Save the Goddess System

Chapter 955 for half ahead

If it is placed in Li Feng to kill Pedon, he said this sentence, Philip and others will definitely.

A half-god-oriented player, even said that he would defeat a half-god peak in a short time, where is he come here?

But now they can't laugh, the opposite is very heavy.

This Nima kills a half-day strong in just three seconds, and the front anti-Flipper is all fart after three hits, this is a special, what do you dare?

"Philip, I still feel that your text is big, now I discovered ... You are very true!"

Chunas spit out a turbidity and complex complexity.

"Philip, you tell us, is it that you know that Li Feng is so difficult to deal with, so we invite us three to shoot?" Rigs also said yin and clear.

He is the vitality of the Bright Parliament with the Bright Parliament of the Bright Parliament.

I am afraid that they are very close to the Gutote family, and Philip invites them that they have spend a lot of money. At the beginning, it is 1 billion pounds per person, and the total value is worth nearly 1 billion pounds. Products, as well as some of the materials required for cultivation.

These things added more than 3 billion pounds, three billions of pounds!

That is, the Gulit family is rough, and it will not take so many things in order to kill a person.

In the beginning, Chuashios also ridiculed Philip, the more old, and the older, now it seems ... Philip is the timid, it is simply too foresight!

"I really don't know ..." Philip Gulit's mouth is bitter, but also regrets while hate.

He is clearly prepared, and the results of Fio were killed. Pedon was also dead, why is this?

If he puts his hatred, don't provoke Li Feng, is there anything?

No, it will not, Li Feng has a blood sea and fence, and if you don't find Li Feng to report revenge, the Gulit family also talks about what is the top of the West?

At the time of Philip Gutitt, Li Feng suddenly said: "Huang Weizhong, Wang Yuanliang, Wei Bin, three of you go to the old people!"

While talking, Li Feng sword!

- Void!


A sharp sword was born from the void, and the next moment came to Rigs.

Don't look at Rigs has been talking to Philip. His most thoughts are placed in Li Feng. He is the same as Pedon. Li Feng can quickly kill Pedon, and can kill him.

So in Li Feng, he is ready, waiting until Li Feng swings the moment, he is a little in the feet, and the body is like a monkey.

Under the influence of time hourgroad, Li Feng's speed is ten times faster than usual, and the void is extremely difficult to prevent. Even if Rigs responds quickly, the void is still in his right calf.

"" sounds, Rigs' white robes draw a big mouth, and the right calf is drawn from a deep cocoa wound.

At the same time, I received the Huang Wei, Wang Yuanliang, Wei Bin, and each of them held the nine and the god soldiers.

Wan Zidao, Feng Dehai did not dare to neglect, and each of them took out the bottom of the pressure box toward Chunas.

Now Li Feng is clearly placed on the wind. Of course, there will be any abarters, otherwise Li Feng is not fast, Li Feng directly takes out the nine peace of death, what should I do?

And telling the truth, Li Feng did not die, they were really unfun, but it had deepened the feelings of Li Feng again!

In the blink of an eye, Chunas was surrounded by five people in Wan Zhi Road, and all kinds of big tricks dwant him.

Even if Chunas is a strong peak, this moment also felt a small pressure.

Look at Philip Gutt, he is still waiting for Li Feng to come and lead. As a result, Li Feng turned his head and smashed the roof of Rigs, which made him feel that he was teased.

Under the seminated, the anger of Philip Gulit is full of slots: "Wild!"

A roar, Philip Gulit's body has skyrocketed a large circle, and the black suit on the body is shrouted.

However, the four-stranded pants he wears is very good, just like a green giant, even if he is born after hearing, otherwise it is special.

As the body has skyrocketed, there is his breath, before Philip Gutit is a strong peak, now it comes to the semi-step level!

On the other hand, Rigs has also been thrown out of the real fire, and it is also used to mad!

As with Philip, his body has skyrocketed a large circle, and the clothes are supported. Only the four-pool is still retained.

In this way, they should buy the same brand's four-pool.

After madness, Rigs' breath came directly to the peak: "Damn, you dare to hurt me, I want to put you into pieces!"

While talking, Rigs waves the knight sword.

With his movement, he also misses a knight's big sword in his hand after him.

"" "" "" ......

Opposite, Philip Gutt does not leave any bottom card, waving the knight sword with the gods behind him, and the number of blood swords will go straight to Li Feng.

In the face of the violent attacks of the two, there is no fear on the face of Li Feng.

While talking, Li Feng swims!


The square of the world will fall into the absolute darkness again!

It is also the fifth style of Tiantianjian method - nostalgia!

The surrounding moment, Rigs is in the heart of the body, the body, the nerves are all tight, and they are exhausted to hide.

Next moment, a violent sword was on his left shoulder!

Patient pain came!


Rigs can't help but call out!

At the same time, the darkness is dissipated, and the bright is coming!

Philip, Chunas heart, earth, fluent, just seeing Rigs who wrote left shoulders!

Next, the whole arm of Rigs is gone, and there is countless blood sprinkled off!

Look at Li Feng, after Felip, Chu Nas, it is still no injury!

"Pedon!" Chunas fell!

Although the three are the veteran of the Bright Parliament, Cocoas is better, just like the brothers, and her feelings with Pedon are not so close.

At this time, I saw the serious injury in Rigs, and the killing of Chunas is murdered, and the breath on the body has skyrocketed, and they have come to the semi-step!

Then he waves long spear sweeps!

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" ...

What happened to Wanzi and others to escape in time, did not directly have a long spear, or flew out of the violent feelings.

The enveloping circle of the five people will be broken in an instant!

Halfway, horrible!

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