Save the Goddess System

Chapter 960, I am, I can't help but ...? !

Unknone is burst in Philip Gututh, his eyes are red: "Burn, blood!"

The voice falls, a violent power is in his body, his body is originally a bloody fog floating. At this moment, these bloody mist actually like alcohol, and instantly burned it!

"No, he started burning potential! Take him in the past as soon as possible!"

Luo Tian's face is slightly changed, and I will rush into Philip Gutt in front of him. The Jiu Houx is turned down, and the blunt face is smashed with Philip Gutit!

Burning potential, this is the war life skills that the martial arts don't have to use, after use, can increase the power of about 30% on the current power.

It is only a general advantage of everything. This skill is powerful, and side effects are also terrible.

Once starting burning potential, it will hurt the fundamentally, leading to the realm to fall, and cannot recover, it is more terrible, he will stay in the realm after falling, no breakthrough!

For a martial arts, what else is it more painful than disconnecting?

Of course, Luo Tianzheng is not afraid of the burning potential of Philip Gutt, but ... this is their trophy. It was a furnace of a half-god peak. After burning potential, it may become a half god. Later or even the middle of the god.

For ordinary people, it is equivalent to missed a few billions!

"Give me death, old bastard!" Philip Gutt hated Luo Tianzheng, or Luo Tianzheng suddenly appeared, he had to kill Li Feng, Wan Zi Road and others took away.

So I saw Luo Tianzheng, the nine glasses, Philip Gutte did not avoid it, raised the knight's long sword!

Originally, Philip Gutit is already strong, after burning, just like a man who does not eat blue small pills, the war has skyrocket, even better than his peak!


A loud noise!

Luo Tianzheng only felt that a giant force came, and he shocked him three steps!

The two have the energy impact wave generated under the bombings, and once again, the ground will give the square three kilometers away!

Until the talents such as Wan Si Road came over: "Lying in the trough, this old child is crazy, actually sagging the roots!"

"Hair, how many pots have been burned, can't be burned, I can't let him burn, I am very sad, hurry to stop him!"

"Hey!" Luo Tian is stopping his body, squatting, saying: "Self-explosive black lotus, put him to the past!"

"Lao Wan, Lao Feng, Lao Wei, three self-explosive black lotus, old yellow, old Wang, you listen to me, I let you fry again!"

"Yes!" Wan Zi Road and others did not dare to hesitate, and the black lotus hit to Philip Gutt.

Philip Gulit is slightly changed, wants to break, but all the directions are blocked by the black lotus, he doesn't have the body skills like Li Feng, can only bite the sword to anger!

I can't help but I am ...


No matter his sword, black lotus, the black lotus is in his body!

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

Three loud noise, three mushrooms!

The gas waves are tumbling, the impact Philip Gulit is fluctuated, and the internal organs seem to have been squeezed together, and the mind is dizzy, almost faint!

Philip Gulit bite the tongue roots, this is forced yourself to wake up.

After waking up, Philip Gulit is more scarlet, and the time to surround the lap, and rush to Wanzhong.

"Lying in the trough, this old boy is still not dizzy, he rushed me!" Wan Zi said that he was aware of it.

"Lao Wan, don't you, just right, he can't!"

Luo Tian is screaming, and it is chasing the nine glasses.

With the reminder of Luo Tianzheng, Wan Zi Road has set some, and the nine gratia draws out a shine, straight to the top of Philip Gutt.

At the same time, Luo Tianzheng rushed to Philip Guliti, turned the nine ax, blunt, and rushed to Philip Gulit's back.

Philip Gulit feels that he hits behind him and panicked to dodge.

It can be at this time, Huang Wei, Wang Yuanliang controls Hailian coming to Philip Gurgery!

"Boom" "Boom"

Two loud noise, two mushrooms!

Under the impact of violent energy, the feeling of dizziness in Philip Gulit is more strong, which makes his movements have a stagnation!

"It's now!"

Luo Tianzheng did not hit it, quickly adjusted the gesture, and then came to the back of Philip Gutter, and he went down.


A sudden sound!

Philip Gutt only felt a pain in the back of the back, and he could not support the past.

Luo Tianzheng's eyes quickly, pulled him, then smiled and laughed: "Hahahaha, the trophy is in hand, he is mine, hahaha!"

Luo Tianzheng smiled, it was a rare, I didn't know if Luo Tian just grabbed a big girl!

"Lying, Lao Luo, are you too much?"

"The trophy is what we are working together, you can't swallow one!"

"Lao Luo, you put down people, other good discussions!"

Wan Zi Road and others immediately immediately, and quickly rushed to Luo Tianzheng, and wanted to grab Philip Gulit from him.

"Rely, I have a lot of good luck? Without my words, you have already killed this old boy, but also want to catch him? Dream!"

Luotian is just fleeing, while talking.

"Lying in the trough, Lao Luo, you said this, but I said it to a piece."

"Lao Luo you finished, the face of the master is black!"

"The main owner, hurry to put the arrogance of Lao Luo, otherwise he wants to get among the day!"

Wan Zidao and others chased Luo Tianzheng and asked Li Feng asking Li Feng.

Luo Tian's face color is slightly changed, and I shouted: "Zone, don't mention them, I don't think! You are definitely the most powerful, no one in my heart!"

Li Feng's mouth is smoked, dry cough: "Lao Luo, your performance is very good, I am going to reward you billion."

Luo Tian, ​​who is flying quickly, I am in the scene: "How much?"

When you talk, his hands are shaking!

3 billion pounds, how much is this, from the small to big, he has never seen so much money!

"1 billion pounds, the versators can get 500 million pounds each person."

Li Feng said with his hands, and he said.

Luo Tianzhi took 1 billion, and Wuzhi five people plus the Qiu Wei of the left-behind apartment to take 500 million, that is, 4 billion pounds, change to Hua Xia curian is almost 40 billion!

Even if the richest is ranked in Huaxia, I can't get so much cash.

Can Li Feng said that there is no stress, his Y Man account has a cash of 13 billion pounds, and there is still 9 billion after spending 4 billion. This is not other property ...

As for this value, it is not worth it ... no help, Li Peng is afraid to die here, is his life worth 4 billion pounds?

Luo Tianzheng et al. First, then went Qi Qi and shouted: "Long live the master!"

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