Two-sided feet!

Seeing the shape, the people who are in the face of Husowas, Rigs' s fighting, and the mood is somewhat complicated.

After this time, their feelings of Li Feng are not just fear, but also more admiration and close.

Li Feng did not have many gents in front of them, and often hit them into them. They knew that Li Feng was not to buy people, but his temper character is like this.

Therefore, Li Feng's behavior is very happy, even Luo Tianzheng, who is the least easy to serve people, said that Li Feng is very admired.

However, Luo Tianzheng is more and more fear of Li Feng to master their life and death. They have been resistant to this fear in their bones. After all, no one wants others to master their life and death.

So this moment, Li Feng encountered danger, Wan Zi Road and others were worried about him, and there were a few more ... excited?

If Li Feng is dead, they will be liberated!

At the time of all the people who were all in Wanzi, several meters long bloody swords were in Li Feng!

At this moment, Wanzao and others couldn't help but send a sigh, and the fullness of the peak of the Hardpot is definitely not the mid-gods.

Even if it is hidden in the late god, it is necessary to be in a light injury. The middle of the middle of the god is seriously injured, and the weight is falling, there is absolutely no second possibility!

Even if Li Feng is very serious, Wan Zi Road is waiting to save him, and he has suffered a half-sided festival of a half-god of half-gods. He is nowhere to hide, only false!

Similarly, Philip Gutt also foreseeds this result, at this moment, his face has already exposed the high hatred.

Just waiting for his joyful color on his face, Li Feng has a flourishing ripple, then, the bloody sword is broken, and Li Feng actually did not hurt!

"What is the death, how is this ?!"

Philip Gutt is directly at the spot.

The people who have just been secretly sighful, and then they think that when Li Feng has played with them.

At the beginning, they thought this is the restraint of nine characters. Now it seems that it is not such a thing, this is a defense skill? !

At the same time, Papent sword on the white dragon claws, smashed the white dragon claws, just asked Li Feng a few words, he saw Li Feng's hidden cashier, and the colored swords were pulled.

It was also in the morning.

Not ... situation, a full-scale hit of a half-god peak, can't break a defense of a half-god, which is unscientific!

At the time of everyone who was forced, Li Feng directly opened his rudering, violent, suddenly he had skyrocketed, and the realm came to the late days, and the hidden touched the threshold of the peak!

"Time hourglass ... open!"

The voice is falling, and the time flow rate of Li Peak has dropped ten times, then he raised his hand in Pelton while he was swinging in Philip Gulit.

- Void!

A sword that is so far to cut everything is born in the void, and I will get to Pelton flash now!

In the face of this sword gas born from the void, Pelton is not too late to dodge!

The sound of "", the Papent's chest has a deep blood slot, the blood flow is asked!

At the same time, Philip Gulit's swordsman gathered again in Li Feng!

Another circle of gold ripples ... The sword is broken, and Li Feng is still no injury!

Invincible aura!

"This is dead! Why is this?" Philip Gutt is going crazy, clear his realm is higher than Li Feng, but it is full of hardship, how can Li Feng's fur can't hurt, this is too Not scientific?

Philip Gutt is just crazy, and Pedton is so scared.

Say your half-gods, how can a sword let him hurt? If he is wearing a best-in-law, I have to have some of his life!

"Philip, you stop him!"

Pelton screamed, picking out a small black bottle from the space storage equipment, unplug the bottle with the fastest speed, pour out some black paste, apply it to your wound.

At the same time, Philip Gutt flashed, and it was necessary to stop in the middle of Li Feng and Pedton, and strive for Turden.

At this moment, Li Feng suddenly waved the sword and then scored: "The fifth style of Tiantian Jian Dynasty - nostalgia!"

The moment of the Shenwu sword, with Li Feng as the center, and the square is falling into an absolute darkness!

This is like a large black cylinder with a diameter of two hundred meters in the world. It is a huge black cylinder that is up to thousands of meters. In this cylinder, all light disappears!

This is the power of the fifth fifty-fashioned night!

Not only that, but the night can also burst four times damage, and the trajectory is unpredictable.

"Lying in the trough, how is the sky ?!"

Wanzi, who is working hard, and others can't help but exclaim.

In fact, for the half-level strong, whether it is in the day or the night is not big, they can lock the enemy with a breath.

However, the dramatic changes in the rays will definitely have an impact on them. This is a human instinct. This impact is very short for half-god-level strong, and it is not found in 0.1 seconds.

The battle between the strong people, it is enough to determine the battle trend in 0.1 seconds!

Just in the dark, a black sword was brought from the Shenwu Jian, and the next moment came to Pedon's body, and that Philip was only in front of Li Feng!


A sudden sound, then it is a pain: "Ah!"

Philip Gututh is sinking in the heart, this is the voice of Pedon! Have he hurt again?

Just then, the night dissipated, the light was refreshed here, Philip Gutt first was first sword to Li Feng, and then looked back to Pedon.

After the situation of Philip Gulit, after the situation of Paperton, suddenly the pupil, exclaimed: "Mr. Pedon ?!"

Chunas, who is fighting in the distance, rigs to Wanzi and others, turned to this side, and then also sent a sound: "Pedon!"

Wan Zi Road and others also took the time to see it, and then I couldn't help but took a breath!

I saw that Penon was born in the late god of Felip Gulit, and the bodies of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred, there was no breath, and they couldn't die again!

Lying in the trough, Li Feng actually killed the Time of Philip Gulit, killing a half-god-old power in less than three seconds?

Does they should not spend?

At the time of everyone, Li Feng shouted his gods, smiled: "Lao Wan, Lao Feng, you will stick to it again, wait for me to get Felip, I will help you."

In this way, the face of Philip and others is difficult to see!

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