Save the Goddess System

Chapter 931 Elfa's means

As her agent, Amy is her second mouth, some business is Amy to help her contact.

If El method exposes this video, the public first reaction is - "Ah, this is the meaning of Tiffany!"

What is the first time to clarify Tiffany, the public will think that she is doing crisis public relations, unless she takes out strong evidence, proves that this thing is really unaware.

But the problem is here, she has no evidence!

"Mr. Elfa, you bought Amy, right?"

Tiffany spit out a touch and asked.

Elfa light flashed, and smiled and smiled: "Miss Tiffany, I don't quite understand what you mean. Amy is your broker, all his actions are based on your interests, except for you, no Can people buy him, isn't it? "

"No, he betrayed me." Tiffany is a dark, then frowning: "You really just want to have dinner with me, no other attempt?"

Elfa knew that there was a door, and now I am happy, out of mouth: "Of course, I swear."

"Okay, let's go out." Tiffany smiled and took out the dressing room first.

Although Tiffany did not let him hold hands, Elfa did not have any dissatisfaction.

Good things are worth waiting, this time Tiffany is more resistant to him, the more excited.

After the dressing room, Elfa will take Tiffany from the back door to the art center.

Who knows Tiffany's insistence on the door, El Fa has not thought, accompanying her to the main entrance.

Out of the main entrance, Tiffany is surrounded by a group of media reporters waiting outside the door.

"Thank you, but I will go to the restaurant with Mr. Elf, so I can't accept everyone's interview. Please let everyone let it make."

Tiffany keeps a smile and said.

On the side, Elfa is moving in the heart, Tiffany actually publicly opened this, interesting.

This news is like a bomb, which instantly detonates the emotions of these media reporters.

Elfa is a super rich, married man, and the reputation is still very bad, Tiffany wants to have dinner with him ... very fascinated!

"Miss Tiffany, may I only have two people to get dinner?"

"Miss Tiffany, are you dating this?"

"Mr. Elfa, I heard that you have always been very adequate Music, this time I have dinner with Miss Tiffany, do you have a deeper destination?"

"Mr. Elfa ..."

After shocking, the media reporters got the question of this question.

"It is not possible!" Elfa shrugged, under the protection of bodyguards, protect Tiffany left here.

Sitting into El Fa's extension, Tiffany smiled: "Now the world knows that I have to die with Mr. Elf, if I have an accident, Mr. Elfa is the biggest suspect. People ... "

She insisted on going to the door, that is to let the media reporters know that they have went this evening, what did it do.

As long as these media know, she will be reported by her popularity. When they come, they know that she tonight with El Fa. Dinner.

Under the world's attention, Elfa did not dare to make her trick.

Not only that, Tiffany has already opened the recording function on the phone, which is also a reincarnation.

Elfa eyebrows picks up, laugh: "Miss Tiffany, what do you think I will do?"

"I don't know." Tiffany sighed, slightly helplessly said: "Just Mr. Elfa is not too good, I have worried."

There is too much woman in Elfa, although it is exposed, but there are many people who know in the circle.

It is impossible to eat the big gray wolf with Elfa, Tiffany is impossible.

"Haha, those are rumored, when you are not truth, I have always been a gentleman to the woman."

Elfa smiled slightly and said.

Tiffany nodded: "Then it is good."

Also in the way.

After half an hour, the extended version of the phantom came to the door of the Phillis restaurant, and the dining room that received the message was already waiting at the door.

After the vehicle stopped, the boss actually took the door to Elfa and shocked the underground.

Whether it is Tiffany or Elfa, it is a VIP in the VIP. Although Phillis's boss is also a rich, it is very humble in front of the two.

After the crowd, Li Feng in the stealth situation saw this scene, I couldn't help but smile: "If you have enough, you can do it for what you want, but Tiffany looks like there is nothing. Is it very happy to talk to the El Fa?"

If this is true, then he will take a good thing if he is shot?

No, the judgment of the system will not be wrong, and this is definitely there is the inside of his understanding.

I thought about it, Li Feng followed the restaurant behind the restaurant.

On the second floor of the restaurant, the VVIP package, Elfa, Tiffany is relatively, two waiters are standing after two people, and they will provide services before.

Soon, at the dessert end of the meal, Elfa made the waiter to have a bottle of Romani Kang Emi, and the wine glasses said: "Miss Tiffany, in order to meal with you, I hope that too long Too long, now this wish is reached, just like dreaming, it is generally unhappy. "

"In order to celebrate your dreams come true, I respect you, have a cup."

"Mr. Elfa is heavy." Tiffany smiled slightly and said: "I am sick in the past few days, eat the cake, so I can't drink."

Elfa eyebrows pick, shake his head: "Miss Tiffany, as far as I know, you have not taken the cefride."

Tiffany's face is slightly changed: "Do you monitor me?"

"No, I just guessed that you will say this, so I asked Amy in advance." Elfa shook his head, then laughing: "It doesn't matter, since Tiffany doesn't want to drink, I will not be difficult, I will not be difficult. I drink myself. "

When he finished him, he did a stand and dried this glass of red wine.

Tiffany's eyebrows, there is a surprised color in the eyes.

As the saying goes, women are not drunk, men have no chance.

She thought that Elfa would make it unknown to persuade her drink. I have never thought that El Fa is so simply giving up, so Elfi really just wants to have dinner with her, no other attempt?

Still ... Is there a problem in the meal?

However, there is no abilities after Elfa consumes these meals, which will gradually dispense the Cootes of Tiffany.

Just when dinner is close to the end, the waiter standing after the Elfa suddenly took out a pocket watch, said to Tiffany: "Miss Tiffany, please see here."

Tiffany's consciousness looked at the waiter, with the coming back of the pocket watch, her consciousness suddenly became blurred ...

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