Save the Goddess System

Chapter 948 The task is very arduous.

Thinking of this, Li Feng took out the phone to dialed the phone, and made a arrangement.

In this process, Li Feng's whole journey under the wind, to prevent the wall with ear, even the Tang Qiong in the side did not know what he said in the phone.

After 10 minutes, Tang Qiong found a restaurant with a high-grade restaurant, and then booked a private room by online booking.

After finishing these, Tang Qiong took the business card of Carlos Bowman and sent relevant information on his mobile phone.

At the same time, a system prompt sound suddenly sounded: "Hey, host, you have new tasks, do you see it right now?"

Li Fengbei picks: "View!"

"Task: Save the goddess Tang Qiong (4)"

"Task Goal: Use all the power that can be used, smash the conspiracy of the Gulit family, ensuring the safety of the goddess Tang Qiong, if the task fails, deduct the host 20 million system points for punishment."

"Task Reward: 5 million experience value, 10 million system points, 100 conquers points."

"Task: Save the goddess Aisa Ya (2)"

"Task Objective: Use all the power that can be used, smash the conspiracy of the Gulit family, ensuring the safety of the goddess, if the task fails, then deduct the host 20 million system points for punishment."

"Task Reward: 5 million experience value, 10 million system points, 100 conquers points."

After reading the task, Li Feng couldn't help but brow microstruck: "The rewards added by the two tasks are 10 million experience values, and it seems that the task is very difficult ..."

The more task rewards, the larger the task is more difficult, and the reward of 10 million experience value plus 20 million system points is enough to show that this task is much more difficult.

The key is that in the case of Luo Tianzheng, Wan Zi Road is helpless, what is the situation in the Gutote family? Is it so difficult to deal with?

Li Feng fell into a deep meditation.

After half, he was sprinkled with a smile: "I went to take the smoke."

If you don't want to return to Tang Qiong, he will get off the door, really take out a smoke.

In the memory of Tang Qiong, Li Feng seems to be smoking, at least didn't smoke in front of her, how can you suddenly pick your smoke now?

How to drop, smoking is more interesting than talking to this lady?

That is to know that there are many women in Li Feng, otherwise Tang Qiong will say a "single!"

Wait ... Now I am alone with the strength of the person.

Thinking of this, Tang Qiong is a little wanting to cry without tears ...

Tang Qiono didn't know that Li Feng is deliberately doing it. Since it knows that the situation is very serious, then he will tell those people "Xiaoye in Tang Qiong".

Although he will continue to enter the stealth state, protect Tang Qiong, but sometimes smashing more nervous.

In this way, you can make the other party's base card, the province's destruction is a wave, and brush it out and is annoyed.

Just like this opportunity, completely solve this hidden dangers of the Guret family!

At the same time, the manager of the restaurant in Tang Qiong booking room received a call. After the call, he used the fastest speed to cancel all the reservations at noon at noon, even if it pays three times the default of the breach of contract is also at all. .

Not long after the reservation cancelled, there are some "customers" to enter the restaurant. These "customers" look like there is no difference with ordinary people, but if they are carefully observed, they will find that these "customers" have a clear. Strong temperament.

Not only that, all the agencies within three kilometers of restaurants have received an emergency warning of the police, saying that there is a group of KB, which is about to come here, once a KB attack, all personnel must grasp the evacuation.

Because of the LD, it took several KB attacks, so these institutions have done the corresponding drills, although they are flustered, but they can do in an orderly evacuation.

The staff of the Trade Bureau has postponed this warning for an hour, and this time Carlos Bowman has found Tang Qiong, sitting on her driver to the restaurant.

As for Li Feng ... he disappeared again in the sight of the person who surveillan ...

"The vultures call the eagle, the vultures called Qiying, Li Feng did not see, did he appear on the restaurant, Over!"

"Vulture vulture, I am an eagle, there is no abnormality in the restaurant, OVER!"

"The vulture is received, everyone keeps a first-level alert, I will report to the owner as soon as possible!"

"Tiger received, over!"

"The gray wolf is affected, OVER!"

"Hurricane ..."

On the three kilometers of the restaurant, the restaurant is high. Several black people have the most advanced infrared telescope, tense to observe the situation and passing each other.

Not only that, there are also some people in the streets and some people who have dressed in the surface of the newspaper and drinking coffee. It is actually observed around the circumstances.

I am afraid that it has been evacuated here, but it seems that there is no difference between the other, the store, the restaurant is working properly, and the street is still people.

For this action, the number of people mobilized by the Guite family approached tens of thousands. How powerful to see the Gulit family standing in the Y Guzhen!

At the same time, Tang Qiong Apartment is located.

A Rolls-Royce phadate slowly came to the gate of the apartment floor, then, a white old man who was wearing black swallow tuxedo walked down from the driving place, and quickly opened the door to the right back side. Respectfully welcomed a middle-aged white.

"Second, this is the place where Tang Qiong Apartment is located. At present, Tang Qiong, Li Feng has already went out, and only Aishanya is at home." Yan Shoujie said.

If Li Feng is here, it will find that this tuxedo is a bit similar to Pound Langfaro, because he is a father of Pound Langfulo, a SSS +-level iswolf - Jia Wen Langfaro!

"Well, take me to his home." Middle-aged white said, he is Father, Fiiki Gutt, Philit Gutt, a half-term strong, and has been closed and shocked territory.

"Second, this kind of small thing I can go, Aiisa Ya is an ordinary person, where is you trouble you personally?"

Jia Wen, Langfalo once again persuaded.

On the way, he persuaded the other party once, but Fi Ome Gulit did not listen at all.

"Hey, last time Li Feng's hand is losing, it is because Han is watching him, the same mistake I don't want to make a second time."

Fi Ome Gutt snorted, Jia Wen, Langfulo, didn't dare to say more, and quickly took the way.

Soon, the two came to the door of Tang Qiong Apartment, Jia Wen, Langfer, knocked on the door, and came into a crisp voice: "Who?"

Jia Wen, Langfulo, I want to have a line early: "Check the natural gas meter."

"Oh, please wait." The crisp sound came again, and then heard a footsteps from far away.

"", The door, Luo Tianzheng's head is revealed from the door.

Jia Wen Langfalo: "???"

Fio Gulit: "???"

Not ... The might of speaking is a woman, but the door is a bad old man, this is a special thing?

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