the two scared from the left and right, one person went straight to the cheek of Li Feng.

It can be seen from the two people who are tight, this fist is used up, if Li Feng is an ordinary person, these two punches will definitely take his cheek bones!

If it is not luck, these two boxes have to have his life!

Li Feng has a reason to believe that these two black gaps have been indicated by Elfa, so they will be so helpless.

"" ""

Two sullen sounds.

I didn't see any action in Li Feng, and the two black gods looked up in the ground.

"You hit." Li Feng shook his head, leaned over, took out the phone from one of the black people, and found the phone with the other party to unlock it.

Soon, the phone is connected, and the low sinking voice of Elfa in the mobile phone: "Is it possible?"

"Yes, the boss has settled Li Feng in accordance with your instructions." Li Feng learned the voice of this black man.

"Very good, I will give you a rich bonus, now ... You are waiting for me on the second floor of Eric to the Phoenix Restaurant."

When I finished Elfa, I hang up the phone.

"Phoenix Restaurant ..."

Li Feng's eyes flashed, took out the mobile phone and looked at the map, and then used the stealth to rush to the Phoenix restaurant.

"Amy, why do you want to be the Lord, promise El Fa's banquet?"

The background of the Art Center, in a separate dressing room, Tiffany Erpsi in the clothes looks very angry.

Just a minute ago, Amy told her that El Fa invited her to eat in the Phoenix restaurant tonight, Tiffany was naturally refused.

Elfa looked at her eyes is like eating her, she is going to go into the tiger mouth?

Just let Tiffany feel angry, Amy has helped her promise! This is the betrayal of red fruit!

"Miss, Mr. Elfa sincerity invites, I can't contact you on T stand, I can only agree."

"But Miss, don't worry, Mr. Elfi really just want to ask you to dinner, there is no other meaning."

"More importantly, as long as the lady goes to the banquet, Mr. Elf will give you 10 million US dollars, what is more easier than this?"

Amy smiles and slowly explained.

"Amy! I don't miss this tens of millions!" Tiffany snorted, the face is ugly: "You immediately give me a feast, no matter what way you use, understand?"

Amy's performance is getting dissatisfied, and she still wants to give Amy a chance, now it seems ... she has come to the end with Amy's cooperation.

"Miss, why are you so stubborn? It is obvious that the benefits of Mr. Elf will be obvious."

Amy's expression is somewhat helpless.

Tiffany Elsea extremely rare angry: "Amy! I am your boss! You should stand in my favorable angle, do you understand?"

"Okay, I understand, Miss." Amy is slightly changed, turned to the locker room.

Looking at his back, Tiffany Ayi is secretly determined, and then immediately relieves the contract with Amy after returning to BX.

It is not a few minutes, the door of the dressing room is reopened, but people come in are not Amy, but Tiffany is the most unwillingful man in this moment - Elfa!

"Miss Tiffany, the car is ready, please come with me?"

At the same time, Elfa is slightly smashed, the left hand is behind, the right hand stretches forward, very gentleman's hand to go to Tiffany.

Tiffany's post-awareness, the face is ugly: "Mr. Elfa, did you just see Amy?"

"See it, he said that you are ready, and I want to meet you personally." Elfa kept the posture that did not move, smiled and said.

"What ?!" Tiffany's face!

"What happens, is there any problem?" Elfa came straight to the face, and the face was weird: "I have already handed a $ 10 million check to Amy. Is it difficult to regret Tiffany?"

"No, I don't!" Tiffany quickly denied, then she felt that this is easy to make people mistaken, and even busy explains: "From the head to the end, it is Amy alone with you. I don't know this matter at all. Let's have been cheated by him! "

"Well?" Elfa complexion: "Miss Tiffany, you are really going to take the money and don't pay the account, I don't believe me now let the media expose this matter?"

"What?" Tiffany somewhat.

"Hey, I am consulting with Amy, but the whole process is recorded." Elfa took out the mobile phone and took a video.

In the video, Amy is indeed a banquet of Elfi in the name of Tiffany, and personally took the 10 million US dollars in Elfa.

"You say that I will give this video after you will see you?"

Elfa said with a brids.

Tiffany's face has become difficult to look.

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