Save the Goddess System

Chapter 957 I help you ... Come on?

"So ... Chunas also ran, is it?"

Feng Dehai said with a face.

Wan Zi said that he nodded and his face was weird: "It should be ..."

Huang Wei's middle person is also a face, Nima, Just now Chunas explosion, it is very handsome, a trick to destroy the world!

To be honest, that is the moment that Wanzao is almost scared!

As a result, Chunasse is handsome in a second, it will run directly, this is too big to contrast?

Just like the previous Rigs, I shouted without death, I will run a big trick, wretched!

Philip Gulit's expression is no longer used to describe, lost, confused, shocking, no solution, look forward to ... Heavy emotions have emerged on the face, intertwined, and finally turning into a roar!

"Chuas, I got you out of the ancient ancestors!"

Well ... Maybe translation is not very accurate, but Philip Gutit is almost the same.

After roaring, Philip Gulitt took the Knight's sword and turned to Wanzao and others.

At this time, Philip Gutt is no longer intended to kill Li Feng, and the four people have turned to Li Feng. As a result, Li Feng did not fight, this also made a fart?

I have to be dragged by Li Feng!

However, Philip Gutitt Xingshi is moving, it is impossible to leave if he doesn't kill, then how do you mix in the Western world? I can't kill Li Feng, I will give other five people!

"Lying in the trough, Philip came over, flash!"

"The boss is helping, this person is a half-step!"

"Boss, we can't hold it, come to help us!"

Wan Zi Road and others consume very much, and it is a variety of injuries. Although it is a bit too much, but let them go straight to a strong person who is straight to the semi-steps.

Coupled with the performance before Li Feng, the people who have no psychological affordable people have helped Li Feng.

Li Feng: "..."

I special ... Xiaoye is also a strong end?

The invincible aura has ended, and the time hourgur is coming soon. The real gas has consumed more than 20 seconds, although the violent is 20 seconds of the violent, but he can't be an opponent of a half-step gates!

However, after all, it is the main owner of Jiuyi Zong, which is awarded. If he does not respond, is it a cold?

So Li Feng stood in place for two seconds: "I will help you ... Come on?"

Wan Zidao: "???"

Feng Dehai: "???"

Huang Weizhong three people: "???"

What is the god? Is this this!

I am special ... Wanzao and others are very fast, that is, Li Feng controls their life and death, change someone to Wanzi, Feng Dehai five people must first kill him!

Philip Gulit is also showing a mistake, then laughing: "Haha, hahaha, this is the boss that you desperately loyal? Run, it is too ridiculous, hahaha!"

At the same time, he waved the sword, and the violent bloody sword rushed straight to Wanzi!


Wan Zidao's heart is tight, and the hands are clenched with the nine sorrows, and they will welcome the blood sword.


A loud noise!

Nine comishes of the violent red light, the violent energy chaos four!

Even from Feng Dehai, Feng Dehai, who has a distance from Wanzi, will be forced to retreat from this energy, and the energy explosion center is directly overturned, and the body is almost changed to small stars disappeared. The sky is in the sky!

Li Feng's mouth smoked, I didn't dare to watch the battle again. I rushed up with Shenwu Jian. At the same time, ten illusory cyan peaks were revealed by him, and they slowly rotated around him.

It is, you can resist Qingshan guardian of ten times with the same level!

The awareness of Li Feng is close, Philip Gutt is busy with the body, waving is a sword.

The bloody sword is unusual, and it will come to Li Feng in the moment!


Li Feng used a void, and the body directly entered the void, escaped this sword.

"Well?" Philip Gulit was stunned.

His original intention only wants to force Li Feng, at least let Li Feng pause, then he kills a few people in this neutral, who knows Li Feng actually escaped!

Before Lee Feng didn't have a hard anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-fighting? Is it ...

Just then, Li Peak appeared in the original place, waving is a sword: "Vachane!"

At the moment, the hourglass has ended. Li Feng has no speed advantage. It can only rely on the secret of the void, surprising!

Philip Gutitt is a tight, and it hides it on the moment when the sword is born in the void.

The sharp sword passed directly from him three meters, even his clothes ... Oh, he didn't have clothes, even if he wore a wafer, became a female dress, this sword gas also His skirt can't be touched.

"Haha, your speed doesn't seem to be faster before?" Philip Gutt took down wrong.

Before Pedon, Rigs did not escape this trick, although he was higher than the world, the speed is fast, and the gap should not be so big.

In addition, Li Feng did not have a hard anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-hard, but the only explanation was ... Li Feng did not never! He is empty!

Think of this, Philip Gutide sword!

"" "" "" ......

The number of swords is continuously connected to Li Feng!

Li Feng snorted, once again used the void to break into the void, but the void flashed only to hide 0.1 seconds in the void, and when he arrived in the original place, and at this time, the last blood sword He flew it.

"Hey, hiding!"

Li Feng is sinking, bite the sword!


Like Wanzi, the violent energy of the collision burst, Li Feng is directly flying out of 100 meters.

In half of the air, Li Feng spit out a blood, slowly rotating the cyan mountain peaks to dissipate!

You can resist the Tung Mountain guards who all hit the same realm of the realm, which is turned to be broken by Philip Gulit, and Li Feng is injured for this!

Semi-step, there is a horrible!


"Lying in the trough, the boss is bombarded?"

"Lying, boss vomiting blood ?!"

Feng Dehai and others see it is a face!

No wonder that Li Feng just helped them to cheer, it turned out that he was really empty!

"Haha, hahaha, you really can't do it, it is really a sky!"

Philip Gulit is laughing at the sky, and the body will catch Li Feng.

After approaching Li Feng, Philip Gutit raised the knight sword in the hands of the knight, roaring: "The blood month sun ...!"


The moment of the sword broke out, the bright sky became a blood red, and a half-month blood-shaped sword was reversed to the sun straight to Li Feng.

This is the strongest sword of Philip Gutt, and Li Feng is already a strong end. Once Li Feng is smashed by this sword, then he has 99% of the probability to fall!

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