Save the Goddess System

Chapter 959 I take you as a brother, but you want to ...?

Luo Tianzheng is still a bit: "Watt?"

At this moment, the effect of studying English is revealed, and the next consciousness is not said to be said, but English.

In the distance, Wanzao and others finally turned over God: "Lying! It is the old man!"

"Lying! It's really old!"

"The bedroom is old!"

"Lying special! Long old?!"

"The old old ?! lying in the trough! Dare old ?!"

Originally, the style of painting is normal, and the excitement of Hanzi and others will change.

Luo Tianzheng's face is black!

No ... I said that I don't think you don't think, what is "lying in the middle"? Laozi took you as a brother, but you want to do it?

"Watt Watt, you are now the strongest battle here, can we live to see you, you will not live up to my expectations, right?"

Li Feng directly picked up a high hat and walked to the head of Luo Tian.

However, he is not intentional compliment Luo Tianzheng, Luo Tianzheng is the only half-peak player here, it can be used with Philip Gutit.

Coupled with the assistance of the five people of Wanzao, no more Will Felip Gulit is not awkward!

Luo Tianzheng came immediately: "Yes, pack it on me, please rest assured!"

In fact, Luo Tian is a bit of a gluten, and others will go to him, and he will worry.

Li Feng is a primary, boss, and Li Feng's praise is the strongest stimulant of Luo Tianzheng!

"Wow, yeah, good, you have a chaos thief, dare to rude to our Shen Zongzong, see I don't fight your dog!"

"Nine villains!"

Luo Tian is blaming, and the breath on the body has skyrocketed, directly from the peak of half-god!

Then he took out a high ax, "Wow," rushed to Feli Puri Purit.

Philip Gutton is in the heart, and the expression on his face is gloomy.

Just Li Feng six people, he has confidence to break them one by one, and Luo Tianzheng is with his strength, Luo Tianzheng's joining directly adds a big iron, and it is originally inclined to him. Lift it!

Of course, this thought is just quickly rising his mind, and the next instant Philip Gutt is cold and said: "In any case, I have to kill Li Feng!"

While talking, he will bypass Luo Tianzheng, first kill Li Feng first.

Just Luo Tianzheng will prevent him from this hand, and use the quiet lotus bloom.

Philip Gutt snorted, there is a scornful color in his eyes.

The five people who have just used the five people used this trick, and the result was broken by Chuashi, although Luo Tianzheng's realm was on the five people of Wan Zhi, and he was the same trick. Philip did not believe in Buganas Still bad!

Thinking of this, Philip Gutit is a sword: "The blood months!"


Blood color half-month swordster fighter, directly in black quiet lotus!



Black Qianlo is separated, directly swallowed it, then the black Jing lotus is trembled, it is like exploding!

Seeing this, the contemptuous color on the face of Philip Gulit is a bit, but the next development is beyond his expectation!

Black Qianlian is just a small meeting, soon recovering calm, next moment, black quiet lotus suddenly rising a circle, black vocal looks more rich, just like the appearance is brushed with a layer of black Paint is general!

"What is this ?!" Philip Gutit is a bit awkward.

The morale of the people and other people in the distance, each took the Jiu Fei Bing to rush to Philip Gutt, while the mouth ridiculously said: "You think that our long-elder quiet lotus bloom. Is it easy to break? "

"The old man is not the old, his quiet lotus blooms, except for the kitches, it is possible!"

"Yes, it is such a thing!"

"Lying in the trough, I am not opposed to the old Roan, but when you hold him, do you step on me?"

"Haha, we will give an alteration, play an example, and you don't want to see it!"

Li Feng's mouth smoked, this is a special time, and the old people are still here!

Lao Luo is very happy, the brothers are very giving a face: "The brothers are correct, thinking that the sword will break my quiet lotus bloom? He is thinking about it!"

Philip Gutt is angry with the sword!

However, he has not been frankly, this time he didn't use the black Yulian as a goal, but used a dagger tactics, the sword went through a weird arc, bypass the black quiet lotus straight to the sky. go with.

Since I can't solve the problem, I solve people who faded the problem!


Luo Tianzhao hooked a smile of laughter, standing in the same place, not moving, just like giving up resistance.

However, he doesn't move, and the black quiet lotus has moved. I saw black light flashing. The black quiet lotus appeared on the line of travel of the swords, and the two will be swallowed!

After the sword is swallowed, the black quiet lotus has risen sharply, and the luck is more prosperous!

Philip Gutitt is sank in the heart, and there is a desperate sense.

The martial arts of this Chinese grandfather is too surprised. He can't find a solution for a while!

In the distance, Li Feng, who is watching, suddenly received a system tone: "Hey, host, you have a new task, do you have an immediate view?"

Li Feng browned microstruck: "When you come to the mission, who is it?"


"Task: For the Welfare"

"Mission Objective: Help Luo Tianzheng and others catch Philip Gutt, and then let Luo Tianzheng wait for the energy improvement strength of Philip Gutt."

"Mission Reward: 5 million experience value, 20 million system points."

"I rub?"

After reading the task, Li Feng is a bit awkward, the system is enough horses, even if this kind of thing can think of, leather leather!

"Lao Luo, old million, use Jing Lotus to block him, grasp the live, then use" Nine Mac and Gong "to sorrow!"

Li Feng took out the system and shouted.

Let him play forward to help, he is unrealistic, he is moving hard, but he can give Lao Luo et al.!

Wan Zidao and others are watching: "Yes! This is a good furnace!"

When they arrived in this realm, ordinary furnaces had already got a more auxiliary role, but like Philip Gutt, the strong peak, sucking his skill absolutely let them further. !

It is very high, and there is a great interest in this huge interest, and it is quite blamed to release the Lu Lian bloom, and all the retreat of Philip Gutt!

Philip Gutt has just burst a burst, and the energy in the body has consumed more than half. At this time, it is facing the siege of seven black Yraun, and he can't rush it under the right.

For a time, the heart is desperate.

Think of the founder of the ancient Republic family, the peak strong, is it necessary to be sleepy here by these despicable people?

He is not willing!

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