It is more than the tree, and you and me.

Li Feng is really particularly forced at this moment, and it is not necessary to add.

When are you, what is this? Tang Qiong still is still this? So, how can he have a thought to deal with the enemy?

No, Tang Qiong, you have to be responsible for the young master!

Just playing a rich inner play in Li Feng, Tang Qiong retired one step, pretty face: "You ... I ... You don't misunderstand, I am excited, so ... um ...... In short ... I don't want to express the meaning ... but ... that kind. "

Li Feng: "???"

No ... , isn't it the meaning of what is meaningful, in the end, you mean, you have finished talking about it, otherwise the young is panicked.

Opposite, Philip Gutit is also forced.

No ... I am fighting right away. You still stage this urgency, can you have serious? !

Because Tang Qiong's sudden move, Philip Gutt forgot that he had just asked, you see this!

"Cough, that ..." Li Feng sinking for a long time, then took a sentence: "I understand!"

I don't know how to understand, but in any case, he has stepped out a big step with Tang Qiong, as long as it is defined in front of the crisis, he is in the future of Tang Qiong.

"Well, you know it." Tang Qiong was shy and low, the little voice said: "That takes down ... Please!"

"Don't worry, these few .

Opposite, Philip Gulitte eyebrows, cold channel: "Tell melon crackdown? Huaxia kid, you are very arrogant, do you know, do you don't know how to deal with you, how to put it down?"

Listening to this words, Tang Qiong couldn't help but tight, so in Li Feng has been holding her little hand, keeping her to pass the courage.

Li Feng shrugged: "Know, the people in the three kilometers of the square are evacuated by you, and people who still stay in this are your people. There are tens of thousands of people so much?"

"If you come back, since you know where I live, why bother to play this out, don't you go to the door?"

"Oh ... let me guess, you are afraid of evacuating the resident of Chinatown? It is still a hanging family in Gu Liiti, but also is very big."

Said that Li Feng smiled slightly.

Philip Gulit is slightly changed. He did not expect Li Feng's judgment on the situation so clearly, even how many people he mobilized himself.

More terrible is that Li Feng, through these information, can know why he does not set the battlefield in Chinatown, and this Chinese kid's mind is very uncommon.

As Li Feng analyzed, although the Gurit family is strong, it can't be in the Y country.

Once he launched the encirclement of Li Feng in Chinatown, he did not evacuate the residents of Chinatown in advance. At that time, thousands of people were killed and even more than 10,000, which will be the huge scandal of shocked the world!

Even if the Gulit family finally grabs this scandal, it will make it hurt the bones, and it takes many years to recover the vitality.

To this end, Philip Gutt will be based here. There is no Tangren Street, the director of the police officer is also a person supported by the Guite Foundation, and there is no difficulty in evacuation.

At that time, Li Feng killed, and falsified the scene, engaged in the appearance of KB attacks. At that time, the Secretary of the Police Saver can also take this promotion, one fell again!

It can be said that in order to this program, Philit Gutit is planning for a long time, but it is really depressed by Li Feng at a glance.

"Do you think that my plan is these?"

Philit Gutt spit out a touch of turbidity and saying coldly.

"Hey ... Let me guess." Li Feng touched the Pakistan, half of the thoughts, said: "Do you also send people to Tang Qiong Apartment, try to put Aisa Ni Ya also control?"

Philit Gutt pupils, then laughed: "Not bad, you can guess this point, it is the strongest opponent encountered for hundreds of years, now the problem ... isn't you worried about her safety? "

I have seen some of the plans by Li Feng, and he will take this opportunity to pull back a game and defeat Li Feng's psychological line!

"Need me to tell the truth?" Li Feng's mouth hook.

"Is this time to talk about it?" Philit Gulit did not immediately handed it, but it was interested in playing with Li Feng.

Destroying a person's body is not difficult, and it is not more interesting, destroying a person's psychology, and then destroying his body and challenging.

Li Feng gave a lot of losses to the Guret family. After destroying his psychology, destroy his body, so enough to hate!

"It is also." Li Feng sighed and laughed: "In fact, I am not worried, because I have already prepared."

"Yes?" Philit Gutt was also not surprised, laughed and said: "I guess you can't think of what kind of power I will send to her."

Li Feng nodded and played: "I guess you can't think of what kind of players who will send him."

"You are a half-day strong, and the peak combat power can be higher than that of the hemish, I don't know what I said is wrong." Philit Gutt suddenly shifted the topic.

"The news is very accurate, it seems that I have left a lot of psychological shadows to the Guite family members who are lucky." Li Feng said with laughing.

"Hey!" Philit Gutt snorted, then ridiculed: "Even you are just a half-god-trurant, can you send what kind of hand goes to protect Aisa Naya? And I sent to catch Ai Sannya is a strong man! "

Speaking of this, the proud color of Philith Gulit's face can no longer be revealed.

Li Feng said that "send", only high status, strong people sent a low position, and weak talents will use this word.

Therefore, Philit Gutt can conclude that Li Feng sent to protect the human strength of Aisa Naya, definitely lower than the middle of the god!

Besides, the intelligence shows that there is no other strong in Li Feng!

He finally moved back to a game in Li Feng!

However, imaginary frightening looks did not appear on Li Feng, but in contrast, Li Feng's mouth still hangs a smile.

"Do you seem to worry at all?" Philit Gulit brow wrinkled, very doubt.

"Of course, I don't worry, I have said before." Li Feng shrugged, and said very much: "Because I sent to protect the people of Aisa Ni, one of the two half-level strong, one of them The peak, a half-god. "

"What ?!" Philit Gulit has a sharp change, then alarmed: "You must be scared me, I will ask Fio to make a phone call, so I can remove your lie, you Give me waiting! "

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