Save the Goddess System

Chapter 956 Explosive Chunas

In the moment of sweeping the Wanpi and others, Chunas murderously rushed to Li Peak, in the hands of the black spear, straight!

Li Feng is like screaming, usually there is no movement in the same place!

Next moment, sharp-to-polar black spear head directly hit Li Feng chest!

There is no gas, purely physical attack!

This hit is that Chunas is thinking after thinking about it. Whether it is Philip, Pedon is still Rigs, their attacks on Li Feng are swords, a wave of violent swords.

However, the result is Li Feng, no injury!

So Chunas guess Li Feng should have a god-level equipment such as defense!

In this case, then he uses the most primitive means, take the gun and scatters, he does not believe, under the purest physical attack, Li Feng can no hurt!

So this trick he uses the whole force, even if the front is a one-alloy mountain, Chunas also has confidence to take a big hole!


A loud sound, invisible energy fluctuations spread around, and all the buildings around the world are all flat!

This is just the energy fluctuating, and it has suffered a lot of Li Feng, which is most energy impact?

Just like a dead person, standing in the same place, the radians of the mouth evil spirits directly explode!

"The boss is mighty!"

"Lying in the trough, the boss is too forced, and the poison does not invade the knife gun!"

"It is a boss, I really take it!"

"The money is, the burger is big, I can blow this year!"

Wan Zidao and others taking a breath, and then exclaimed.

From the beginning to the present, Li Feng has been handed over with the four people in the front and then, the result? Fly, there is no, even special hair style is not chaos!

Looking at the five people in Wanzi, there are more wounds on their body, and clothes are more bad, and it is better than that of the street.

Wei Bin, the most serious injury, there are two or three great gods in the back, although he timely seals the cavity, let the blood will no longer flow, but this wound is very blocked, and it is inevitable Will affect his actions.


"This is impossible, this is not scientific!"

Chunas finally realized that the feeling of Philip, the hurt of the confidence is not as good as the hurt, who can bear it?

"Existence is reasonable." Li Feng shrugged and ridiculed.

However, this is just a surface phenomenon, and his heart is also a batch.

Use the voids twice in consecutive times, nostalgia, let Li Feng's real consumption is great, but there is another hard battle.

More importantly ... Invincible Aura is effective for ten seconds, now I have passed 8 seconds. If Luo Tian is still arrogant after two seconds, Philip has not been scared by him, then he will kneel Here.

While talking, Li Feng returned to the hand is a sword: "Void!"


A sword appears in front of Rigs!

Rigs is inverting, and it hides.


The sharp sword wiped his left shoulder, a horrible wound appeared, blood bursts!

"Ah! I don't die with you!" Rigs is speaking, then turn around!

Li Feng: "???"

Chunas, Philip: "???"

Wan Zi Road and others: "???"

No ... I don't want to die, how can I suddenly run, I can't have to look, you can be a strong in the late god!

Just on the occasion of everyone, Rigs has already rushed out nearly 100 meters away, and Li Feng flashed a touch of hesitation, then turned to see Chuas: "Poor Mo chase! Voluntate, you are with me Cover Chunas! "

The morale of the five people of Wan Zhi has been completely excited. When they are all used in nine, the breath is directly soaring, each has improved a small realm.

Then, the five people of Wanzao used the quiet lotus!

Five black lotus hanging in front of five people, emitting black ports slowly rotated, with five people's control, five quiet lotings rose the trajectory, and once again surrounded Chunas.

In this way, Chunas is Li Feng, behind him is a black quiet lotus, and there is a black quiet lottery in the upper and lower, no return!

Chunas face, mad: "Sculptor small skill, see me broken them!"

The voice is falling, Chuashi is a black spear!


A black light goes out from the tip of the spear!

Just like the laser gun in the sci-fi movie, it hits the top of the top of the upper.

The ability of black quiet lotus is the energy of phagocytosis, the more energy of phagocytosis, the greater the power, the more energy can be swallowed.

Unless the enemy is hit, it exceeds the upper limit of the black quiet lotus can be swallowed, otherwise it can only be caught in this dead cycle!

The knockout of Chunas broke out 120% of the energy, the explosion of the semi-stepped kice, and directly rose the black Yulian.

"Lying! Run!"

"Not good, black quiet lotus is blown, flashing!"

Wan Zi Road is waiting for someone to change, and you will go back in the feet.

Originally, the black quiet lotus consumed a lot of freighter, which contained extremely violent energy, plus Chunas this explosion blow, once exploded ... That is a miniature nuclear bomb!

In addition to the high radiation without nuclear bombs, the explosive power can be compared with it. They don't have the enemy radius like Li Feng. When I don't hide when I don't hide? !

It was not long after Wanzao and other people, and the sound of the sound of spring flashed in the middle, just like a planet explosion in the sci-fi movie.

Next moment, this black quiet lotus exploded!


A loud noise of the eardrum!

The impact wave spread around, the building in the original square was destroyed by the first of Chunas' a gun, at this moment, the ruins of the party were destroyed by this energy, just like being plowed over. The land is re-plowed again!

However, this shock wave ratio is stronger before, after the one kilometer, it has spread two kilometers, and the building collapses!

If you overlook over the sky, you will find that Chunas is centered, and the square will become a coke soil within 3 kilometers!

There is a black scar in diameter six kilometers in modern urban!

Although the ordinary people in the three kilometers of the square were evacuated in advance by Philip, he still ambushed nearly 10,000 people, this hit, and his nearly 10,000 people were all over the army ...

"Lying in the trough, this foreigner is too fierce!"

"Nima, my five organs must be shocked!"

"Rely, Laozi's nose is bleeding, but fortunately, Laozi is flashing!"

In the distance, the rest of the life is generally long after the lifetime.

Look at Li Feng again, the invincible aura is less than 1 second, so the Suilian explosion does not have any effect on him, but the farm Philip Gulit does not seem to have some wolf, the skin is somewhat embarrassing.

As for the nearest Chunas from the explosion center ...

Wait, what about Chubash?

Looking at the place where Chunas stands is too empty, Li Feng, Wan Zi Road and others even Philip Gulit is in a state of being.

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