Save the Goddess System

Chapter 947 Unconventional Means

When I came to the front desk, I found a trade bureau staff, Tang Qiong said: "Hello, I will find Mr. Carlos Bowman, I am at a few floors."

The staff is allocating the mobile phone, and looks up to see Tang Qiong immediately reveal the color of the stunning: "Do you have an appointment with Bowman Trade?"

"Some, my name is Tang Qiong. I was about to Bowman yesterday." Tang Qiong said with a smile.

"Okay, please wait." The staff pick up the internal phone and quickly got a confirmation: "Bowman Trade officials on the 4th floor 16B room, let you go up again, you can go there first. The seating area is waiting. "

"Okay thank you."

Tang Qiong nodded, came to the rest area for 8 minutes, get up to the elevator, take the elevator on the 4th floor.

In this process, Tang Qiong has been looking back and forth, looking for Li Feng, but she disappointed that she didn't see Li Feng's shadow.

"Say your secret to protect me, why didn't you come in?"

In Tang Qiong's conjecture, Li Feng should be a camouflage and follow her back, and the result did not see Li Feng's figure, she was inexplicably.

However, Tang Qiong changed to think, if she can find Li Feng, Li Feng also talks about why?

"Forget it, since he said this, he will definitely do it, I have a hundred percent confidence in him."

Tang Qiong is not just self-comforting. She is really a fanatic confidence in Li Feng. After all, I want to wear a woman who is watching Tiffany to Li Feng. How can it be confident?

Two minutes later, Tang Qiong came to the door of the 4th floor 16B and knocked the door.

Soon, a low boy voice came in the room: "Please come."

Tang Qiong deeply sucking, putting emotions, expressions to the best, and pushed the door and went in, and saw the white middle-aged man sitting behind the desk - Carlos Bowman.

Carlos Bowman looked around 40 years old, the five senses were positive, and a golden short hair was combed, and the well-made oil was bright.

He is wearing a set of decent black suit, black shirt, red tie, hanging a work card in front of the chest, looks very spirit.

"You must be Miss Tang Tang, welcome to welcome."

Carlos Bowman flashed a light in the eyes, got up and went to Tang Qiang to shake her hand.

Tang Qiong wanted to be gently held with him. Who knows that Carlos Bowman did not have to let go, he has been holding her hand: "I have heard that Miss Tang Qiong is the same as the angel, today. When I saw it, I didn't pass the name. "

Tang Qiong Xiuyou was smashed, and he took advantage of his hand: "Mr. Baimain praises."

Carlos Bowman's hippole, the face is unsettled, he laughed behind him: "Miss Tang Qiong, I should call you here today, should you clear?"

"Yes, you want to talk to me to tell me questions." Tang Qiong nodded, then frown: "But I don't understand is that the procedures of our company are in accordance with LD law. Why can't I get an import approval? "

"This problem is very complicated. Now I still have a more important business to handle. If the Tang Miss has time, we can talk while eating." Carlos Bowman made a difficult look.

Tang Qiono first glance, I don't know how to answer him for a while.

Just then, a voice sounded directly in her mind: "Promise him!"

It is Li Feng's voice!

Tang Qiong was scared, and the next consciousness went around.

"Don't turn, you can't see me." Li Feng's voice continued to sound in her mind.

Tang Qiong was exhausted with the whole body and stopped the impulse of himself to turn his head: "Ok, then I will set a restaurant first, and I will call you directly or ...?"

"Give me a message." Carlos Bowman took a business card to hand in Tang Qiong.

When Tang Qiong left here, Carlos Bowman took out the phone to dialed a call: "Mr. Guurt, the fish has been hooked ... Ok, I know."

After he hangs up the phone, he walked to the window and looked at Tang Qiong, who had walked downstairs, secretly said: "It's a coveted oriental beauty ... but she is staring at the Guite family. The prey, if I can ... "

Speaking here, Carlos Bowman's face has come out of the soul and a teaching expression, extremely annoying.

After 10 minutes, Li Feng came out of a unmanned corner and slowed down to Panamel, pulled the car door.

Tang Qiong took a look at Li Feng asked: "What is going on, your voice directly appears directly in my mind?"

Even I have already seen the magic on Li Feng, Tang Qiong is still an untrue sense of dream, this scene in TV, novels, actually appeared in her side.

God, how many secrets are Li Feng?

Li Feng shrugged: "Almost, if you are like me, I can do this."

"I have a chance?" Tang Qiong's tone suddenly cut.

In the past, her dream was to achieve economic and poison through her own efforts. Now the control of Tang family. Now this goal has been realized, and the new dream has appeared, that is, as Li Feng be a martial arts.

This dream Tang Qiong is a little shy to say that a girl home is not suitable for killing, and then she is also very subtle with Li Feng.

However, through this opportunity, Tang Qiong still asked the courage.

"Well ..." Li Feng heard a slightly, the face was weird: "Of course, you have missed the best cultivation age, and it must not reach my present realm according to routine means."

"Is there a unconventional means?" Tang Qiong got a focus.

"Yes, but this means will not be said." Li Feng faces more weird.

Once the matters of mutual power, once it is said, it will be good by Tang Joh.

Just Tang Qiong is refused to let Li Feng at this time: "I really want to know."

"The timing is not arriving." Li Feng mysterious smiled, persuaded: "You go to order the restaurant first, this matter is the same as me, there is a Guri family participation, and it is estimated that it will be a little dangerous."

"But there is no relationship, I can let the Gu Lit family have been in service once, and they can make them accept the second time. I will protect you behind, you can do it with confidence."

The calls of Carlos Bowman have been listening to the ear by Li Feng. Since the Gulit family knows that he is the middle-aged strong, I dare to deal with Tang Qiong, which means that the Gulit family has rely.

Is it the other old ancestors of the Gulit family?

Oh, what is it, he is not a person who is fighting, and it is time to showcase Luo Tianzheng, Wanzao and others!

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