Save the Goddess System

Chapter 950 Gulit Foundation

"Mr. Bowman, what do you want to eat?" After Tang Qiong landed, picked up the menu asked.

"Hey ... what to eat is not anxious, I have a problem to ask you." Carlos Bowman smiled slightly, and the facet flavor said: "Are you very deep with Li Feng?"

"What?" Tang Qi Xiuyu smashed, because Li Feng's prior reminded, she held a vigilant state, so Klos Bowman's seemingly intentional question made her very vigilant.

"Meaning means ... If Miss Tang encounters any accidents, Li Feng should be very sad?" Carlos Bowman's eyes were slightly squatting, and the voice smiled.

Tang Qiong's face is slightly changed: "Mr. Bowman, what do you want to do? I warned you not to mess, otherwise, I will let you lose!"

Before I didn't encounter Li Feng, Tang Qiong was very nice. Who dared to be thin in words or behaviors, she will let the other party pay a painful price!

Don't look at Carlos Bowman, can decide whether the new company can get imported by the company, Tang Qiong will not succeed in the other party's Yin Wei!

"Haha, Miss Tang don't be excited, I just asked casually."

Carlos Bowman shrugged, then took out a cigarette point and asked: "I listen to people say that you are in Li Feng, where is Li Feng?"

At the same time, he glanced at the left and right, just like Li Feng hid near this, it looks a little funny.

"He knows that your purpose is not simple, so he has been secretly protecting me." Tang Qiong didn't want to install it at this time, isn't it a show, Miss this will also.

Carlos Bowman's hippole, some don't believe it: "But according to what I know, he left you half an hour, after he didn't appear again."

"And ... don't have his portals inside and outside the restaurant, you are sure that he is secretly protecting you? Still ... He has already perceived danger, so it is directly escaped?"

When this is, Tang Qiong is changing again!

But immediately she shook his head: "Will n't, I believe him."

"" "" ""

Just then, a while came from the outside, even if the bag door was closed, this voice is still like a lot in the ear, very loud.

Tang Qiong was immersed, and quickly looked back, just saw the door door opened, a white old man wearing a gray suit came in a black bodyguard.

Tang Qiong was busy from the seat and asked vigilance: "Who are you?"

At the same time, Carlos Bowman also got up from the seat, three steps and two steps came to this old man, nearly 90 °,: "Gulit Foundation No. 134 member Carlos Bowman, Have you seen the Querent Master! "

Tang Qiong's face has changed, did the Gulit home are not dead? Is this re-elected? But that night, the Gulit family gathered, this person is not in it!

Also ... What is the Quett Foundation, the 134th member is awkward, it is very mysterious and very powerful ...

"Well." Philip Gutter nodded faintly: "You do a good, the next Congress member has a quota."

Carlos Bowmann is a mad color: "Thank you Guiliti, you have any tasks, I must throw your head and sprinkle blood, don't hesitate!"

"Well." Philip Gutt smiled nodded: "You stop first, then you have no ability to help."

"Yes!" Carlos Bowman did not have any feelings behind him, very obedient, standing.

Then Philip Gulit looked at Tang Qiong, and the eyes said: "Sure enough, it is a rare oriental classical beauty."

Tang Qiong was deliberately dressed before, but it was not intended to meet the meeting with Carlos Bowman, but also for Li Feng.

The woman is a pleasant.

Therefore, although Tang Qiong wore a professional suit, he played a careful machine, the upper body is a seven-point-sleeved white suit jacket, which is a white silk shirt.

Here we wear a white packet skirt, plus a black stockings, stepped on a pair of white pointed high heels.

This set of clothes is very good to outline her good line, plus the strong contrast of black and white, very much.

Of course, the clothes are good, the makeup is beautiful, and there is a foundation, Tang Qiong is like a colorful value, a woman with a double full, but it is no wonder that Philip Gulit will give such an evaluation.

This moment, Tang Qiong had a feeling of full-length watching by Philip Gutte, just like not wearing a pair, when she will take a step, her hands cover their brothers: "Who are you?"

"Self-introduction, I am Han Na Gulit, Zeng Zeng grandfather." Philip Gutte is a smile, then the right hand is a trick, a chair will fly from the distance, just fly to his body.

Then, Philip Gutt sat down and lifted the Erlang legs: "You are Li Feng's lover, if I let you become my woman, you say that he will hate the mad?"

Tang Qugong has changed again. When you are going back, let her feel horrible, she is as if there is a invisible wall, she will not retreat for half a step!

At this moment, the black dress after Philip Gutit was here to say something in his ear.

After listening to the end of Philip Gulit, I nodded, and the face ridicule Tang Qiong: "When I arrived at this time, I didn't see Li Feng's figure inside and outside. It seems that he really gives up you."

"Since this ... you will pay attention to your debt for him!"

The voice falls, Philip Gutt raised his hand to catch Tang Qiong.

In an instant, Tang Qiong felt that a powerful suction came, and he did not feel the fly to Philip Gutit.

Just when Tang Qionb is about to fly before Philip Gutt, a strong big hand puts on the shoulders of Tang Qiong, while an invisible gas is blown out in front of her.

The suction disappears, Tang Qiong stabilized in the original place!

"Well ?!" Philip Gutitt eyebrows, looked at Li Feng, who appeared in Tang Qiong, said: "What is the body of this? Still ... stealth?"

This package is close to the room, and there is no channel that can be passed by the roof, so how does Li Feng appear here?

What makes Philip Gutt feels stunned. Before Li Feng appeared, he did not perceive any energy fluctuations at all!

"Do you think I will tell you?" Li Feng pulled Tang Qiong to his body and mocked.

"Li Feng, I know that you won't throw it, I will know!" Tang Qiong tightly relaxed this moment, tears couldn't help it.

Just now, she really thought she was given up by Li Feng, the feeling made her painless life!

Now, Li Feng appeared, she did not give up!

"Little fool, I said that I will secretly protect you, and how can you throw you?" Li Feng held her little hand and comforted back.

Just in the moment he turned back, Tang Qioni suddenly puffed into his bad, and he got up ...

"Oh ..." Li Feng pupil, the brain is blank!

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