Save the Goddess System

Chapter 932 Hypnosis Master

The blurred moment of consciousness, Tiffany's expression has become a bit sluggish, this state has continued to be é, then her expression will return to normal.

Following Tiffany to show a charm expression: "Dear, when will we go back to the hotel?"

In the heart of Elfa, I was out of mouth: "Is it successful?"

"Mr. Elf, Miss Tiffany has been hypnotized, and within 24 hours, she will treat you as the closest person, let you apply."

"After 24 hours, she will completely lose this part of memory, you will not have any worries."

After the Elfa, the waiter smiled and said.

"Very good, you are very good! Before you go back to the hotel, I will transfer 1 million US dollars to your bank card." Elfa took a turbidity and slowly said.

In order to reach a plan tonight, El Fa is not only bought for $ 1 million. He also bought a world-class hypnotic master with two million dollars, which is the waitress behind him. the man.

His name is Phil, belongs to the Ultra-Millennium Superman, which is a high person who knows under the coincidence of Elfa.

In order to ask Phil, he presuppose a million dollars in advance, and then gives Phil1 million after the event.

For a woman, Jier ethereal before and after, there is more than 3 million US dollars, and ordinary people are difficult to understand, but the super rich for the world's tenth, the value of these money!

"Dear, what is he saying, how can I not understand?"

Opposite, Tiffany asked with a look.

"Hahaha, dear, you don't have to care about what he said, what you need to think now is how we have to spend this evening."

"Hey ... The underwear you wear on T is very good, I have bought it from Norton, I will put it on the hotel."

The Elfa eyes flashed a smell of evil and smiled.

Tiffany pretty face is red, and he said: "Okay, ä loves."

In the corner of the package, Li Feng in the stealth state is sneak shot with a mobile phone. When he saw it, he couldn't help but pump the mouth.

I special ... Elfa actually thought of him, it is really special, the same man ...

However, he just thinks that Elfa has already put it into action, leather leather, despicable.

But the words come back ... This waiter's hypodegenesis is very powerful, and the effect is the same as his . It is not to know what method should be used to relieve hypnosis.

"System, do you have to relieve Tiffany's hypodegenesis?" Li Feng asked.

"There are two ways, one is to completely relieve hypodegenesis in Tiffany, the second method is to change the benefits of hypnotism to the host. So ... Host plan to choose which method?" The system replied.

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... System, you are sincere, but also change the beneficion target to me, don't you know that people can't stand the temptation?

Of course, this little temptation is still difficult to read the beautiful Li Feng, but if you choose the first way, he always has a feeling of misping a billion.

"How much is the first way to consume?" Li Feng deeply took the mouth and asked.

"1000 system points." System replied.

"Hey ... Sprinkle water." Li Feng nodded and his heart was decided.

"Dear, I can't wait to take you back to the hotel."

Elfa pulled down the napkin in the neck, and wiped the mouth and said.

"Good dear, let's go back now."

Tiffany smiled slightly, and got up with Elfa to go back to the hotel.

Elfa smiled and sat in the position and waited for Tiffany to take him up.

Just then, the knockout sounded, and the Elfa eyebrow pointed: "Who?"

I only heard the voice of a woman in the door: "Mr. Elfa, I am the waiter of this store, because your consumption reaches the standard, so the boss deliberately gives Mr. Elf a bottle of red wine."

"No need." Elfa snorted, and it was very unpleasant.

Laozi is so laughing, and the Laozi has a bottle of wine that is rich in the restaurant?

"No, you need it." The female voice came again.

El method: "???"

What is the "you need", do you think about me?

Is the waiter growing with a dog? No, this is said to be insulting dogs, and her mind is lyl!

"Bill, go to the door, I have to see who is to give me wine."

Elfa snorted, pressed against anger.


The waiter after the Elfa is turned to the door and will play the door, and then he stunned.

No ... It is a woman's voice, but how do you stand in the door? And this man didn't wear a waitress, what is this special?

"Phil?" Elfa called a confused, while turning to see, then he just like Phil, the whole person is on the spot.

The appearance is a Chinese man in front of him, and it is his acquaintance - Li Feng!

I rub, why Li Feng will appear here, did his two bodyguards don't say Li Feng gave it?

"Mr. Li?" Tiffany has never hypnotized, but the relevant memories have not been lost, so I recognize Li Feng at a glance.

Li Feng shrugged, then turned to look at El Fa, grinned: "It's not surprising that it is not surprised to stimulate?"

Tiffany is a bit awkward, and you are surprising, she is not enough.

Elfa feels that it is true to stimulate: "Why are you here, these two?"

"If you are talking about the two retired marine team members ... then they should still sleep at the corners of the art center."

"I don't know if the staff there will take them as a tramp and reward them."

Li Feng is like laughing.

The Elfa pupil is shrinkage: "People who talk to me are you? The woman's voice is also sent?"

"The brain is not stupid." Li Feng smiled.

"Hey, I didn't expect your means so much. I didn't look at you." Elfa deeply sucking, cold: "Since you are not hurt, then we have two kinds of grievances, I still have something to do. , Hurry, don't delay my time. "

Li Fengbei picks: "You can walk, Miss Tiffany must stay."

"Haha, do you let her leave? Even if you are her friend, what qualifications do?" Elfa laughed, and then looked at Tiffany: "Dear, tell this Huaxia kid, you want Don't want to go with me. "

Tiffany nodded: "Of course, pro ..."

At this moment, Tiffany had a sudden color, she said, she said, "I ... I just did it ..." Dr. Li, Dr. Li, Dr. Li, when did you come? Is it here? "

I heard this, the Elfa face!

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